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41. Le Collezioni - Orologi 1524 oronce fine (XVI secolo) Donazione di Piero Portaluppi, 1978. http://www.museopoldipezzoli.it/PP_italiano/museo/collezioni/orologi/orologi.htm | |
42. Norbert R. Adami / Bibliographia Astrologica / Alphabetisches Verzeichnis - F fine, oronce Coelestinus, Claudius De his que mundo mirabiliter evenivnt.Lutetiae Parisiorum apud S. Colinaeum, 1542. 52 Bl. Par oronce fine http://www.astriola.com/astrobib/p/alph-F.html | |
43. Special Catalogue 11:Time 27. Author fine, oronce Title Solaribus horologiis Publisher/Date Paris WillamCavellat Stephan Casellas 1560? Dealer B L Rootenberg ~ fine Rare http://www.worldbookdealers.com/dealers/ct/ct0000000131_0002.asp | |
44. Solaribus Horologiis Author fine, oronce Title Solaribus horologiis Publication Paris Willam CavellatStephan Casellas 1560? Price Book Sold Reference No 3684 Make an http://www.worldbookdealers.com/books/rootenberg/0000156600/bk0000156666.asp | |
45. Power In Cyberspace 2, no. 3, p.27. return to xpage page. power8 page Decorative lettersdesigned by fine, oronce, the mathematician, Paris, 1532. Compiled http://www.ualr.edu/~acdixon/piccr.html | |
46. La Commission Des Cadrans Solaires Du Québec Translate this page fine, oronce (1494-1555) Opere di Orontio Finco des Delfinato - Moxon,Joseph (1703) Mechanick exercises or The doctrine of handy-works http://cadrans_solaires.scg.ulaval.ca/cadransolaire/bibliovi.html | |
47. ESI-References Looks like Medieval education in math and science was better than ours ifthis is representative! fine, oronce. Second Book of Solar Horology. http://www.humboldt.edu/~rap1/EarlySciInstSite/References.htm | |
48. Biograf2 Translate this page FAULHABER, JOHANN (1580-1635). FERNEL, JEAN (1497-1558). fine, oronce (1494-1555).FIORAVANTI, LEONARDO (1518-1588). FLUDD, ROBERT (1574-1637). http://www.ucm.es/info/folchia/biograf2.htm | |
49. Flibros Translate this page del Aduanista enmascarado, Madrid, 1687. fine, oronce, Margarita philosophica,Basilea, 1535. Libri de his quae mundo mirabiliter http://www.ucm.es/info/folchia/flibros.htm | |
50. Galilee Translate this page Petri Apiani Cosmographia, per Gemmam Phrysium , denuo restituta. oroncefine. - Le sphere du monde, proprement ditte cosmographie. fine (oronce). http://www.biu-toulouse.fr/sicd/services/sla/galilee.HTM | |
51. Rare Mathematics Titles Euler, Leonhard,, Institutiones calculi differentialis cum e, 1755.fine, oronce,, Orontii Finaei Delphinatis, regii mathemat, 1556. Gauss http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/rarebook/science/math.htm | |
52. Rare Mathematics Titles MATHEMATICS. 15001900 Date. Author. LC Dewey Index. WebLUIS UF Libraries Catalog.fine, oronce,, Orontii Finaei Delphinatis, regii mathemat, 1556. Archimedes. http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/rarebook/science/math2.htm | |
53. Bell Catalog - Fs fine, oronce, 14941555. De mundi sphaera, sive cosmographia, primáve Astronomiaparte, Lib. 32 cm. Call Number 1542 fFi. fine, oronce, 1494-1555. http://bell.lib.umn.edu/cat/bib_f1.html | |
54. Index, Bell Catalog - Fs Translate this page Filson, John, 1753?-1788. Fin de la fine, oronce, 1494-1555. Fiott, John, d.1797. Fischer, Friedrich Christoph Jonathan. Fischer, Johann Eberhard. http://bell.lib.umn.edu/cat/ind_f1.html | |
55. Inspection Académique Des Hautes-Alpes (05) > Adresses Translate this page eepu05.briancon.michaussee@ac-aix-marseille.fr Site http//perso.wanadoo.fr/briancon.michaussee.05BRIANCON oronce-fine ECOLE PRIMAIRE Rue http://rectorat.ac-aix-marseille.fr/ia05/infos/adresses2.htm | |
56. Cartograaf F-M FEUILLE, JACOB DE LA (zoon) 16681719 (Frankrijk) FEUILLE, PAUL DE LA (zoon) 1688-1727(Frankrijk) fine, oronce 1494-1555 (Frankrijk) FLINDERS, CAPTAIN MATTHEW http://www.andropov.com/imode/cartogravenFM.html | |
57. The History Of Cartography, Volume 3: Caption CORDIFORM WORLD MAP OF oronce fine, CA. 1536. Although not printed until the mid1530s,oronce fine began work on this double-sheet woodcut in 1518-19. http://feature.geography.wisc.edu/histcart/v3cap.html | |
58. December 2001 16 Viktor Yakovlevich Bunyakovsky, 17 Mary Cartwright, 18 Roger Lyndon,19 Leon Mirsky, 20 oronce fine, 21 John Ringrose, 22 Srinivasa Ramanujan. http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/December2001.html | |
59. F Index Richard (350*), Fibonacci, Leonardo (2223*) Fields, John (290*) Finck, PierreJoseph(367) Fincke, Thomas (213) fine, Henry (486*) fine, oronce (204) Finsler http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/F.html |
60. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 350*) Fibonacci, Leonardo (289*) Fields, John (290*) Finck, Pierre-Joseph-Etienne(367) Fincke, Thomas (213) fine, Henry (486*) fine, oronce (204) Finsler http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
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