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         D'oresme Nicole:     more books (18)
  1. Nicole Oresme: Étude D'historie Des Doctrines Et Des Économiques (French Edition) by Émile Bridrey, 2010-04-22
  2. Nicole d'Oresme: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  3. Traictie de la première invention des monnoies de Nicole Oresme: Textes français et latin d'après les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque impeériale, et Traité de la monnoie de Copernic (French Edition) by Nicole Oresme, 1864-01-01
  4. Le Livre Du Ciel et Du Monde by Nicole. Edited by A.D. Menut and A.J. Denomy Oresme, 1962-01-01
  5. Le Livre Du Ciel et Du Monde.Edited By Albert D. Menut and Alexander J. Denomy. by Nicole Oresme, 1968
  6. Maistre Nicole Oresme Le Livre Du Ciel Et Du Monde: Text and Commentary. by ALBERT D. & ALEXANDER J. DENOMY MENUT, 1941
  7. Le Livre de Ethiques d'Aristote. Published from the Text of MS. 2902, Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique, etc. by Nicole Oresme, 1940
  8. Le Livre Du Ciel et Du Monde by Nicole. Edited by A.D. Menut and A.J. Denomy Oresme, 1968
  9. Le Livre de Ethiques D'Aristote by Maistre Nicole (Albert D Menut ed) Oresme, 1940-01-01
  10. Le livre du ciel et du monde d'Aristotle. Translated by Maistre Nicole Oresme. Text and commentary Albert D. Menut and Alexander J. Denomy. by [ARISTOTLE], 1943
  11. Le livre de yconomique d'Aristote: Critical edition of the French text from the Avranches Manuscript with the original Latin version, introduction and ... of the American Philosophical Society) by Nicole Oresme, 1957
  12. Nicole Oresme: Highlights from His French Commentary on Aristotle's Politics by Albert D. Menut, 1979-11
  13. Autour de Nicole Oresme: Actes du Colloque Oresme (Bibliotheque d'histoire de la philosophie) (French Edition) by Jeannine Quillet (dir.), 1990
  14. Philosophe Du Xive Siècle: Dante Alighieri, Nicole Oresme, Ibn Khaldoun, Maître Eckhart, Guillaume D'ockham, Jean Duns Scot, Pierre D'ailly (French Edition)

41. Kalendarium Matematyczne
1360 Francuz nicole d'oresme (Mikolaj z Oresme) uogólnia teorie proporcji ThomasaBradwardine'a. Wprowadza potegi ulamkowe i podaje wiele regul dzialan
Kalendarium historii matematyki
Wiek XIV, XV i XVI 1303 Matematyk chiñski Czu-Szi-kie (Czu Szih-czieh) pisze "Cenne zwierciad³o czterech ¿ywio³ów", które stanowi szczytowe osi¹gniecie chiñskiej algebry. Zawiera uk³ady równañ, rozwi¹zania równañ ró¿nych stopni a¿ do czternastego, schemat Hornera i trójk¹t arytmetyczny znany obecnie pod nazw¹ trójk¹ta Pascala. 1328 Filozof i matematyk angielski Thomas Bradwardine og³asza "Tractatus de proportionibus", w którym zajmuje siê teori¹ proporcji. 1360 Francuz Nicole d'Oresme (Miko³aj z Oresme) uogólnia teoriê proporcji Thomasa Bradwardine'a. Wprowadza potêgi u³amkowe i podaje wiele regu³ dzia³añ na nich. Pos³uguje siê równie¿ wykresem funkcji. 1490 "Tabule directionum" matematyka i astronoma niemieckiego Regiomontanusa ukazuj¹ siê ju¿ po œmierci autora. W dziele tym oraz w "De triangulis ..." (opublikowanym dopiero w 1533) Regiomontanus nadaje trygonometrii rangê dyscypliny naukowej i wnosi wielki wk³ad w jej rozwój. Stosuje te¿ metody algebraiczne do zagadnieñ geometrycznych 1492 W³och Francesco Pellos wprowadza przecinek dziesiêtny.

