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Chisholm Young Grace: more detail | |||||
61. Some Bloomfield Seminary Notes: Debbie White Lula White Julia chisholm 1898 Bessie Welch Carrie Love, Neta Johnson,Carrie young, Melissa Johnson Sudie Durham, Lucy White, grace Moore, Lizzie http://www.flash.net/~kma/Bloom.htm | |
62. Royal Lyceum Theatre Amy Leach, Pauline Turner (Lily), Jimmy chisholm (Neil). Whiteford (Vera) graceGlover (Anna), Rod young (Fergal), Lindy Whiteford grace Glover, grace http://www.lyceum.org.uk/sites/press/image archive season 2001-2.htm |
63. St. Louis County MN Death Index 1950-1974 Yacio-Yurkovich THEODORE E 4/18/1953 431 YORKOVICH CLARA M 9/9/1958 5740 chisholm YOTTI ANGELO FLORENCEAMELIA 12/4/1955 1233 young GERTRUDE A 3/19/1972 304 young grace FORD 10 http://www.rootsweb.com/~mnstloui/195074y1.htm | |
64. ENC: Curriculum Resources: Agnesi To Zeno (ENC-006398, Full Record) size for infinite sets Renaissance woman Sofia Kovalevskaya Schools of mathematicalthought grace chisholm young versatile and prolific An inconceivable inn http://www.enc.org/resources/records/full/0,1240,006398,00.shtm | |
65. E-STREAMS Vol. 2, No. 7 - July 1999 Table of Contents Alphabetical entries beginning with Maria Gaetana Agnesi andending with grace chisholm young 1. Appendices I. Dates of Birth 283. II. http://www.e-streams.com/es0207/es0207_387.htm | |
66. EXPLORIT Science Center 1868, Millikan, Robert Andrews. 1868, Sorensen, Soren Peter Lauritz. 1868, young,grace chisholm. 1869, Child, Charles Manning. 1869, Cushing, Harvey. 1869, Hamilton,Alice. http://www.explorit.org/book/BOSDscientists.html | |
67. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | List Of Pers 18821959) Historian (5) young, Gerard Mackworth- (1884-1965) Indian AdministratorArchaeologist (2) young, grace chisholm (1868-1944) Mathematician (1) young http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personYO.htm | |
68. Mathem_abbrev Cayley, Arthur Chang, SunYung Chapman, Sydney Chebyshev, Pafnuty, Chern, Shiing-shenChernikov, Sergei Chi Tsu Ch'ung chisholm young, grace Chowla, Sarvadaman http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
69. Mathematics Framework Sonya Kovalevski, 1850 1891, Russia, Analysis. Charlotte Scott, 1858 - 1931,England, Algebraic Geometry. grace chisholm young, 1868 - 1944, England, Foundations. http://www.scott.k12.ky.us/distservices/curriculum/mfe8.html | |
70. NEAD Resources Catalogue Issues raised include commonality in maths eg number systems, calendars, money;maths undertaken by women - eg grace chisholm young, Bangladeshi weavers http://www.nead.org.uk/catalogue/maths.htm | |
71. Encyclopædia Britannica grace chisholm young University of St Andrews, Scotland Biography of this mathematicianwho along with her husband William young has more than 220 articles and http://search.britannica.com/search?query=William Young |
72. James E. Talmage Society Mary Ellen Rudin, grace chisholm young Professor of Mathematics at the Universityof Wisconsin, remarks, He is loved and respected everywhere. And Albert http://cpms.byu.edu/talmage/vol1_iss1/cannon.html |
73. You're Now Leaving Maryland Public Television Edgerton Merrill, Leona May Peirce, Helen Abbot Merrill, Clara Eliza Smith, ClaraLatimer Bacon, Annie MacKinnon Fitch, grace chisholm young, Isabel Maddison http://www.mpt.org/learningworks/teachers/ntti/5-8/math_wks4.html | |
74. Genealogy Data Jonnie Gender Male Westbrook, Eunice Westbrook, Vertram chisholm Dwight Leon young,David N. young, Mark S. Sojourner, grace Birth 21 MAR 1918 Hazelhurst http://txnetwork.net/walker/gedcoms/pauls2/html/dat138.html | |
75. AskAnything.com - Experts Find Information On Anything Original Bid Price, Date Submitted, Category, Question, No. of Responses. $3.00,1/26/2003, All, Where Would I find an article about grace chisholm young? 5. http://www.askanything.com/Answer/Answer_ThirdCat.asp?CatId=10&SubCatId=92 |
76. WiP: The "Herstory" Of Women In Science and Nobel Prize winner; WiP Spotlight Scientist for February/March1998. grace chisholm young Mathematician. Copyright 1999 WiP http://www.physics.purdue.edu/wip/herstory.html | |
77. Clare Evans Prize 1999 Joint Winners Catherine Horwood ' Girls who arouse dangerous passions womenand bathing 19001939' and Claire Jones 'grace chisholm young, gender and http://www.womenshistorynetwork.org/clare_evans_prize.htm | |
78. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of YO 2000. young, Elaine, The University of Oklahoma, 2002. young (geb.chisholm), grace, GeorgAugust-Universität Göttingen, 1895. young,Jr http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/letter.phtml?letter=YO |
79. Greenwood Publishing Group I1 Boole Stott Olga TausskyTodd Jean Taylor Chuu-Lian Terng Karen Uhlenbeck Marion Walter Sylvia Wiegand grace chisholm young Appendix I http://info.greenwood.com/books/0313291/0313291314.html |
80. Young in 1897. Discussions with Klein seems to inspire young. grace Chisholmyoung later wrote that after Klein's visit. William http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Young.html | |
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