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61. Dream 2047 : VP News callippus (c.370c.300BC), also a Greek mathematician and astronomer, modifiedthe Eudoxus scheme by adding extra spheres for the Sun, Moon and some other http://www.vigyanprasar.com/dream/oct2000/oct2000.htm | |
62. The Homocentric Spheres Of Eudoxus Shortly after he developed his theory of homocentric spheres, callippus modifiedit by adding in an extra rotating sphere for each planet to better fit the http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~deborahe/core1.htm | |
63. Full Chronological Index 390 BC 320 BC) Dinostratus (387 BC - 312 BC) Heraclides (384 BC - 322 BC) Aristotle(380 BC - 320 BC) Menaechmus, (370 BC - 310 BC) callippus (360 BC - 300 BC http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/chronlist.htm | |
64. Itinera Electronica: Du Texte à L'hypertexte Translate this page 3 Caesare 1 Caesarem 1 Caesaris 1 calefactis 1 calfacto 1 calidas 1 calidiorem2 calidius 1 calidum 1 caligine 1 caliginis 1 Callippi 1 callippus 1 calor 1 http://agoraclass.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/Censorinus_natal/listvocabulaire.c |
65. Itinera Electronica: Du Texte à L'hypertexte Similar pages More results from agoraclass.fltr.ucl.ac.be Marieke's Walhalla Demosthenes WorksList of works Clicking on the titles below leads you to the Perseus online project,more specifically to the English translation of the text of your choice. http://agoraclass.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/Censorinus_natal/precise.cfm?txt=C |
66. ChuckIII's College Resources - Philosophy - Aristotle - Free Term Papers, Book R method and its relevance to education, literary criticism, the analysis of humanaction, and political analysis Aristotle, like Eudoxus and callippus before him http://www.chuckiii.com/Reports/Philosophy/Aristotle3.shtml | |
67. History Of Mathematics: Greece Philolaus, Pythagoras; Cyrene Eratosthenes, Nicoteles, Synesius, Theodorus;Cyzicus callippus; Elea Parmenides, Zeno; Elis Hippias; http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/greece.html | |
68. History Of Astronomy: Persons (C) Hist. Math.); Short biography (Encycl. Brit.); Crater Cajori (lunar feature).callippus of Cyzicus (c. 370 BC c. 310 BC) Short biography http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_c.html | |
69. History Of Astronomy: Topics: Calendars, Time And Chronology A Brief History of Time From Thales to callippus by Chris Weinkopf A student'scourse paper; Timekeeping at the US Naval Observatory (History). See also http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/hist_astr/ha_items_calendar.html | |
70. Ein Wenig Theorie Translate this page Noch eine kleine Geschichte der Zeit - Von Thales zu callippus. Eine kleineEinführung in deutsch Sonnenuhren. Interessante Thesen Startime sundial. http://home.pages.at/natuhr/uhrenlinks/sonnenuhren/theorie.htm | |
71. On The Question Of The "Revised Julian Calendar" The more accurate figure is 365.2422 days, a figure close to that knownto the ancient Greek astronomers (callippus, Ptolemy, et al). http://www.stjohndc.org/what/9609ca1.htm | |
72. The Telson Spur: Field Nodes -- Concepts (1): Philosophy Philosophy (Björn Christensson) Blackwell Publishers' Guide to Online PhilosophyResources A Brief History of Time From Thales to callippus (Chris Weinkopf http://www.islandnet.com/~pjhughes/sci.htm | |
73. NASS Links - Sites Dial; A Brief History of Time From Thales to callippus; The MacTutorHistory Archive; History of Astronomy - University of Bonn; Article http://sundials.org/links/sites.htm | |
74. Ashmolean Museum: FAQ4 - The Parian Marble (Chad2-23) 16 330/29BC, 6) From when callippus demonstrated astrology, and Alexander tookDarius and hanged Bessus, 66 years, when Aristophon was archon at Athens. http://www.ashmol.ox.ac.uk/ash/faqs/q004/q004016.html | |
75. Cooper To Detweiler Demosthenes, Against Boeotus; Demosthenes, Against Callicles; Demosthenes,Against callippus; Demosthenes, Against Conon; Demosthenes, Against http://www.ku.edu/carrie/stacks/books005.htm | |
76. Tide And Current Glossary Devised by callippus, a Greek astronomer, about 350 BC, as a suggested improvementon the Metonic cycle for a period in which new and full Moon would recur on http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/glossary/gloss_c.html |
77. ASTR 228: Chapter 6 - Aristotelian Science And Cosmology as being real ? 6.4. Aristotle (384 322 BC). Adopted basic Eudoxiansystem as modified by callippus (ca. 370 - ca. 300 BC); Major http://www.physics.gmu.edu/classinfo/astr228/CourseNotes/ln_ch06.htm | |
78. Calipo De Cízico Translate this page Nació en Cyzicus Asia Menor aproximadamente el 370 aC y murió hacia el 310 aC yse tiene noticia que callippus de Cyzicus trabajo con Aristóteles hacia 330 http://almaak.tripod.com/biografias/Calipo.htm | |
79. The San Antonio LitWeb Demosthenes Page Aphobus 2 On Line Against Aristocrates On Line Against Aristogiton 2 On Line AgainstBoeotus I On Line Against Callicles On Line Against callippus On Line http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/demosthe.htm | |
80. Www.phys-astro.sonoma.edu/people/faculty/tenn/HetheringtonEncycTOC.txt Big Squeeze 42 Blue Shift 42 Bolometric Magnitude 42 Brahe, Tycho (15461601) 42Brahe's Cosmology 46 Buridan, Jean (1295-1358) 48 C-Field 51 callippus (b. ca. http://www.phys-astro.sonoma.edu/people/faculty/tenn/HetheringtonEncycTOC.txt | |
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