42. Safety Razors And Shaving Collectibles
in science, nicole d'oresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, invoked the law ofeconomy, as did Galileo later, in defending the simplest hypothesis of the
The Philosophy of Razors, as exemplified by
Ockham's razor
also spelled OCCAM'S RAZOR, also called LAW OF ECONOMY, or LAW OF PARSIMONY, principle stated by
William of Ockham (1285-1347/49), a scholastic, that non sunt multiplicanda entia praeter necessitatem ; i.e., entities
are not to be multiplied beyond necessity. The principle was, in fact, invoked before Ockham by Durand de Saint-Pourçain, a French Dominican theologian and
philosopher of dubious orthodoxy, who used it to explain that abstraction is the apprehension of some real entity, such as an
Aristotelian cognitive species, an active intellect, or a disposition, all of which he spurned as unnecessary. Likewise, in science,
Nicole d'Oresme, a 14th-century French physicist, invoked the law of economy, as did Galileo later, in defending the simplest
hypothesis of the heavens. Other later scientists stated similar simplifying laws and principles. Ockham, however, mentioned the principle so frequently and employed it so sharply that it was called "Ockham's razor." He
used it, for instance, to dispense with relations, which he held to be nothing distinct from their foundation in things; with efficient

43. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 483*) Dodgson, Charles (266*) Domninus di Larissa (74) Doob, Joseph (136*) Doppelmayr,Johann (181) Doppler, Johann (81*) d'oresme, nicole (191*) Douglas
Completo Indice Alfabetico
Cliccare su una lettera sottostante per andare a quel file. A B C D ... XYZ Cliccare sotto per andare agli indici alfabetici separati A B C D ... XYZ Il numero di parole nella biografia e' dato in parentesi. Un * indica che c'e' un ritratto.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (286*)
bar Hiyya (240)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (59)
al'Buzjani (243)
, Wilhelm (196)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, Frank

of Bath (89)
, August (114) Adrain , Robert (79) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (196*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (60) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (114) Aiken , Howard (94) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alexander (825*) Ajima , Chokuyen (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al'Battani , Abu Allah (194) al'Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (306*) al'Haitam , Abu Ali (269*) al'Kashi , Ghiyath (73) al'Khwarizmi , Abu (123*) Albanese , Giacomo (282) Albert of Saxony Albert, Abraham Adrian (121*) (158*) Alberti , Leone (181*) Alberto Magno, San (109*) Alcuin di York (237*) Aleksandrov , Pave (160*) Alembert , Jean d' (291*) Alexander , James (163) Amringe , Howard van (354*) Amsler , Jacob (82) Anassagora di Clazomenae (169) Anderson , Oskar (67) Andreev , Konstantin (117) Angeli , Stefano degli (234) Anstice , Robert (209) Antemio of Tralles (55) Antifone il Sofista (125) Apollonio di Perga (276) Appell , Paul (1377) Arago , Dominique (345*) Arbogasto , Louis (87) Arbuthnot , John (251*) Archimede di Siracusa (467*) Archita of Tarentum (103) Argand , Jean (81) Aristeo il Vecchio (44) Aristarco di Samo (183) Aristotele Arnauld , Antoine (179)

