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Aryabhata Ii: more detail |
61. Biography-center - Letter A Anastasius ii, www.knight.org/advent/cathen/01454d.htm; Anastasius iiI, www Arviragus,www.britannia.com/history/biographies/arvirag.html; aryabhata the Elder, www http://www.biography-center.com/a.html | |
62. Kalendarium Matematyczne W szóstym wieku. aryabhata. Matematyk hinduski, twórca poczatków algebry. Odkrylwariacje w ruchu Ksiezyca. Gerbert (papiez Sylwester ii). http://gamma.im.uj.edu.pl/complex2001/imuj2002/files/ciekawostki/kalend/poczet/p | |
63. Tavola Cronologica Translate this page ii, Favorino di Arles Epitteto Galeno, Adrasto Tolemeo Cleomede Teone di Smirne 530)Isidoro di Siviglia (560-636), aryabhata Damascio Olimpiodoro Eutocio (n.480 http://www.cieloeterra.it/strumenti/cronologica.html |
64. 1Up Info > Aryabhata (Astronomy, Biographies) - Encyclopedia aryabhataär´´y bh t´ Pronunciation Key, c.476550, Hindu mathematician and Nations(UN) World Trade Center (WTC) World War I World War ii. http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/A/Aryabhat.html | |
65. History Of India - 2: Alexander The Great, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire Samudragupta was succeeded by Chandragupta ii who was also known as Vikramaditya Thegreat Kalidasa (literature) and aryabhata (astronomy) lived in this era. http://www.indtravel.com/welcome/history2.html | |
66. CHRONOLOGY 467 AD, Last known date of Skanda Gupta. 473 AD, Kumara Gupta ii. 476 AD,Birth of the astronomer aryabhata. 477495 AD, Reign of Budha Gupta. http://www.kidsmahal.com/Do you know/chronology.htm | |
67. Citations: Companion Encyclopedia Of The History And Philosophy Of The Mathemati this form was studied by the ancient Hindu mathematician aryabhata 47 He Historyand Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences, Volumes I, ii, Guinness, London http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/788807/0 | |
68. Druice obrázku. * aryabhata, IND, 19.duben 1975, Kosmos 3 (11K65), první druiceIndie. obrázku. Landsat 7, USA, 15.duben 1999, Delta ii7920-10C (D-268),-. http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/dreams/102/vesmir/druzice/Druzic_C.htm | |
69. History Of Indian Astronomy aryabhata the First's system was followed by astronomers in Kerala (a being CandracchyaganitaI by Paramesvara, followed by Candracchayaganita ii by Nilakantha http://www.stormpages.com/swadhwa/hofa/ia.html |
70. Encyclopædia Britannica Bhaskara ii the leading mathematician of the 12th century, who wrote the firstwork with full and systematic use of the decimal number system. aryabhata I http://search.britannica.com/search?query=Brahmagupta |
71. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Antoine (179*) Aronhold, Siegfried (234*) Artin, Emil (475*) aryabhata the Elder Daniel(2341*) Bernoulli, Jacob (1913*) Bernoulli, Jacob(ii) (289) Bernoulli http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
72. Aryabhatt : Vedic Astrology Lessons ii. Order of the planets aryabhata describes the order of planets thus Beneaththe asterisms lie (the planets) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus http://www.aryabhatt.com/vediclessons/vediclesson5.htm | |
73. Historia De Las Ciencias Y Las Técnicas Translate this page 499 Aparece el Aryabhatiya de aryabhata (n.476). 750 Marwan ii (744-750),el último omeya, es derrotado en la batalla del Gran Zab. http://www.campus-oei.org/salactsi/historia3.htm | |
74. Mathematics & Science Siddhanta Shiromani, a book in four parts (i) Lilavati on arithmetic, (ii) Bijaganitaon in Kerala which saw itself as a successor to the school of aryabhata. http://www.bsna.org/bzine-m/jan2k1/bvani-y2k/math-science.htm | |
75. Lecture Outlines Lichchhavi) the Hun threat. Indian culture in the classical age (aryabhata). archaeologicalrecord, and current archaeological theory about the beginnings ii. http://www.uoregon.edu/~jrondeau/world_history/lecture_outlines.htm | |
76. So Biografias: Britanicos Em A Translate this page Arquitas de Tarento Arrhenius, Svante August Arrol, Sir William d'Arsonval, JacquesArsène Artaxerxes I, ii e iiI Arthur, Joseph- aryabhata, o Velho Asa Gray http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/LetraAB.html |
77. Hist2.html if c is divisible by the GCD of a and b. Later Hindu mathematician aryabhata (born476) found a way to give all solutions (infinitely many) for (ii) in this http://www.math.ucla.edu/~hida/106.1.02f/Hist2.html | |
78. Full Alphabetical Index Antoine (179) Aronhold, Siegfried (234*) Artin, Emil (475*) aryabhata the Elder (257 Daniel(2341*) Bernoulli, Jacob (1913*) Bernoulli, Jacob(ii) (289) Bernoulli http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
79. Astronomical Ideas And Interpretation In Vedic Philosophical Thought Furthermore, in his treatise on astronomy, aryabhata also expounds on the conceptof gravity. Sawai Jai Singh ii (16991743), then ruler of the city of Jaipur http://www.viveksharma.com/astro/ | |
80. Media-Satellite Television In India After aryabhata, India has successfully launched other satellites, the prominentones being the INSAT ( Indian National Satellite ) I and ii series of which I http://www.meadev.nic.in/media/cable.htm | |
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