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21. Oronce Fine / Simon De Colines (Paris, 1534) Psymon Web Bindery. Title page by oronce fine, from the print shopof Simon de Colines (Paris, 1534). Home Services Koster Incunabula http://www.psymon.com/incunabula/masterpieces/fine1.html |
22. Oronce Fine / Simon De Colines (Paris, 1536) Psymon Web Bindery. Title page by oronce fine, from the print shopof Simon de Colines (Paris, 1536). Home Services Koster Incunabula http://www.psymon.com/incunabula/masterpieces/fine2.html |
23. Index Of Renaissance Maps 356 Recens, Et Integra Orbis Descriptio . . ., oronce fine, 1534. 356.ARecens, Et Integra Orbis Descriptio . . ., oronce fine, 1534. http://www.henry-davis.com/MAPS/Ren/Ren1/Reno.html | |
24. Oronce Fine, Un Mathématicien De Briançon Du XVI Siècle Translate this page oronce fine,. Mathématicien 1555. oronce fine a fait ses études àParis. Il obtint un diplôme du collège de Navarre en 1522. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/oroncefine/ecole/oroncef.htm | |
25. Bienvenue Sur Le Site De L'école Oronce Fine Translate this page Cette page utilise des cadres, mais votrenavigateur ne les prend pas en charge. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/oroncefine/ | |
26. Club-Internet Encyclopédie Translate this page Titres (1-20 / 38) fin, fine Fin d'automne Fin de partie Fin de printemps finefine (oronce) fine amor fine-de-claire fine Gael fines amour courtois ou fin http://www.club-internet.fr/cgi-bin/h?fine |
27. Club-Internet Encyclopédie Translate this page Titres (1-20 / 37) fin but fin terme fin, fine Fin d'automne Fin de partieFin de printemps fine (oronce) fine-de-claire fine Gael amour courtois ou fin http://www.club-internet.fr/cgi-bin/h?fin |
28. Horloge Planétaire Dite D'Oronce Fine Translate this page Horloge planétaire dite d'oronce fine, XVI e s. Ó - ClichéBibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève. Reproduction interdite. http://panoramix.univ-paris1.fr/bsg/reserve/infos-ill/18.html | |
29. Biography-center - Letter F fine, oronce wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/fine.html;finelli, Giuliano www.getty.edu/art/collections/bio/a20018-1.html; http://www.biography-center.com/f.html | |
30. Cartographica Helvetica 12 (1995) 27-37: Summary Monique Pelletier The cordiform World maps by oronce fine. The cartographicalwork of oronce fine (14941555) is therefore all the more interesting. http://www.stub.unibe.ch/dach/ch/ch/summaries/e12d.html | |
31. Cartographica Helvetica 12 (1995) 27-37: Zusammenfassung Translate this page Monique Pelletier Die herzförmigen Weltkarten von oronce fine. Das kartographischeWerk von oronce fine (14941555) ist deshalb umso interessanter. http://www.stub.unibe.ch/dach/ch/ch/summaries/d12d.html | |
32. Web Articles: 3. People oronce fine (hyperlinked biography, from the MacTutor History of MathematicsArchive, University of St Andrews) {March, 2002}; oronce fine. http://www.ihrinfo.ac.uk/maps/textpeople.html | |
33. Mercator's World Online A quick glance at the oronce fine world map of 1531 shows that the mapmaker correctlygauged the relative size of Antarctica and placed the recognizable coasts http://www.mercatormag.com/article.php3?i=106 |
34. Mercator's World Online oronce fines doublecordiform map, published circa 1531 almostforty years before Mercators shows more of the area. http://www.mercatormag.com/article.php3?i=71 |
35. Berne, Trente Mars Gris, Aube Rude, Tonnerre Translate this page Braque (Georges - peintre cubiste), Minerve (commune de l'Hérault), Mobile (villeaméricaine sur le Golfe du Mexique), fine (oronce - mathématicien et http://www.cetteadressecomportecinquantesignes.com/CadBerne.htm | |
36. Carnet D'adresses Translate this page ecole.michaussee.05@wanadoo.fr. Briançon oronce fine élém. oroncefine05.prim@wanadoo.fr.Briançon oronce fine mat, ecole-mat-oronce-fine@wanadoo.fr. http://echo.des.cols.free.fr/feedback.htm | |
37. Orontij Finei ... De Mundi Sphaera, Siue Cosmographia ... [Microforma! By Fine, by oronce fine one of 260000 Spanish Language books available for worldwidedelivery. Microforma!; by oronce fine; 843703289X, SPANISH BOOKS DEPARTMENT, http://libros.netstoreusa.com/1210/9788/9788437032894.shtml | |
38. TEL +44 (0)20 7589 4325 FAX +44 (0)20 7589 1041 THE MAP HOUSE fine (oronce), 1531, 11 X 16, Woodcut map Very rare and early map of theworld as seen from the North and South Poles Shirley66 WLD 2657. http://www.themaphouse.com/stock/lists/wld.htm | |
39. Untitled Document fine (oronce) Nova, et Integra Universi Orbis Descriptio Woodcut map Shirley66 16 x 11in. (420 x 290mm.) Paris, 1531 Ref WLD 2657. Holbein's Engraving. http://www.themaphouse.com/WLD/ | |
40. Clock And Watch oronce fine, Shipshaped sundial. Armillary Sphere, signed by Gualterus Arsenius. oronce fine (Sixteenth century) Donated by Piero Portaluppi, 1978. http://www.museopoldipezzoli.it/PP_inglese/museo/collezioni/orologi/orologi.htm | |
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