44. Berühmte Linkshänder - Wissenschaft, Literatur Und Kunst
Translate this page Ben Finny, (Anthropologe). Hermann von Helmholtz, (Deutschland, Physiologe, Physiker).nicole d'oresme, (Mathematiker). Isaac Newton, (GB, Physiker, Mathematiker).
Wissenschaft, Literatur und Kunst
Dichter Komponisten WissenschaftlerInnen ... Philosophen
SchriftstellerInnen Hans Christian Andersen Jeff Arch Dave Barry Peter Beard Peter Benchley Elizabeth Bowen Thomas Carlyle Lewis Carroll Richard Condon Jean Genet (Frankreich) Sandy Haffaker Franz Kafka (Tschechien) Jim De Kay Helen Keller (USA) Compton MacKenzie Caroline Kennedy (USA, Tochter von JFK) James A. Michener (USA) Helen Hoover Santmyer (Romanschreiberin) Berthold Schwartz Jari Tervo Harry Turtledove Mark Twain (USA, "Tom Sawyer", "Huckleberry Finn") H.G. Wells Eudora Welty (USA) Jessamyn West (USA)
Dichter Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Deutschland) Ludwig Uhland (Deutschland, Dichter, Germanistiker) Samuel C. Warner
Komponisten Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Deutschland, Sohn von Johann Sebastian) Bejamin Britten Ludwig van Beethoven (Deutschland) Cole Porter (USA, Jazz) Serge Prokofieff (Russland) Sergej Rachmaninow (Russland) Robert Schumann (Deutschland) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
WissenschaftlerInnen Bob Ballard (Forscher) Kent Bleat Marie Curie Albert Einstein Ben Finny (Anthropologe) Hermann von Helmholtz (Deutschland, Physiologe, Physiker)

45. D Index
Translate this page d'Alembert, Jean (2501*) D'Arcy Thompson W (479*) d'oresme, nicole (191*) D'Ovidio,Enrico (414) da Vinci, Leonardo (704*) Dandelin, Germinal (392) Danti

46. B12 Occam's Razor
For example, nicole d'oresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, and Galileo later,defended the Copernican heliocentric hypothesis (first impiously suggested in
Occam's razor < Occam is the Latinized spelling of Ockham; "principle of least amazement" in natural science >
Scott: And so we thought we'd try it here for you. The feather happens to be, appropriately, a falcon feather for our Falcon. And I'll drop the two of them here and, hopefully, they'll hit the ground at the same time. (Pause)
[Dave is holding the feather and hammer between the thumb and forefinger of his left and right hands, respectively, and has his elbows up and out the side. He releases the hammer and feather simultaneously and pulls his hands out of the way. The hammer and feather fall side by side and hit the ground at virtually the same time.]
Scott: How about that! Mr. Galileo was correct!
Allen: How about that! (Applause in Houston)
[ transcript by Eric M. Jones, ©1996 omits the phrase in italics ] is to see if a component can be excised without altering conclusions that can be derived or its useful application. The component has no "substance" if it can be. Victor J. Steger, in 1998, used Occam’s razor to excise David Bohm's addition in the 1950s of quantum potential to equations to account for quantum effects. Bohm’s theory, as it was proposed, gives no new empirical predictions and yet to be justified, superluminal (faster than light) connections, for which no test has yet been devised, must be assumed. Reasonable Faith

47. ... én Mégis Egy Könyvet írtam
Az idézetek valójában sokkal korábbiak az egyik nicole d'oresme püspöktôlszármazik 1350 táján, tehát 300 évvel koráóbi
(GALILEI, KEPLER) Dialogo A Dialogo Dialogo 1610-ben megjelenik a
A kopernikuszi rendszer igazságát (Kepler szerint) mint magától értetôdô tényt kell elfogadni, nem kell sok száz oldalon nagy ravaszsággal igazolni. Érdekességként még megemlítjük, hogy egy olyan ifjú titán, mint amilyen ebben az idôben Descartes volt, járt Itáliában, de semmi jele, hogy igyekezett volna Galileit felkeresni, hogy lerója nála tiszteletét; sôt azt írja Galilei könyvérôl: "Beleolvastam, úgy látom, jól filozofál, de azt is látom, hogy nem követi mindig a legrövidebb utat, és megállapításaihoz nem kell valami nagy geométernek lenni." Nem is olvasta végig Descartes a könyvet, mert unta. a b a b b mozog, viszont ha a b a b mozog. Itt a Föld mozgása melletti érvek hangzanak el, és a vájt fülûek azt is észreveszik, hogy az érvelés a késôbbi Galilei-féle relativitás elvét használja, tehát az idôpont 1600 körüli év, a szerzô minden bizonnyal maga Galilei. Az idézetek valójában sokkal korábbiak: az egyik Nicole d'Oresme püspöktôl származik 1350 táján, tehát 300 évvel koráóbi... A másik Cusanustól való, a "bíboros és eretnek"-tôl, ahogy Vas István egyik versében nevezi, úgy 200 évvel Galilei elôtt vélekedett így.

