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21. Author, H Hardin , Russell; Harding , Neil; Hardt , M. Hardy; Harr , Jonathan;harriot , thomas; Harris; Harris , Marvin; Harris , Neil; Harris , W.V; http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/reserves/butler/author/H.html | |
22. Harriot, Thomas harriot, thomas 15601621, English mathematician and astronomer. harriot,thomas. 1560-1621, English mathematician and astronomer. http://www.slider.com/enc/23000/Harriot_Thomas.htm | |
23. Çظ®¾ù ? harriot, thomas (1560~1621). http://woosuk.woosuk.ac.kr/~mathedu/mathematics5/mathe105.htm | |
24. Thomas Cavendish - Heritage Education Program - National Park Service - Cape Hat Among the men on the expedition were John White, the artist whose paintings wouldsoon portray the area, and thomas harriot, the brilliant scientist whose http://www.nps.gov/fora/cavendish.htm | |
25. New Book Highlights Work Of Thomas Harriot 9, Oct. 29, 1998. New book highlights work of thomas harriot. Shirley wrote thedefinitive book about harriot, thomas harriot A Biography, Staiger said. http://www.udel.edu/PR/UpDate/99/9/new.html | |
26. Natur Des Lichts Translate this page thomas harriot. thomas harriot (1560-1621) wurde in Oxford, England geboren. Erwar Mathematiker und Astronom. Er gründete die English school of algebra. http://members.aol.com/mblicht1/harriot.htm | |
27. Natur Des Lichts Translate this page G, Galilei, Galileo, Gitter, Grimaldi, Francesco Maria. H, harriot, thomas,Hertz, Heinrich, Hooke, Robert. Huygens, Christian, Huygenssches Prinzip, http://members.aol.com/mblicht1/ | |
28. Thomas Harriot Translate this page thomas harriot, Hauptseite/Main Page. Deutsch, English. Britannica.com thomasharriot. Erstellt am 04.02.2001, Zuletzt geändert am 03.02.2002. http://www.niester.de/p_natwis/harriot/harriot.html | |
29. University Of Delaware: JOHN SHIRLEY PAPERS Re THOMAS HARRIOT Special Collections Department. John Shirley Papers related to thomas harriot.( ca 1950 1621, 1947 - 1988 ). (Spec LD 1482.65 S53 W66 1980) harriot, thomas. http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/shirley2.htm | |
30. The Soft Logic Of Thomas Harriot The Soft Logic of thomas harriot. HT Goranson, SiriusBeta. tedg@infi.net.Abstract. Until recently, First thomas harriot. thomas harriot (1560 http://members.tripod.com/vismath1/gor/ | |
31. Thomas Hariot: Additional Sources from A Brief and True Report Hariot in 1620; Engraving by Francis Delaram 548kTitle sheet of A Briefe and True Report 74k thomas harriot's Moon Drawings, http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/hariadd.htm | |
32. 6.2 Thomas Harriot (Dejiny Algebry) 6.2 thomas harriot (1560 1621). Anglický matematik, ktorý napísal knihu?Pouitie analytického umenia na rieenie algebraických úloh. http://www.matika.sk/zdroje/texty/recenz/Dejalg/Cast6/Part6-2.htm | |
33. Harriot, Thomas encyclopediaEncyclopedia harriot, thomas, hâr'Eut Pronunciation Key.harriot, thomas , 15601621, English mathematician and astronomer. http://print.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0822807.html | |
34. Thomas Harriot Click here to visit our sponsor thomas harriot. 1560 1621. Start yoursearch on thomas harriot. Other educational search engines http://www.virtualology.com/virtualpubliclibrary/hallofeducation/Mathematics/Tho | |
35. THE HARRIOT PAGE- (Thomas Harriot - 1560c-1621) - Biography - Bibliography - Inf FLORIDA. thomas harriot (1560c1621) harriot - Biography - RA Hatch.harriot Bibliography - harriot Bibliography - RA Hatch. harriot http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/sr-major-figu | |
36. Thomas Harriot Little is known of thomas harriot in his early years, except that his fatherwas a commoner in the county of Oxford. thomas harriot A Biography. http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/b-online/library/history/harriot.html | |
37. The 1995 Durham Thomas Harriot Seminar The 1995 Durham thomas harriot Seminar The Durham (England) thomas harriotSeminar met in Durham on December 1820, 1995. The papers http://www.ecu.edu/rcro/Newsletter/3-2/Harriot.htm | |
38. Electronic Research Tools: Thomas Hariot Surfs The Web From there look for thomas harriot in the People section and for The Moon and for Sunspots under the Things section. The http://www.ecu.edu/rcro/Newsletter/4-1/Hariot.htm | |
39. About "Thomas Harriot's Manuscripts" Linked essay thomas harriot died in 1621.......thomas harriot's manuscripts. Library Home Full Table of Contents Suggesta Link Library Help http://mathforum.org/library/view/12309.html | |
40. Heath Anthology Of American Literature 4/e Thomas Harriot - Author Page Textbook Site for The Heath Anthology of American Literature, FourthEdition Paul Lauter, General Editor. thomas harriot (15601621) http://college.hmco.com/english/lauter/heath/4e/students/author_pages/colonial/h | |
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