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Fabri Honore: more detail | |||||
21. Welcome To GJSentinel! Desargues, Gerard. Eratosthenes. Euclid. Euler, Leonhard. fabri, honore. Fermat,Pierre de. Galilei, Galileo. Gassendi, Pierre. Khayyam, Omar Leibniz, Gottfried. http://www.gjsentinel.com/news/cgi/cim/cgi-bin/looksmart/looksmart/egjt176954/eu | |
22. Welcome To GJSentinel! Desargues, Gerard. Eratosthenes. Euclid. Euler, Leonhard. fabri, honore. Fermat,Pierre de. Galilei, Galileo. Gassendi, Pierre Khayyam, Omar. Leibniz, Gottfried. http://www.gjsentinel.com/news/cgi/cim/cgi-bin/looksmart/looksmart/egjt176954/eu | |
23. Grimaldi 6 fabri; H7. Lucrece;m.honore de Barcillon; H8. Isabelle; m.honore de Blacas, sn de Carroy; H9. http://genealogy.euweb.cz/grim/grimaldi6.html |
24. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Faber, Georg (5.4.1877 - 7.3.1966) fabri, honore (1607 - 1688) Fagnano, Giovanni(1715 - 1797) Fagnano del Toschi, Giulio Carlo (1682 - 1766) de La Faille http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
25. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Faber, Georg (5.4.1877 - 7.3.1966). fabri, honore (1607 - 1688). Fagnano,Giovanni (1715 - 1797). Fagnano del Toschi, Giulio Carlo (1682 - 1766). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
26. Consuls Et Assesseurs D'Aix Entre 1497 Et 1570 Translate this page 1512, Noble, Rene MATHERON, sieur de Peynier, consul, Noble, honore PENCHINAT, consul,PINCHINAT. 1515, Noble, Balthezar GUIRAN, consul, Noble, Foulquet FABRY, consul,fabri. http://www.geocities.com/jmdesbois/depsyndaix2.htm | |
27. Consuls Et Assesseurs D'Aix Entre 1571 Et 1601 Translate this page 1585, Mr, Pierre ARBAUD sieur de Bargemon et de Peynier, 1er consul, Mr,honore RABASSE, assesseur, Mr, Louys FABRY, sieur de Fabrègues, assesseur,fabri. http://www.geocities.com/jmdesbois/depsyndaix3.htm |
28. OneLook® Search Results: Fabr* 1. fabrazyme 2. fabre 3. fabre, jean henri 4. fabre, joseph 5. fabre d'eglantine6. fabre deglantine 7. fabretti, raphael 8. fabri 9. fabri, honore 10. http://www.onelook.com/?w=fabr* |
29. Www.perkins-observatory.org/2001.columns/9-16-2001 Most creative was honore fabri, a Jesuit priest and skilled astronomer,who speculated that Saturn had four moons, two bright and two dark. http://www.perkins-observatory.org/2001.columns/9-16-2001 | |
30. Les Ancêtres De Alain GARIBBO - Name Index - Généré Par Personal Ancestral F Translate this page fabri. Charles-Antoine n.1820 - Menton, 06, France Emmanueline n.1850 - Menton,06, France honore-Claude-Joseph n.1702 - Menton, 06, France Imperial m.1690 http://www.ma-genealogie.org/garibbo/ancetres/index3.htm | |
31. Les Familles Dans L'ascendance De Alain GARIBBO - Name Index - Généré Par Per Translate this page DEVIZZI, Antoine-David n.1790 - Roquebrune-Pt de Monaco DEVIZZI, Henri n.1833- Menton, 06, France DEVIZZI, Horace-honore-Joseph n.1840 - Menton, 06 fabri. http://www.ma-genealogie.org/garibbo/familles/index3.htm | |
32. De Pictura: Liber II Translate this page Sed et hoc in primis honore a maioribus honestata pictura est ut, cum caeteri fermeomnes artifices fabri nuncuparentur, solus pictor in fabrorum numero non http://www.liberliber.it/biblioteca/a/alberti/de_pictura/html/liber02.htm | |
33. Genaral Index To NewRBW F. Faber, Johannes Annotationes in Francisci Hernandez. fabri, honore Dialogiphysici Physica. fabrici, Girolamo De operationes chirurgicae (Venice, 1619)*. http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/histsci/CitedWorkNewRBWcmp.html | |
34. New Page 3 Translate this page annis mansit, et in honore Dei omnipotentis ibi ecclesiam edificauit. Caffo, `Perge,aporta nobis ignem.' At Caffo ad domum cuiuslibet fabri, nomine Magurn http://jrider.web.wesleyan.edu/wescourses/2001f/fren234/01/lifeofstcybilatin.htm | |
35. Retiarius Translate this page Quid tam alienum ac discrepans quam laena pontificis et fabri ferramenta? Hoc ideofit, quia homines probi doctique nullo sunt honore vel numero, bestiae in http://www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/Classics/retiarius/eudemia/eud6.html | |
36. La Commedia Dell'arte Al Burcardo - Repertori Moderni Translate this page di pietra L'ateista fulminato La ninfa del cielo tradita nell'honore con la in dialogofra Momo e la Verità La Ferza Giovan Paolo fabri Prologo Niccolò http://www.theatrelibrary.org/commedia/repertori.htm | |
37. 8lat Translate this page acta et merita recensuit, quibus papa motus eum tali honore dignatus esset Septembrisappulit ad oram Whitsandi, et continuo Bodminum, oppidum fabri ferrarii de http://eee.uci.edu/~papyri/henry/8lat.html | |
38. 1561l Translate this page uxore legitima natum, paternam adiisse haereditatem, Mathaeum fabri ferrarii Dundalkiensis cumfidem apud reginam intervenissent, ille cum honore domum remissus http://eee.uci.edu/~papyri/camden/1561l.html | |
39. ªk °ê ¼Æ ¾Ç ®a 17centurey ?.de Bessy1605~1675, Michel Rolle 1652~1719, ? honore fabri 1607~1688, ?Joseph Saurin 1659~1737, http://www.dyu.edu.tw/~mfht206/history/17/17.htm | |
40. ABRAMOVICI (Jean-Christophe) 31513 L'OBSCENITE ET LA PENSEE Translate this page Agnes) 7925 LA CORRESPONDANCE DE DEUX ERUDITS NICOLAS-CLAUDE fabri DE PEIRESC ET CHATEAU(Anne) épouse SANCIER 10009 UNE ESTHETIQUE NOUVELLE honore D'URFE http://www.anrtheses.com.fr/Catalogue/SCat_1843.htm | |
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