Ebben az irányban a legismertebb spekulációk nicole d'oresmetol származnak,aki a 14. század legfontosabb matematikusa és csillagásza volt.
Fizikai Szemle 1991/8. 266.o. A POLIFÓN ZENE ÉS A KLASSZIKUS FIZIKA,
Concordia Egyetem, Montreal
Kezdjük azzal a megfigyeléssel, hogy az emberi agynak megvan az a képessége, hogy képet, vagyis gondolati modelleket alkosson a világról, méghozzá különbözõ idõrendszerekben egyidejûleg is. Vagy másként megfogalmazva: ameddig minden egyes emberi agy a maga biológiai idõintervallumát foglalja el, kezdve születésével és a halálával bezárólag, az emberi faj fejlõdésével együtt kialakult az agynak az a képessége, hogy megalkossa, modellezze a világot különbözõ nagyszámú mentálisan kialakított szimbolikus idõk segítségével, noha ezen idõk nagy részének alig volt valami köze az egyén ténylegesen tapasztalt idejéhez. Ez a képesség lényegi összetevõje az emberi agy ama tulajdonságának, hogy képes absztrakt rendszereket teremteni, melyek végül is a nyelv és a kultúra kialakításához vezettek. A kortársi életünk legáthatóbb szimbolikus ideje az, amit metrikus idõ nek nevezek. Ez az idõ, amit órákkal mérünk.

49. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = Query, Unsorted
links (9 nicole d'oresme BnF Biographie de Nicolas Oresme Etudes sur Oresmeet Buridan (Du ciel et du monde) AltaVista Simple Query +oresme urlwww, unsorted&brand=metacrawler

50. SC 365 Missing Reading
In 1377, a French scientist and philosopher, nicole d'oresme, coined the term the clockwork universe. ' Oresme looked to the heavens and saw the same
SC 365 Missing Rifkin Reading "The Clockwork Universe," Rifkin, Time Wars, pp. 201-206. NOTE: I scanned this, converted it to text, then quickly went through to correct the errors in the translation process. There may still be errors such as missing or misspelled words, but this should be good enough to get through it. Rich. page 202 that its behavior confirms "with the natural order of things." In 1377, a French scientist and philosopher, Nicole d'Oresme, coined the term "the clockwork universe."' Oresme looked to the heavens and saw the same principles at work as could be found in the workings of a master clock. Over the next several centuries, European scholars increasingly relied on the clock metaphor to explain the workings of the universe, nature, living systems, and the body politic. The clock, which was reordering the time frame and the temporal consciousness of much of Europe, was also being looked to as a convenient model for reordering the metaphysics of existence. Thus, God became the first casualty of the new clockwork universe. At the height of the Church's reign over medieval Europe, St. Thomas Aquinas likened God to a craftsman, an artist who had expertly crafted his creation and then continued to work along with his appointed emissaries on earth to perfect his handiwork. The modem scholars provided God with a new vocation. He became the master clockmaker, who had assembled the universe by the same sort of mechanistic principles used to assemble a clock. In place of the personal God who intervened into the affairs of the world and actually took part in the life of his creation, the clockmaker God was remote and, if not uncaring, at least impartial.

