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21. Feigenbaum - Ulli's Fractal Home Translate this page Bifurkations-Diagramme - feigenbaum, mitchell feigenbaumdiagramme stellen das Verhalteneines dynamischen Systems (eine mathematische Formel) bei der Iteration http://home.wtal.de/schwebin/myhome/figwin-g.htm | |
22. Academy Members (F) Feher, George, I, 2, FELLOW. feigenbaum, Edward, A. I, 6, FELLOW. feigenbaum,mitchell, I, 2, FELLOW. Feit, Walter, I, 1, FELLOW. Feld, Steven, III,1, FELLOW. http://www.amacad.org/members/f.htm | |
23. Design Of A Role-based Trust-management Framework - Li, Mitchell, Winsborough (R Li, Grosof, feigenbaum (2000) (Correct) Distributed Credential Chain Discoveryin Trust Management Li, Winsborough, mitchell (2001) (Correct) Active http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/533810.html | |
24. Citations: Private Communication - Mitchell (ResearchIndex) J. mitchell, Private Communication, 1993. A BGPbased Mechanism for Lowest-CostRouting - Joan feigenbaum Computer (2002) Self-citation (Sami) (Correct). . http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/239364/0 | |
25. References Spinning, Euler's Disc. Bubble, Minimal Surfaces. F feigenbaum,mitchell. Reference.Context. Beffect, Constant of doubling. Expmaths, Bifurcation. Maps, Cartography. http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/refer.html | |
26. Maps That Shape The World absolutely as much as possible unassisted,but in no way violating the integrity ofthe aesthetics with which a human would have done it mitchell feigenbaum. http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/maps.html | |
27. Biography.com Fehling, Hermann von, 1812 1885. Feiffer, Jules, 1929 . feigenbaum,mitchell, 1945 . Feininger, Lyonel (Charles Adrian), 1871 1956. http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=F&num=100 |
28. APS Presentations N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. F. feigenbaum, mitchell, DynamicsSince Poincaré The Last Two Decades of Nonlinear Dynamics A Perspective . http://www.apscenttalks.org/choose_name.cfm?CHARSEARCH=F |
29. Ninghui Li's Publications Management. Ninghui Li, William H. Winsborough, and John C. mitchell. Journal Authorization.Ninghui Li, Benjamin N. Grosof, and Joan feigenbaum. ACM http://crypto.stanford.edu/~ninghui/pubs.html | |
30. Mathematician Index Copernicus, Nicolaus Cotes, Roger del Ferro, Scipione Descartes, René DionysodorusEudoxus Euler, Leonhard Eutocius feigenbaum, mitchell Fermat, Pierre Ferrari http://members.fortunecity.com/kokhuitan/mathematicianindex.html | |
31. Chaos Theory states. Mathematician mitchell feigenbaum (1945) followed up on May'sstudy and found there is order in the chaos May observed. The http://members.fortunecity.com/kokhuitan/chaos.html | |
32. Re: Mitchell J. (was: Joan) Feigenbaum By Samuel S. Kutler fgnbaum.html http//www.astro.virginia.edu/~eww6n/math/feigenbaumConstant.html 2. feigenbaum of feigenbaum's constant = mitchell J. feigenbaum (1944 http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/dorboigrum/v01540b00b207a42ba6fe@ | |
33. Mitchell J. (was: Joan) Feigenbaum By Antreas P. Hatzipolakis fgnbaum/fgnbaum.html http//www.astro.virginia.edu/~eww6n/math/feigenbaumConstant.html2. feigenbaum of feigenbaum's constant = mitchell J. feigenbaum (1944 http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/dorboigrum/v01540B00B207B0B8E22A@ | |
34. Buchanan Tree of Georgia); 2001 Arunava Banerjee (Univ. of Rochester). Tom Dietterich,with feigenbaum; Tom mitchell, with (CMU Tom.mitchell@cmu.edu ) http://www-db.stanford.edu/pub/voy/museum/buchanantree.html | |
35. Ref: Scientists Of The Second Half Of The 20th Century - By Miles Hodges order. It was chaoticyet clearly representing a type of order amidstchaos. mitchell feigenbaum. Ilya Prigogine (1917 ). Prigogine http://www.newgenevacenter.org/reference/20b-science2.htm | |
37. Www.nonlin.tu-muenchen.de/Projekte/Chlex/LEX Translate this page Farey tree FAREY_TREE Fehlermultiplikation ? FEHLERMULTIPLIKATION feigenbaum,mitchell ? feigenbaum feigenbaumszenario ? feigenbaumSZENARIO http://www.nonlin.tu-muenchen.de/Projekte/Chlex/LEX |
38. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Index F-fli and cybernetics, 862 in growth of bones, 1010 in visual system, 1075 Feedback shiftregisters, 974 see also Shift registers feigenbaum, mitchell J. (USA, 1944 http://www.wolframscience.com/nks/index/f-fli.html | |
39. APPENDIX B: Colloquially, the control systems and filters employed by the Iscog. feigenbaum,mitchell (prop. n) American physicist-laureate of the Late Modern era. http://www.sff.net/people/wmccarth/apdxb.htm | |
40. Feigenbaum-Diagramm | Ein(-)Blick Ins Chaos Von C. Wolfseher Translate this page Der Physiker mitchell feigenbaum hatte an dieser Stelle die Idee für eineweitere Computerdarstellung des Iterations-Szenarios Wir (bzw. http://www.katharinen.ingolstadt.de/chaos/fbaum1.htm | |
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