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61. I3456: Marie FINCKE (____ - ____) Marie fincke. . Family 1 William Standard Time. SarahWOMACK. - . Father thomas WOMACK Mother Mary _Abraham http://www.geocities.com/heartland/garden/2471/petersengen/d0003/g0000080.html | |
62. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 337*) Fèvre, Jean Le (90) Feynman, Richard (350*) Fibonacci, Leonardo (289*) Fields,John (290*) Finck, Pierre-Joseph-Etienne (367) fincke, thomas (213) Fine http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
63. Full Alphabetical Index Karl (337*) Fèvre, Jean Le (90) Feynman, Richard (350*), Fibonacci, Leonardo (2223*)Fields, John (290*) Finck, PierreJoseph (367) fincke, thomas (213) Fine http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
64. Finke Family Genealogy Forum Re Finkes from Rotterdam,Holl Hanover,Ger Carolyn Sue Corwin thomas 1/25 AnnieSophie(a) Finke - DeAnne Bassett 12/17/99 fincke Update from Germany - Linda http://genforum.genealogy.com/finke/ | |
65. Untitled FARRER, thomas, porter, h. 146 Court. J., carpr, h 241 Sheridan av fincke, August,bookkpr, h 452 jef av fincke, Carl, salesman, h 88 Saratoga av fincke, Fred. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~blkyn/Directory/F.html | |
66. ABNEY PARK CEMETERY BURIAL SURNAMES For Fin000 Finch, George John, 02oct1939, 75y, 165010, K04, 8S03. Finch, George thomas,18jan1928, 45y, 147319, B04, 7S12. fincke,. Name, Date, Age, Burial, Section,Index. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~abneypark/name/names-fin000.html | |
67. Contents Lists pm New Worlds 216 79; Alternate Universe I, II, III thomas M. Disch TinStatues Cecil Helman pm *; 181 Parade Test Gary fincke pm http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/t153.htm | |
68. MAR Author Index: Poetry A-I The Bridge of San Luis Rey v. VII, no. 2. Dougherty, Sean thomas. Snowglobe v. XXIII, no. Vistors from The Red Shoes v. VII, no. 1. fincke, Gary. http://www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/organizations/midamericanreview/authorpoetryinde | |
69. Thomas Fincke/Søster Ivers The Landmark Family Genealogy Project Husband thomas fincke Born1561 at Flensburg, SchleswigHolstein, D Married 1590-08-30 http://home.no.net/mikegl/fam05587.htm | |
70. Index To Royal Genealogical Data - Ordered By Lastname - Part 25 2nd; Finch, thomas, Earl of Winchilsea 2nd; Finch, William, Lord Maidstone; Finch TobiasJoshua Stormont, Viscount Maidstone, b. 21 JUN 1998; fincke, Nancy Seymour; http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/gedx25.html | |
71. Inhaltsverzeichnis Heintze fincke, Pfarrer em. BraunschweigMartin Grubert, Historiker, Braunschweig thomas Gunkel, Schulpfarrer http://bs.cyty.com/kirche-von-unten/archiv/gesch/fs90heintze/ | |
72. Congratulations Lieutenant Colonel Selects DEMASO WILLIAM C, PME. ERICKSON SCOTT J, PME. FANTINI MICHAEL A, PME. FELDHAUSENthomas J, PME. fincke EDWARD M, PME. FREESE thomas A FRA, PME. GEORGE CEDRICD, PME. http://www.afpc.randolph.af.mil/offprom/P0500A Lt Col LAF Selects - BPZ.htm | |
73. PERSONAJES ILUSTRES thomas fincke (1561-1650). http://www.iqb.es/HistoriaMedicina/Personas/Bartholin.htm | |
74. Autorenverzeichnis Translate this page Filloy, Juan. fincke, Eberhard. Finckh, Ulrich. Findeisen, Hans-Volkmar. Findeisen(Hrsg.), Raoul David. Findig, Andreas. Findley, thomas. Fine, Anne. Finetti, Marco. http://www.perlentaucher.de/autoren/F/start.html | |
75. Darmstädter Go-Tage 2001: Bericht Und Ergebnisse Translate this page MMS 1 2 3 4 5 Pt SOS SOSOS 1 fincke, Jonas 4d München 36 2+ 7+ 9 29 Tappe, Jochen1d Darmstadt 31½ 27+ 18- 20- 22- 1 160½ 792 30 Brucksch, thomas 1k Bonn http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/go/turniere/2002/erg02.html | |
76. Danmarks Kendte Personer - Wikipedia grænser. Matematik Harald Bohr; AK Erlang; thomas fincke; Piet Hein;Georg Mohr; Niels Erik Nørlund; Julius Petersen; Caspar Wessel. Computer http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danmarks_kendte_personer | |
77. Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg: Produktionsspiegel Translate this page Koproduzent Vera Vista Prag, Matti Film Producer Ilona Ziok Redaktion NDR Michael B. fincke B+R Ilona Ziok K Wojciech Szepel HL thomas Mertens T http://www.filmboard.de/pspiegel/endfertigung.htm | |
78. Rochester Review University Of Rochester 57, October 1998 Peter C. Ciurca '58 (MS), May 2000 James L. King '58, '62 (Mas),September 1999 Martha fincke Daspit '59E, February 2000 thomas J. Flanagan '59 http://www.rochester.edu/pr/Review/V63N1/cn-inmem.html | |
79. (TEKennedy) thomas E KENNEDY has published six books of fiction most recently, in by poetsand writers Christian Abouzeid Terri BrownDavidson Gary fincke Beth Houston http://theliteraryreview.org/chaps/tek/ | |
80. INFORMS: Erlang Prize Of The Applied Probabilty Society Feb 1929 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Agner Erlang was descended on hismother's side from thomas fincke. His father was a schoolmaster http://www.informs.org/Prizes/whoisErlang.html | |
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