nicole d'oresme, in his 14thcentury text Tractatus de latitudine formarum, hadalready seen the potential of more clear and easy examination of problems publications/1994-DBR-Power and
ALEXANDER TZONIS POWER AND REPRESENTATION THE HERITAGE OF GIOTTO'S GEOMETRY, Samuel Y. Edgerton, Jr., Cornell University Press, 1991, 320 pp., illus., $49.50 (cloth); $27.50 (paper). FRANCESCO DI GIORGIO ARCH1TETTO, Francesco Paolo Fiore and Manfredo Tafuri, editors, Electa (Milan), 1993, 426 pp., illus., $132.50. LA GLOIRE DES INGENIEURS, Helene Verin, Albin Michel (Paris), 1993,452 pp., illus. VILLARD DE HONNECOURT: LA PENSEE TECHNIQUE DUE Xme SIECLE, Roland Bechmann, Picard (Paris), 1991, 384 pp., illus., $86.00. THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OF ANTON10 DA SAN- GALLO THE YOUNGER AND HIS CIRCLE, Christoph L. Frommel and Nicholas Adams, editors, MIT Press, 1994, 522 pp., illus., $95.00. MILITARY ARCHITECTURE, CARTOGRAPHY AND THE REPRESENTATION OF THE EARLY MODERN EUROPEAN CITY, Martha Pollak, University of Chicago Press, 1991, 120 pp., illus., $15.00. PAPIERE BOLWERCKEN, Charles van den Heuvel, Canaletto (Alphen aan den Rijn),!991, 248 pp., illus. What is it that has made Western humanistic culture so "superior" to the other cultures of the world? This question has been asked repeatedly since the 19th century, when the domination of the globe by Western nations became indisputable, through the 1960s, when this domination was finally cast into doubt, up until today, although in a somewhat modified form: what is it that has made Western, male-dominant, ruling-class culture so successful in controlling the world? The two questions are similar but fundamentally different. The first presupposes a "progress" model of history (Whig, Marxian, Deweyian) and implies the justification of the Western humanistic culture's triumph. The second (post-Marxist, Heidegerrian, "Frankfurtian") departs from a belief, summarized by Paolo Rossi in

52. Die Ökonomen
Translate this page TOP. Oresmius, Nikolaus Oresmius (auch nicole d'oresme, um 1320-1382). FranzösischerMathematiker, Physiker und Ökonom. Vorläufer der Monetaristen.

B C D ... Z
Anderson TOP Aquino TOP Aristoteles TOP Arkwright TOP Augustinus TOP Bakunin Michail Alexandrowitsch Bakunin (1814-1876). Anarchist. TOP Bachelier TOP Baran Paul Alexander Baran (1910-1964). Linksradikaler. TOP Barone Enrico Barone (1859-1924). Vertreter der Grenznutzenschule (Lausanner Schule). TOP Bastiat TOP Becher Johann Joachim Becher (1635-1682). Kameralist. TOP Becker TOP Bell TOP Bentham TOP Bernstein Eduard Bernstein (1850-1932). Deutscher Politiker und Publizist. Sozialdemokrat, Revisionist. Bestreben der Ersetzung des klassischen Marxismus durch eine sozialreformerische Politik. TOP Bismarck TOP Bodin TOP TOP TOP Boisguilbert TOP Bray John Francis Bray (1809-1897). Utopischer Sozialist. TOP Brentano TOP Buchanan TOP TOP Cantillon TOP Cassel Karl Gustav Cassel (1866-1945). Mathematiker, Geld- und Konjunkturtheoretiker. TOP Catchings TOP Child TOP Clark TOP Coase Ronald Harry Coase (geb. 1910). Transaktionskosten. TOP Colbert TOP Commons John R. Commons (1862-1945). Institutionalist. TOP Cournot TOP Crosby TOP Davenant TOP Deming TOP Diehl Karl Diehl (1864-1943). Sozialrechtler (Sozialorganische Richtung). TOP Dietzel Heinrich Dietzel (1857-1935). Vorbereiter der Idealtypenlehre (von Eucken).

