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Feigenbaum Mitchell: more detail | ||
1. Feigenbaum Mitchell Jay Feigenbaum. Born 19 Dec 1944 in Philadelphia, USA. Click thepicture above to see three larger pictures Show birthplace location. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Feigenbaum.html | |
2. Princíp Spätnej Väzby A Deterministický Chaos 12 feigenbaum mitchell QUANTITATIVE UNIVERSALITY FOR CLASS OF NONLINEARTRANSFORMATIONS. JOURNAL OF STATISTIC PHYSICS 19 (1978) STR.. http://www.geocities.com/kozmologia/clanok1.html | |
3. Mitchell Feigenbaum Lab Pioneered bifurcations in the mid 70s and for whom the feigenbaum tree is named.Category Science Math Chaos and Fractals Chaos People......Back to RU Home, Laboratory of Mathematical Physics mitchell feigenbaumToyota Professor. Nonlinear systems and chaotic dynamics. http://www.rockefeller.edu/labheads/feigenbaum/feigenbaum.html | |
4. ACM Guide: Author Index Translate this page EA Feigenbaum E. Feigenbaum Edward A. Feigenbaum Edward Feigenbaum J FeigenbaumJ. Feigenbaum Joan Feigenbaum Leslie feigenbaum mitchell J. Feigenbaum. http://portal.acm.org/authors.cfm?part=author&coll=portal&dl=ACM&row=F&idx=57&id |
5. Www.tbtf.com/resource/macarthurites.txt Weiss Jay Michael 3/84 Woese Carl R. 3/84 Bernstein Shelly C. 11/84 Bickel PeterJ. 11/84 Drayton William 11/84 Drell Sidney 11/84 feigenbaum mitchell J. 11/84 http://www.tbtf.com/resource/macarthurites.txt | |
6. Mitchell Feigenbaum Lab Back to RU Home, Laboratory of Mathematical Physics mitchell FeigenbaumToyota Professor. Attempts at the analytical description of http://www.rockefeller.edu/labheads/feigenbaum/feigenbaum-lab.html | |
7. Feigenbaum - Ulli's Fractal Home mitchell feigenbaum i uniwersalno. "Dla kadego z przygotowaniem matematycznym, http://home.wtal.de/schwebin/myhome/figwin.htm | |
8. Feigenbaum's Universal Constant It is said that mr. mitchell feigenbaum called home to his mother when he discovered this universality and said this was http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~berland/math/feigenbaum/feigconstant.html | |
9. Mitchell Feigenbaum feigenbaum, mitchell (1945 ) feigenbaum, mitchell (1945- ) Mathematician, born in Philadelphia, PA. http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~rsauzier/Feigenbaum.html | |
10. References For Feigenbaum References for mitchell feigenbaum. Articles MJ feigenbaum, Computer generatedphysics, in Twentieth Century Physics (New York, 1995), 18231853. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Feigenbaum.html | |
11. Mitchell J. (was: Joan) Feigenbaum Biography of mitchell feigenbaum (19440BC) mitchell feigenbaum's father is Abraham Joseph feigenbaum, an analytic chemist whose parents had emigrated from a town http://mathforum.com/epigone/math-history-list/dorboigrum | |
12. The Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award - Mitchell J. Feigenbaum, 1982 1980's Laureates mitchell J. feigenbaum, 1982 Physics For his discovery of the perioddoublingroute-to-chaos, which has furthered the understanding of a wide http://www.sc.doe.gov/sc-5/lawrence/html/Laureates/mitchellj.htm | |
13. Environmental Portraits - Mitchell Feigenbaum William Coupon Photography Environmental Portraits. mitchell feigenbaum© 2002 William Coupon; all rights reserved. Back to Portraits 2. http://www.williamcoupon.com/PLACES/mitchell.html | |
14. Mitchell J. (was: Joan) Feigenbaum By Antreas P. Hatzipolakis mitchell J. (was Joan) feigenbaum by Antreas P. Hatzipolakis Subject mitchell J. (was Joan) feigenbaum Author Antreas P. Hatzipolakis xpolakis@hol.gr Date Tue, 25 Aug 1998 025247 +0200 1. http://mathforum.com/epigone/math-history-list/dorboigrum/v01540B00B207B0B8E22A@ | |
15. U.S. Particle Physicists feigenbaum, mitchell Title Tenured Faculty or Staff Phd Year 1970 FieldTheory Affil Rockefeller University Address Rockefeller Univ. http://susy.lbl.gov/server-java/HEPPerson?3830 |
16. U.S. Particle Physicists Braun, Dieter Catto, Sultan Cecchi, Guillermo Chialvo, Dante Cohen, EGD Convery,Mary Demortier, Luc Dubertret, Benoit feigenbaum, mitchell Gallinaro, Michele http://susy.lbl.gov/server-java/UniPerson?110 |
17. MITCHELL FEIGENBAUM In 1975, the eccentric scientist mitchell feigenbaum was probing the possibilitythat there was a point at which periodic equations turned chaotic. http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ma1ejm/feigenbaum.html | |
18. Tureck Bach Research Foundation Tureck Bach Research Foundation mitchell J. feigenbaum Biography. The RockefellerUniversity Box 75 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021-6399. EDUCATION. http://www.connectedglobe.com/tbrf/feigenb.html | |
19. ID Feigenbaum-M-1987b Title Some Characterizations Of Strange Cited, null. Keywords, null. Authors, mitchell J. feigenbaum. First Authors, feigenbaum,mitchell J. Last Authors, feigenbaum, mitchell J. Status, Y. Year, 1987. Comments, http://leos.bu.edu/~cclo/detailed.php?person_id=23 |
20. ID Feigenbaum-M-1986a Title Time Ordering And The Thermodynaics Keywords, null. Authors, mitchell J. feigenbaum, Mogens H. Jensen, Itamar Procaccia.First Authors, feigenbaum, mitchell J. Last Authors, Procaccia, Itamar. Status, Y. http://leos.bu.edu/~cclo/detailed.php?person_id=12 |
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