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Dase Zacharias: more detail |
61. The Mountains Of Pi of human computers. The most pow erful of these was Johann MartinZacharias dase, a prodigy from Ham- burg. dase could multiply http://www.lacim.uqam.ca/~plouffe/Simon/chudnovsky.html | |
62. The Mountains Of Pi of human computers. The most powerful of these was Johann Martin Zachariasdase, a prodigy from Hamburg. dase could multiply large http://www.barryland.com/pi.html | |
63. Hva Er Pi? 5) til å beregne de første hundre desimalene i p . I 1844 regnet zacharias Dasefra Tyskland ut de første 200 desimalene i p ved hjelp av den relaterte. http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~sverreno/projects/pi/pi.html | |
64. Septuagint 1011 Out of that land came Assur, and built Ninevi, and the city Rhooboth, andChalach,. 1012 and dase between Ninevi and Chalach this is the great city. http://www.ecclesia.org/truth/septuagint-hyperlinked.html |
65. Oberberg-Forum: Oberberg-Aktuell - Oberberg Online - VfL Gummersbach Translate this page Hi bennybaer! Die Schiris am Donnerstag waren Matthias Dang ThorstenZacharias aus Mainz. Ua die gegen Christian dase, IP gespeichert. http://www.oberberg-aktuell.de/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000268-2.html | |
66. Albumblätter in Radetzky-Album des Tiroler Landesmuseums Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck. http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/avh/avh_uns/albumblaetter.html | |
67. ARITHMETICAL PRODIGIES. E. W. SCRIPTURE, PH. D. (Leipzig). page 1 - JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY E. W. SCRIPTURE, PH. http://users.lk.net/~stepanov/mnemo/scripte.html | |
68. ?p (? 5 ?) The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://episte.math.ntu.edu.tw/articles/mm/mm_13_3_05/page5.html |
69. Frame History - Page 13 An interesting note in 1844, a calculating prodigy named Johann Martin ZachariasDase, using his brain and pencil and paper, calculated to 205 places in http://www.llcc.cc.il.us/dbeverid/frampg13.htm |
70. Untitled ZachariasDase. p exact à 200 décimales. 1847, Thomas Clausen, p exact à 248 décimales. http://station05.qc.ca/Partenaires/GRMS/scenario/ed_pi/ATEL3B.htm |
71. "Borderlands Of Science" - Lost Skills Jedediah Buxton, George Parker Bidder, Truman Henry Safford, and Johann ZachariasDase were calculating wizards who routinely multiplied together in their http://www.fenrir.com/free_stuff/columns/science/sci-111.htm | |
72. Chronik Von Wildemann::Kap. V http://hillebrand.de/orte/Wildemann5.html | |
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