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21. I758: William Loyal BEARDSLEY (27 Jun 1818 - 18 Mar 1883) william burnside. NI839 25 Feb 1777 UNKNOWN. BIRTH 25 Feb 1777;DEATH UNKNOWN. Father william burnside Mother Mary HUDSON http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~johnsongray/html/d0000/g0000085.html | |
22. I425: William BURNSIDE (ABT. 1732 - UNKNOWN) Ad. william burnside. NI425 ABT. _Gloud burnside _ m 1740 william burnside _Margaret STEWART _ m 1740 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~johnsongray/html/d0000/g0000088.html | |
23. The Work Of William Burnside burnside's Work burnsides first publication, in 1893, looked atthe order of finite simple groups, and permutation groups. While http://axe.acadiau.ca/~030199d/histmath/brnsd2.html |
24. Robert Burns Country: The Burns Encyclopedia: Burnside, Dr William (1751 1806 burnside, Dr william (1751 1806). Minister of the New Churchin Dumfries, he moved to St Michael's in the same town in 1794. http://www.robertburns.org/encyclopedia/BurnsideDrWilliam17511511806.170.shtml | |
25. Robert Burns Country: The Burns Encyclopedia: Index: B. See burnside, Dr william. burnside, Dr william (1751 1806); Burns'sExcise Commission; Burns's Lease on the Farm at Ellisland; http://www.robertburns.org/encyclopedia/index-b.shtml | |
26. A - D 1829 Census Of Laurens County, SC 8 Baley, John 7 Baley, Rebecca 5 Brooks, Sarah 7 Brooks, Samuel 5 Benjamin, Wold8 Benjamin, George 7 Bentley, Freeman 8 burnside, william 2 Blackwell, william http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/2932/ad1829.html | |
27. Genealogy Data Robert , Sr. Birth 1695 Death 1742 Gender Male Parents Fatherburnside, william Children burnside, James , Sr. This page http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/1174/dat121.htm | |
28. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/sc/oconee/cemeteries/c252.txt us navy burnside, Louisa Cobb, d. 13jan-1923, a. 76 y, h. ww burnside burnside,Wessie C., b. 4-feb-1891, d. 22-nov-1960 burnside, william Wesley, b. 11-jan http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/sc/oconee/cemeteries/c252.txt |
29. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nc/harnett/bibles/faucet04.txt Henry Faucette Oct 11,1881 Effie Bethune Faucette Oct 7, 1864 Thomas B. (burnside)Faucette Nov 24,1894 Emeline Faucette March 25, 1898 william Henry Faucette http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nc/harnett/bibles/faucet04.txt |
30. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Burnside To Burque main page. Index to Politicians burnside to Burque. burnside Seealso william burnside Buffum, Ambrose Everett burnside Stephens. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/burnside-burque.html | |
31. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Buffum To Bulloch Buffum, william burnside (b. 1921) Born in Binghamton, Broome County,NY, September 10, 1921. Served in the US Army during World http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/buffum-bulloch.html | |
32. Frank H. Burnside on Thomas S. Baldwin, Lynn Bauder, Lincoln Beachey, Joe Bennett, Tony Bitetti,Art Boston, Ralph M. Brown, Frank H. burnside, Joe Costa, william E. Doherty http://members.tripod.com/ralphcooper0/eburnsid.htm | |
33. The Collected Papers Of William Burnside Compare prices on The Collected Papers of william burnside by Peter M. Neumann,AJS Mann, JC Tompson. The Collected Papers of william burnside. http://www.allbookstores.com/book/019850585X | |
34. I12688: John Baldwin (26 Mar 1679 - ____) _ INDEX. 2548 S142 Bulkeley Genealogy Referencep. 5. HOME. william burnside. 18487 4 Jun 1842 12 Mar 1911. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~wdwrth/Master/d0000/g0000182.html | |
35. WebGED: Mollohan Family Tree Data Page burnside, Ida (~1869 ~1951) - female b. ABT 1869 d. ABT 1951 father burnside,william (~1850 - ) mother Peyton, Victoria (~1855 - ) spouse Mollohan, Annis http://heiseonline.com/mollohan/wgm6.html | |
36. CONTRA MUNDUM Authors - Issues 1-15 william H. burnside Dr. burnside is Emeritus Professor of History, John Brown Universityin Siloam Springs, Arkansas, where he taught European and American http://www.visi.com/~contra_m/cm/cmauthors.html | |
37. Brown/Dunn & Harbison/Garrard Parents Francis william BURGE and Martha or_Patsy DOCKENS. william Jake BURGE (Private). Archibaldburnside. Children were Mary burnside. Archibald burnside. http://www.hal-pc.org/~wibr/d30.htm | |
38. William william burnside. was born on July 2, 1852, in London. In 1871, he enteredCambridge University and was considered the best of his college class. http://www.groton.k12.ct.us/WWW/fsr/student/fall01/scholar1.html | |
39. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn Translate this page 2). Berliner, Henoch (2), Borel, Armand (4), burnside, william (1). Bernays,Paul (1), Borel, Émile (6), burnside, william Snow (2). Bernchteine http://math-sahel.ujf-grenoble.fr/LiNuM/index_au.html | |
40. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn Translate this page Berner, Theodor Mauritius (1), Borghi, Pietro (1), burnside, william(1). Bernoulli, Jakob (1), Born, Max (1), burnside, william Snow (2). http://math-sahel.ujf-grenoble.fr/LiNuM/index_au-lib.html | |
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