53. ICOM Conference 2002: Marta C. Lourenço
The same happened in Paris, with nicole d'oresme, in 1350, and earlier with bothJohn Buridan, a professor of the Faculty of Arts, and Albert de Saxe (Leff 1996
The 2002 Conference
The UMAC 2002 Conference was held in Sydney and Canberra in Australia from Sunday 29 September - Friday 4 October 2002. The title and theme of the conference was: Exposing and Exploiting the Distinct Character of University Museums and Collections.
A Contribution to the History of University Museums and Collections in Europe
Introduction Contrary to what is commonly thought, the current meaning and origin of the word museum - and, therefore, of the International Council of Museum's definition - does not come from the Greek museion or the Roman museum or but from the 18th century museum . Both Greek and Roman terms meant a place suitable for learned discussion and study (Whitehead 1970, Lewis 1984, Hunter 2001, Taub 2001). Fr example, the Museion of Alexandria, founded c. 290 BC, included a library, a botanical garden, a menagerie, and a collection of paintings and sculpture casts to be copied by young artists (Whitehead 1970, Lewis 1984, Boylan 1999). The Museion was a small integrated academia in itself, where learning through direct observation and perhaps some forms of experiments took place. Clearly, the Museion has little to do with what we call a museum today (Lewis 1984). However, it has a lot to do with what university museums stand for.

URVERK TILL DATOR Den franske teologen och matematikern nicole d'oresme uttrycktenog ingen för tiden orimlig tanke, när han år 1377 skrev att universum är
Stefan Stenudd
Den speciella relativitetsteorin, som med sin allom bekanta formel E = mc m m vid hastighetsskillnaden v

Den engelske astronomen Arthur Eddington uttryckte det med poetiskt vemod:

55. Oresme
nicole d' Oresme. Born 1323 in Allemagne (near Caen), France Died 11 July1382 in Lisieux, France. Click the picture above to see a larger version
Nicole d' Oresme
Born: 1323 in Allemagne (near Caen), France
Died: 11 July 1382 in Lisieux, France
Click the picture above
to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
After studying theology in Paris, Nicole Oresme was bursar in the University of Paris, then canon and later dean of Rouen. In 1370 he was appointed chaplain to King Charles V and advised him on financial matters. Oresme invented coordinate geometry before Descartes , finding the logical equivalence between tabulating values and graphing them. He proposed the use of a graph for plotting a variable magnitude whose value depends on another. It is possible that Descartes was influenced by Oresme's work since it was reprinted several times over the 100 years following its first publication. Another work by Oresme contains the first use of a fractional exponent, although, of course, not in modern notation. Oresme also worked on infinite series. Oresme also opposed the theory of a stationary Earth as proposed by Aristotle and taught motion of the Earth, 200 years before

56. Oresme
Portrait of nicole Oresme nicole Oresme. JOC/EFR August 2001
Nicole d' Oresme
Born: 1323 in Allemagne (near Caen), France
Died: 11 July 1382 in Lisieux, France
Click the picture above
to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
After studying theology in Paris, Nicole Oresme was bursar in the University of Paris, then canon and later dean of Rouen. In 1370 he was appointed chaplain to King Charles V and advised him on financial matters. Oresme invented coordinate geometry before Descartes , finding the logical equivalence between tabulating values and graphing them. He proposed the use of a graph for plotting a variable magnitude whose value depends on another. It is possible that Descartes was influenced by Oresme's work since it was reprinted several times over the 100 years following its first publication. Another work by Oresme contains the first use of a fractional exponent, although, of course, not in modern notation. Oresme also worked on infinite series. Oresme also opposed the theory of a stationary Earth as proposed by Aristotle and taught motion of the Earth, 200 years before

57. Nicole D' Oresme
nicole d' Oresme 13231382 After studying theology in Paris, nicole Oresme wasbursar in the University of Paris, then canon and later dean of Rouen.
Nicole d' Oresme
After studying theology in Paris, Nicole Oresme was bursar in the University of Paris, then canon and later dean of Rouen. In 1370 he was appointed chaplain to King Charles V and advised him on financial matters. Oresme invented coordinate geometry before Descartes, finding the logical equivalence between tabulating values and graphing them. He proposed the use of a graph for plotting a variable magnitude whose value depends on another. It is possible that Descartes was influenced by Oresme's work since it was reprinted several times over the 100 years following its first publication. Another work by Oresme contains the first use of a fractional exponent, although, of course, not in modern notation. He is also credited with the rules of exponents: x m x n = x m+n (x m n = x mn . For each rule, specific examples and applications were given. Even more imaginative was his suggestion that irrational powers are possible. Oresme also worked on infinite series. He was the first to prove that the harmonic series diverges. Oresme also opposed the theory of a stationary Earth as proposed by Aristotle and taught motion of the Earth, 200 years before Copernicus. However he spoiled this fine piece of thinking by rejecting his own ideas in the end. He also wrote a work dealing with the nature of light, reflection of light, and the speed of light.

