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21. Plant Physiology And Biochemistry Similar pages Journal of plant physiologyThe Journal of plant physiology publishes original papers, reviews and rapid communicationsdealing with all aspects of plant biochemistry, molecular biology http://www.elsevier.com/inca/publications/store/6/0/0/7/8/4/ | |
22. BJPP Formerly, Fiziologia na rasteniyata, Sofia, this journal publishes original scientific and methodological Category Science Biology plant physiology Publications Journals......BULGARIAN JOURNAL OF plant physiology (former Fiziologia na rasteniyata, Sofia)publishes original scientific and methodological papers, brief communications http://obzor.bio21.bas.bg/ipp/bjpp/bjpp.html | |
23. Australian Society Of Plant Physiologists Promotes Plant Science in Australia, and provides professional contact within our community of teachers and researchers in plant physiology. State Location ACT. http://biology.anu.edu.au/Groups/Plantsc/ASPP/ASPP.html | |
24. ASPB - Publications - Plant Physiology plant physiology Established in 1926, plant physiology is one of the world'soldest and most wellrespected international plant science journals. http://www.aspb.org/publications/plantphys/ | |
25. Brazilian Journal Of Plant Physiology http://orion.cpa.unicamp.br/bjpp/ |
26. Welcome To: M IQBAL, Plant Sciences, Plant Physiology, Nutrition, Photosynthesis Research at the University of Guelph in plant physiology, computer automation, growth regulation, chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis, DLgene study in soybeans, and carbon partitioning. http://www.uoguelph.ca/~iqbal/ | |
27. RSBS Research Groups Molecular plant physiology Group. The 2000. Group membership. The Molecularplant physiology staff/student directory. Staff profiles. http://biology.anu.edu.au/rsbsweb/groups/mpp.shtml | |
28. Biological Journals: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Et.c. List of biological journals from BioScience Lins biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, molecular biology, microbiology, plant physiology, ecology. http://www.biolinks.net.ru/Journals/ | |
29. THE PLANT CELL Consists of current and archived articles, subscription information, and samples.Category Science Biology plant physiology Publications Journals...... Cover, Current Issue March 2003 (Next Issue April ) Supplement 2002 Signal Transduction,Plant Cell Preview. ASPB JOURNALS, THE PLANT CELL, plant physiology. http://www.plantcell.org/ | |
30. Malaysian Society Of Plant Physiology Homepage Society to foster exchange of knowledge of plant physiology and its role in the development and improveme Category Science Biology Botany plant physiology Associations......Update. Malaysian Society of plant physiology. http://members.tripod.com/mspp/mspp.htm | |
31. Graduate Programme In Biology The research interests of the faculty are concentrated in Animal Biology / Physiology, Cell Biology, Ecology and Population Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, and plant physiology. http://www.biol.yorku.ca/grad/ | |
32. Department Of Plant Physiology Detta dokument finns även på svenska Department of plant physiology Umeå UniversityS901 87 Umeå, Sweden Phone (+46) 90 786 50 00 / Fax (+46) 90 786 66 http://www.plantphys.umu.se/ | |
33. Plant Physiology Online An online companion to plant physiology, Third Edition by Lincoln Taizand Eduardo Zeiger. Includes Essays, Topics in plant physiology http://www.plantphys.net/ | |
34. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF plant physiology (Fiziologiya Rastenii), ISSN 10214437CODEN RJPPE2. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Vl.V. Kuznetsov, Prof., Institute http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-bin/journal.pl?name=plntphys&page=main |
35. Institute Of Plant Sciences University Of Bern Includes information about institutes of plant physiology and geobotany. http://www.botany.unibe.ch/ | |
36. IPPM The homepage for Interdeptmental plant physiology and Molecular Biologyat Iowa State Univ has moved! Visit our new and improved http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ippm/ | |
37. Plant Physiology Spring 2001 It is designed to provide you with comprehensive exposure to the subject of plantphysiology. TEXT L. Taiz and E. Zeiger. 1998. plant physiology. 2ded. http://koning.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/Plant_Physiology/schedule.html | |
38. Graduate Program In Plant Physiology At Washington State University The Graduate Program in plant physiology at Washington State University is one of the premiere plant plant physiology programs in the United States. http://www.wsu.edu/~plph/index.html | |
39. Plant Physiology Fall 1996 SH215, plant physiology. Dr major. It is designed to provide you withcomprehensive exposure to the subject of plant physiology. You http://koning.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/Plant_Physiology/Schedule.f96.html | |
40. Italian Society Of Plant Physiology http://web.tiscali.it/sifv/INDEX.HTML |
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