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61. Comprehensive Bibliography freudenthal, hans, The Concept and Role of the Model in Mathematics and SocialSciences. freudenthal, hans, Mathematics as an Educational Task. http://euphrates.wpunj.edu/courses/math21180/bibliography.htm | |
62. Leibniz Bibliography 1985 freudenthal, hans (1985). Die Gesetze des elastischen Stosses beiLeibniz. In Mathemata Festschrift für Helmuth Gericke, edited http://www.hfac.uh.edu/gbrown/philosophers/leibniz/Bibliography/1985/Leib1985.ht | |
63. Reminiscências Pessoais De Minha Atuação Enquanto Presidente Translate this page Foi muito bom ter feito um bom relacionamento com o Professor hans freudenthal. hansfreudenthal, anti-piagetiano, era um dos conferencistas. http://www.furb.br/xi-ciaem/precursores_main.htm | |
64. Trefferübersicht Translate this page 0336 freudenthal, hans Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik. 2500/FB frei).0549 freudenthal, hans Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik. 1968 http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~michler/script3/stattref.html |
65. MathComp Database - Short View Of Documents COLLECTED WORKS. 2, 1059603, 1960, freudenthal, hans, 1905 LIE GROUPS.3, 1041628, 1969, freudenthal, hans, 1905- LINEAR LIE GROUPS. http://ram0.huji.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/JSL/JMC/JMC/FIND-ACC/0393743 | |
66. Aktuelle Liste Autoren Zurück Weiter Alternative Listen Translate this page KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Conrad Adenauer Stiftung), 13 (11), 46-63. freudenthal,hans. freudenthal, H. (1975). Einführung in die Sprache der Logik. http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/gesint/wlit/VERFASSE/K1-00347.HTM | |
67. Bruno Bassi - Were It Perfect, Would It Work Better? An exposition of this language is contained in a book by Dr. hans freudenthal1, published in 1960. 2. References. freudenthal, hans. http://www.brunobassi.it/scritti/lincos.html | |
68. Mathe-Literatur Translate this page freudenthal, hans Was beweist die Zeichnung? In Mathematik lehren, Heft17/ 1986. Heymann, hans-Werner Allgemeinbildung und Mathematik. http://www.heikorenker.de/Mathematik/matheliteratur.htm | |
69. Morris Kline's, Why The Professor Can't Teach: Bibliography And Index Washington, DC US Government Printing Office, 1950. freudenthal, hans. Mathematicsas an Educational Task. Boston Reidel Publishing Co., 1973. http://www.marco-learningsystems.com/pages/kline/prof/profteachindex.html | |
70. Extraterrestrial Life Counterpoint, 1998. 320 p. $17.50. freudenthal, hans. Lincos Design of a Languagefor Cosmic Intercourse. New York NorthHolland, 1960. Gardner, Martin. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/ExtraterrestrialLife.html | |
71. Freudenthal Gideon Atom Und Individuum Im Zeitalter Newtons Translate this page Titel Atom und Individuum im Zeitalter Newtons. Autor freudenthal Gideon. RiedrichThomas, Vetters Kla Roos hans-Görg, Schwetlick H http://www.b-www.de/Freudenthal-Gideon-Atom-und-Individuum-im-Zeitalt-3518579843 | |
72. Fondo De Revistas Translate this page MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES 1983. freudenthal, hans. KLUWER AP E2-1462REVISTING MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. CHINA LECTURES. 1991. FRIANT, J http://thales.cica.es/centrodoc/fondolibros/librosautores/f.html | |
73. Bookmarks For Hans Van Ditmarsch Bookmarks for hans van Ditmarsch. www.mathemati c_sum_product Google Search Sumand Product freudenthal van Ditmarsch' hexagon homepage Ariel Rubinstein http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/staffpriv/hans/bookmarks.html | |
74. Prinzen Translate this page 1991, Karl-Heinz I. (Schwien) , Neustadt. 1990, Charly I. (hans Rüdiger Scharfstedt),freudenthal. 1989, hans-Werner I. (Diecksmeier) , Schwarz-Gelbe-Funken. http://www.schwarz-gelbe-funken.de/prinzen/prinzen-start.htm | |
75. Ratsmitglieder Translate this page 27. 8 98 11. Frenzel, Wera. Waldsiedlung 9. 8 72 67. SPD. freudenthal, hans-Georg.III. Sandereiweg 9. 8 41 98. -. Gretscher, Helmut. Ostpreußenweg 6. 8 44 03.SPD. http://www.info-buxtehude.de/Rat_der_Stadt/ratsmitglieder.html |
76. Las Fracciones Translate this page 1 hans freudenthal. Fenomenología didáctica de las estructuras matemáticas. freudenthal,hans. Fenomenología didáctica de las estructuras matemáticas. http://www.correodelmaestro.com/anteriores/2001/enero/2nosotros56.htm | |
77. Bibilografía 1986)3148. freudenthal, hans, mathematics as an Educational tak.dordrecht, netherlands D. residel, 1973. Geddes, doroth, David http://www.hemerodigital.unam.mx/ANUIES/upn/vol13/sec_98.html | |
78. Freudenthal Translate this page Da hans freudenthal, I grandi problemi delleducazione matematica, in Sviluppie tendenze internazionali in didattica della matematica, a cura di Claudio http://www.matmedia.it/documenti/Proposte e discussioni/Come usare il calcolator | |
79. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Mathematics Education Didactical Phenomenology of Mathematical Structures hans freudenthal August 1983,ISBN 90277-1535-1, Hardbound Price 298.50 EUR / 377.00 USD / 227.50 GBP http://mlis.www.wkap.nl/home/topics/B/4/?sort=P&results=120 |
80. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries Lincos was devised by Professor hans freudenthal in 1960, and it was aimed to bethe most understandable language in existence in other words, a language http://library.thinkquest.org/C003763/index.php?page=interview01 |
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