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81. University Of Delaware Library: Forging A Collection He produced tens of thousands of forged manuscripts and documents, selling overtwentyseven thousand alone to michel chasles, a mathematician and prominent http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/forgery/hoaxes.htm | |
82. Les Député Régicide Translate this page CHAMPIGNY-CLÉMENT René Jean - CHARBONNIER Joseph - CHARLIER Louis Joseph - CHARRELPierre François - chasles Pierre Jacque michel - CHATEAUNEUF-RANDON http://www.ifrance.com/rcombes/les deputes regicides.htm | |
83. CousinsGenWeb 50 : Les Données De LECONTE Michel Translate this page chasles, Saussemesnil Teurthéville-Bocage Vaudrimesnil, Chérencé-le-Roussel HENRI Christian Perriers-en-Beauficel HENRI Christian Saint-michel-de-Montjoie http://smette.free.fr/manchegenweb/cousins50/fc50_leconte-m.htm | |
84. Education Dissertation Unknown. Advisor michel chasles. michel chasles, ÉcolePolytechnique, 1814. Advisor Simeon Denis Poisson. Simeon Denis Poisson, http://people.nnu.edu/eckorntved/Educ.htm | |
85. Cheryl E. Praeger (Group Theory, Combinatorics) Peter M. Neumann Eliakim H. Moore (Group Theory, Abstract Algebra), Hubert A. Newton (Physics,Meteors), michel chasles (Projective Geometry), Siméon Poisson (Universalist), http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~john.bam/MathTree/mathtree.html | |
86. Etablissements Scolaires Translate this page Collège michel chasles Boulevard chasles BP 61 28232 EPERNON Cedex Tél Principale Myriam NEDJAAI Nombre d'élèves http://www.cg28.fr/actions/realisations/etablissements.htm | |
87. Institut De France - Recherche Translate this page des Sciences morales et politiques CHARTON (Édouard, Thomas) Académie des Sciencesmorales et politiques (section de Morale) chasles (michel) Académie des http://www.institut-de-france.fr/franqueville/premier_siecle/rech_premier_c.htm | |
88. Com_besuch michel chasles in Epernon. Im November 1999 durften wir zwei Kolleginnendes College michel chasles aus Epernon an unserer Schule begrüßen. http://www.baden-online.at/uehs/pages/com_besuch.htm | |
89. Untitled Document Joseph Lagrange Advisor Unknown Students Simeon Poisson Advisor Joseph LagrangeStudents michel chasles Advisor Simeon Poisson Students HA Newton Advisor http://www.cs.appstate.edu/~sjg/womenandminoritiesinmath/final/stubblefieldfinal | |
90. R. Longo Cioffi Translate this page direttamente come dall'esagono ). * Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo. Milano,Sanzogre, 1883. * chasles, michel. Aperçu historique sur l http://www.filosofia.unina.it/longocioffi/leonardo.html | |
91. Chasles1 Mathématicien français, spécialiste de géométrie projective. chasles contribua à la clarification de la géométrie projective (Traité de géométrie supérieure, 1852). http://www.ac-nancy-metz.fr/pres-etab/Charlema/Bac99sci/projet/Chasles2%27.htm | |
92. Chasles The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://poncelet.math.nthu.edu.tw/disk5/enc/chasles.html | |
93. Austausch Translate this page Das Max-Reger-Gymnasium pflegt einen jährlichen Schüleraustausch mit dem CollègeMichel chasles in Épernon/Paris, dem Gymnasium Sokolov/Falkenau in Böhmen http://www.mrg-amberg.de/austaus.htm | |
94. Conics results about conics. Here is a result proved by the French mathematicianMichel chasles (1793 to 1880) in 1852. chasles' theorem http://www.gap-system.org/~john/geometry/Lectures/L24.html |
95. Les Grands Mathématiciens http://www.lycee-international.com/travaux/HISTMATH/ | |
96. Catalogue De La Bibliothèque Scientifique, Historique Et Littéraire De Feu M. Visit WorldPrintDealers Welcome to WorldBookDealers Sign in Register You have 0 items in your Shopping Basket Your Wishes Your Account Dealer For more information on Jonathan A. Hill, Bookseller, Inc. , click here Summary Author (AUCTION CATALOGUE http://www.worldbookdealers.com/books/jonathanahill/0000263400/bk0000263425.asp | |
97. Recherche Par Lettre Translate this page http://www.ponchet.com/m.html | |
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