58. Oresme
Translate this page latins, révèle que cette traduction fut l’œuvre de nicole Oresme lui la rédactiondu texte français était postérieure à l’accession d’Oresme à l
Tractatus de Origine, Natura, Jure et Mutationibus Monetarum

Nicole Oresme
juin 1998 Tractatus de Origine, Natura, Jure et Mutationibus Monetarum de Nicole Oresme au milieu du XIX e e siècle, les éditions et traductions modernes (L. Wolowski [1864] ; Ch. Johnson [1956] ; C. Dupuy et F. Chartrain [1989] ; J. Fau et J.-M. Viel [1990]) s’appuient sur trois catégories de manuscrits, dont aucun ne semble être autographe : i) des versions "courtes" en vingt-trois chapitres ; ii) des versions "longues" en vingt-six chapitres ; et iii) des versions "longues" rédigées en ancien français.
  • La condamnation de la gabelle, dans le chapitre X XX Le texte en ancien français - qui fit l’objet de la première édition imprimée de l’ouvrage en 1477 - se présente comme une traduction du texte latin en vingt-six chapitres. L’anonymat supposé du traducteur a pu être aisément levé grâce à la "Conclusion du translateur" dont le contenu, conforme aux dernières phrases des manuscrits latins, révèle que cette traduction fut l’œuvre de Nicole Oresme lui-même. Au demeurant, il est couramment admis que le fut traduit à la demande de Charles V. A ce titre, il constitua l’un des ouvrages en langue vulgaire que l’on retrouvait, dès 1373, dans la "Bibliothèque royale" de la Tour du Louvre. On a longtemps pensé que la rédaction du texte français était postérieure à l’accession d’Oresme à l’épiscopat de Lisieux en 1377. Mais l’indication portée à la fin de l’ouvrage, "
  • 59. Astrologie : Thèses Doctorales Par Patrice Guinard
    Patrice Guinard répertorie un siècle de thèses doctorales sur l'astrologie - thèses françaises, Category World Français Arts divinatoires Astrologie Livres...... d'oresme.
    Le Manifeste Le Dominion Textes et Articles Historique ... HOME (EN)
    Dr. Patrice Guinard
    Dissertation Abstracts Online (University Microfilms International Company). Trois articles du journal britannique Correlation
    1905 * THORNDIKE Lynn: The place of magic in the intellectual history of Europe, Columbia University
    History of magic and experimental science magie 1918 * WEDEL Theodore: The mediaeval attitude toward astrology, particularly in England, Yale University
    1924 LEVY Raphael: The astrological works of Abraham Ibn Ezra, a literary and linguistic study reference to the old french translation of Hagin, John Hopkins University
    1926 CURTISS Joseph: The life and times of William Lilly : A study in the literary importance of astrology during the seventeenth century, Yale University (DAO) 1929 McLEAN Charles: Babylonian astrology and its relation to the Old Testament, Columbia University
    1939 McALLISTER Joseph: St. Thomas Opusculum 'De occultis operibus naturae', The Catholic University of America
    The letter of Saint Thomas Aquinas (The Catholic University of America Press, Washington).

    60. Oresme
    Translate this page Galeria da Fama. nicole d' Oresme. 1323 DC em Allemagne, França. 11 Julho 1382DC em Lisieux, França. Demócrito. 460-370 AC. Eudoxo. 408-355 AC. Arquimedes.

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