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61. Hosted By Tripod Type Info here . © philip Dean Sharp The franklin County VeteransMemorial Another Seaton Family Website Ottawa,Kansas USA. http://members.tripod.com/~seaton_kan/Philip_Dean_Sharp.html | |
62. PAL: Table Of Contents Jean De Crevecoeur Olaudah Equiano Jonathan Edwards Hannah Webster Foster Benjamin franklin philip Freneau Jupiter Hammon Thomas Jefferson http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/TABLE.HTML | |
63. Abbott Philip The Exemplary Presidency : Franklin D Roosevelt And The American P Abbott philip The Exemplary Presidency franklin D Roosevelt and theAmerican Political Tradition. Abbott philip The Exemplary Presidency http://www.novelshopping.com/Abbott-Philip-The-Exemplary-Presidency-0870237063.h | |
64. Biographies - Pfaff To Pizarro philip, Robert William (18571939) Scotch physician, educator - Belgium B585. PIERCE,franklin (1804-1869) American president, lawyer, general, author. http://www.philately.com/philately/biopfpi.htm | |
65. Descent From Richard De Tilston To Philip Robert Burns Daniel TILLOTSON (b 1796, d 1863) = Tryphena HULET (b 1797, d 1829); franklin JamesTillotson franklin James TILLOTSON (b 1824, d 1900 philip Robert BURNS (b 1952 http://www.pibburns.com/tillotsn.htm | |
66. Oceanography History Richardson, philip L. The Benjamin franklin and Timothy Folger Charts of the GulfStream. Oceanography The Past , 703717, New York, 1980. Van Doren, Carl. http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/kids/history.html | |
67. Named Professorships, Deanships, And Directorships -- The Johns Hopkins Universi philip franklin WAGLEY CHAIR IN BIOMEDICAL ETHICS Established in 1995by family, patients, and friends in honor of philip Wagley http://webapps.jhu.edu/namedprofessorships/professorshipdetail.cfm?professorship |
68. Equinox Wilderness Expeditions | Franklin Bisecting four subranges in the Brooks Range (philip Smith, franklin, Shublikand Sadlerochit Mts., the Canning River flows north from the Arctic Divide http://www.equinoxexpeditions.com/html/franklin.html | |
69. Rothrock Family Children of Joseph Rothrock and Mary Magdalena Webel Catherine Rothrock (1808?)philip Rothrock (1810-?) Eva Elizabeth Rothrock 1827-?) franklin Rothrock (ca. http://www.fmoran.com/rothrock.html | |
70. I6637: Sarah Eliza ALBACH (25 May 1843 - 12 Dec 1931) who were minors Ananius Glick of Fairfield Co., George Glick of franklin Co., Andrew deceased,who were Andrew Bradley of Fairfield Co., and philip, James M http://www.foorgenealogy.com/d0005/g0000025.html | |
71. I231: Philip Harrison EMMERT (ABT 1840 - ____) philip Harrison EMMERT. ABT 1840 . HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep26 1998) on 08/17/99 125925 . franklin Smithwick RUSH. ABT 1865 - ABT 1923. http://www.public.asu.edu/~moore/rushdex/d0001/g0000055.html | |
72. I1095: Philip MORGAN (30 MAY 1957 - ) philip MORGAN. Birth 30 MAY 1957. Family 1 Darlene PATTERSON Lisa AmberMORGAN. INDEX Created by Sparrowhawk 0255 2002. John franklin ALFORD. http://www.qsl.net/n9fyv/Genealogy2/D0001/G0000001.html | |
73. Descendants Of Philip Odenwelder: Ninth Generation franklin George Emery and Sheryl Gulbrandsen had the following children franklinGeorge Emery and Denise Switzer had the following child 413 iv. http://www.uftree.com/UFT/WebPages/scemer01/ODENWELD/d0/i0000041.htm | |
74. Nellie Franklin, B: 1875 - Wife Susan A. franklin Born 1870 Died - Father Benjamin N. franklin MotherElizabeth Husband philip Vincent Vass Born - Marr 28 DEC 1780 - Louisa Co http://franklin.rootsweb.com/ghtout/gp980.htm | |
75. State Street Stories | University Art Museum Henry Hudson, Peter Stuyvesant, Benjamin franklin, philip Livingston, Abraham Lincoln,Theodore Roosevelt, and franklin Delano Roosevelt are among the many http://www.albany.edu/museum/wwwmuseum/statestreet/ | |
76. Liberty: Who's Who Benjamin franklin (philip Bosco) Born to poverty in Boston, franklin rises froma printshop apprenticeship to a career as a skillful politician and diplomat http://www.pbs.org/ktca/liberty/series/whos-who.html | |
77. Citation Asit Dan , philip S. Yu, Performance analysis of coherency control policies throughlock Michael J. franklin , Michael J. Zwilling , CK Tan , Michael J. Carey http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=115854&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
78. I8361: Sarah Ann ?? (ABT. 1819 - ____) philip HAMMON. ABT. 1740 . NAME philip HOMMON; BIRTH ABT. 1740. Family 1 Maria Agnes SALTZGEBER INDEX. HOME franklin P. MURPHY. 1 AUG 1853 - 24 JUL 1924. http://janiceaf2.home.netcom.com/html/d0002/g0000019.html | |
79. I145: James Franklin ALLEN (29 Mar 1867 - ____) _William Jesse ALLEN _+ _Lewis W. ALLEN _Matilda FORT JamesFranklin ALLEN _James ELLINGTON _ _Elizabeth philip Anthony PRATT. http://www.parrett.net/~zorro/d0000/g0000067.html | |
80. Top People In UK Industry [F] Tony Sales Director Learoyd Packaging Ltd Flannagan, philip Director Sales and PeterChairman Product Innovation Holdings Ltd franklin, David Director http://www.applegate2.co.uk/indexes/people/f.htm | |
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