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41. INVITED SPEAKERS IN ILAS CONFERENCES - 1992 ILAS 2nd Conference Lisbon, Portugal Rajendra Bathia (Plenary - 60 minutes)Shmuel Friedland (Plenary - 60 minutes) israel gohberg (Plenary - 60 minutes http://www.math.technion.ac.il/iic/ILASSPEAKERS.html | |
42. Www.math.technion.ac.il/~techm/oldmessages/2570 Daletsky (Ukraine) V. Gorbachuk (Ukraine, Kiev) I. gohberg (israel) A. Kochubei (Ukraine,Kiev) M. Gorbachuk (Ukraine) A. Nudelman (Ukraine, Odessa) B. Helton http://www.math.technion.ac.il/~techm/oldmessages/2570 |
43. MTNS98 Home Page BN Datta (USA), P. Dewilde (Netherlands), H. Dym (israel), M. Fliess (France), P.Fuhrmann (israel), B. Ghosh (USA), I. gohberg (israel), D. Hinrichsen (Germany http://coding.yonsei.ac.kr/~hysong/cits/mtns98.html | |
44. Gohberg/Mennicken/Tretter, Differential And Integral Operators / Recent Progress OT 102 Operator Theory Advances and Applications gohberg, I., Tel Aviv University,Ramat Aviv, israel / Mennicken, R. and Tretter, C., both at University of http://www.birkhauser.ch/books/math/5890.htm | |
45. Basic Operator Theory; Author: Gohberg, I. (Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Isr Basic Operator Theory Author gohberg, I. (TelAviv University, RamatAviv, israel); Author Goldberg, S. (University of Maryland, USA). http://www.opengroup.com/oabooks/376/3764330287.shtml | |
46. Biography-center - Letter G biography/vgoghshort.htm; gohberg, israel wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/gohberg.html;Goitschel, Christine http://www.biography-center.com/g.html | |
47. Institute Mittag-Leffler Participants Spring 2003 21 gilliam@ml.kva.se Glad, Torkel Linköping 9/36/4 N2 17 glad@ml.kva.se gohberg,israel Tel Aviv 8/2-9/3 BF 17 Gombani, Andrea Padova 9/2-9/3 WG.C. 21 gombani http://www.ml.kva.se/allvis03spring.html | |
48. Navigate MathSciNet Jump To Search Or Browse Screens Full Search To MSN, Ellis, Robert L.(1MD); gohberg, israel(IL-TLAV) Orthogonal systems andconvolution operators. Operator Theory Advances and Applications, 140. http://www.ams.org/msnhtml/book-list.html | |
49. Israel Koltracht Ph.D. 1983 The Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, israel 7 (1996), 170179; (with I. gohberg)Triangular factors of Cauchy and Vandermonde matrices, Int. Eq. Op. http://www.math.uconn.edu/~kolt/ | |
50. Vadim Olshevsky Valley). Dario Fasino (University of Udine, Italy). israel gohberg (TelAviv) Picture. Georg Heinig (Kuwait University, Kuwait) Picture. http://www.math.uconn.edu/~olshevsk/ | |
51. GALERIA DE HONOR Translate this page Otros miembros del cuerpo docente que recibieron el Premio Rothschild Prof. YakirAharonov, Prof. israel gohberg, Prof. Moshe Gil, Prof. Yitzhak Wahl, Prof. http://www.tau.ac.il/spanish/galeria_de_honor.htm | |
52. Tel Aviv University Rector -Prizes And Awards Yakir Aharonov, Prof. Amnon Aharony, Prof. israel gohberg, Prof. Moshe Gil,Prof. Yitzhak Wahl, Prof. Joshua Jortner, Prof. Yuval Ne'eman, Prof. http://www.tau.ac.il/rector/awards-e.html | |
53. NA Digest Monday, March 2, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 7 Valencia (Spain) Sergio Bittanti, Milano (Italy) Biswa Nath Datta, DeKalb (USA) JeanMichelDion, Grenoble (France) israel gohberg, Tel-Aviv (israel) CR Johnson http://www.netlib.org/na-digest-html/87/v87n07.html | |
54. Www.netlib.org/na-digest/87/v87n07 Pedro Albertos, Valencia (Spain) Sergio Bittanti, Milano (Italy) Biswa Nath Datta,DeKalb (USA) JeanMichel Dion, Grenoble (France) israel gohberg, Tel-Aviv http://www.netlib.org/na-digest/87/v87n07 | |
55. Dipartimento Di Matematica-Università Di Napoli Collocazione c2002; gohberg, israel (editor) Linear Operators and Matrices,Operator Theory Advances and Applications, no. 130, Birkhauser, C5-(130. http://www.dma.unina.it/italiano/Biblioteca/Collezioni.php | |
56. Colloquium Colloquium on Operator Theory and its Applications in honour of israel gohberg, http://www.tuwien.ac.at/pr/news/colloquium.htm | |
57. Neuanschaffungen Im Quartal 3/00 Genz, Henning Gedankenexperimente, 1999. gohberg, israel / Goldberg, Seymour/ Krupnik, Nahum Traces and determinants of linear operators, 2000. http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/library/neu3_00.html | |
58. Lorenzi, Alpay, D., Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, israel / gohberg, I.,Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, israel / Vinnikov, V., Ben Gurion University http://www.yurinsha.com/350/p4.htm | |
59. OT 124Operator Theory: Eds.). Recent Advances in Operator Theory The israel gohberg AnniversaryVolume International Workshop in Groningen, June 1998. http://www.yurinsha.com/337/p2.htm | |
60. Colloquium - DM, IST: I. Gohberg (=?iso-8859-1?Q?altera=E7=E3o?=) INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO DEPARTAMENTO DE MATEMATICA COLLOQUIUM Orthogonal systemsand convolution equations israel gohberg (Tel Aviv University) Abstract http://listas.math.ist.utl.pt/pipermail/cold/2002-March/000026.html | |
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