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Hipparchus Of Rhodes: more detail |
21. David MacKay: Dynamics: History Of Dynamics 190BC120BC hipparchus of rhodes measured the angular height of the star AlphaVirginis above the ecliptic and compared it with 150-yr-old Babylonian http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/teaching/dynamics/history.html | |
22. Martian Chronicles - July 2001 astronomer of ancient times. Sometimes referenced as Hipparchus of Nicaeaor hipparchus of rhodes, his name was also spelled Hipparchos. http://www.roamingastronomer.com/marsastro/mc0107.htm | |
23. JCA: Education: Parallax & Parsec hipparchus of rhodes estimated the distance to the Moon from measurements takenduring a solar eclipsein 189BCE. The eclipse was full in Hellespont (NW. http://www.jca.umbc.edu/~george/html/courses/glossary/parallax.html | |
24. Alexandria Alexandria. Yet it was Claudius Ptolemy (believed to be Egyptian) thatprovided us with our best knowledge of hipparchus of rhodes. And http://www.math.wichita.edu/history/topics/alexandria.html | |
25. Title 287 to 212 BCE. Eratosthenes, Ca. 275 to 200 BCE. Apollonius of Perga, Ca. 260 to190 BCE. hipparchus of rhodes, Ca. 190 to 120 BCE. Claudius Ptolemy, Ca. 86 to 165AD. http://www.math.uvic.ca/courses/math415/Math415Web/greece/gmen.html | |
26. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: By Thread HM Chord Table Possibly by hipparchus of rhodes Barnabas Hughes(Sun Jan 02 2000 135622 EST) Re HM Chord Table Possibly http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/jan00/ | |
27. About The Mission Hipparchus the Greek. hipparchus of rhodes was a Greek astronomer andgeographer who lived circa 150 BC. During his life, Hipparchus http://sci.esa.int/content/doc/94/28820_.htm | |
28. GO.HRW.COM hipparchus of rhodes Click here to find out more about Hipparchus andhis use of trigonometry to figure out some astronomical mysteries. http://go.hrw.com/ndNSAPI.nd/gohrw_rls1/pKeywordResults?keyword=sc0 greek scient |
29. Stellar Greek astronomer hipparchus of rhodes is recognized as being the firstperson to catalog the Constellation of RX7. Regretfully the http://www.q-net.net.au/~orinoco/stellar.html | |
30. Important Astronomers, Their Instruments And Discoveries 1 hipparchus of rhodes (c. 150 125 BC) used the equatorially mountedArmillary Sphere for a variety of measurements. He determined http://www.seds.org/billa/psc/hist1.html | |
31. Astronomy 311: Exploring The Universe II There is a long history of measuring the brightness of stars, dating back tothe Greek astronomer hipparchus of rhodes (190120 BC), around 150 BC. http://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/newbury/astro311/030124.html | |
32. How Jesus Got A Life -- The Probing Mind In 128 BCE the Greek astronomer hipparchus of rhodes discovered the precessionof the equinoxes see Figure 2. Because the earth's axis is tilted http://www.atheists.org/church/jesuslife.html | |
33. OML: Neptune's Realm: Ocean Divided hipparchus of rhodes (c. 167127 BC), one of the greatest of Greek astronomers,had marked off the earth's surface at the equator into 360 partsthe degrees http://www.usm.maine.edu/maps/exhibit8/nrlong.html | |
34. Issue 8 - SpaceTides hipparchus of rhodes (±190 120 BC) was a gifted Greek astronomerand mathematician who discovered the precession of the equinoxes. http://www.geocities.com/assabfn/spacetides/issues/issue_08.htm | |
35. Persons In Astronomy - SpaceTides of Persons Before 1 BC hipparchus of rhodes (± 190 120 BC) was a gifted Greekastronomer and mathematician who discovered the precession of the equinoxes. http://www.geocities.com/assabfn/spacetides/persons.htm | |
36. OUR FUTURE IN THEIR HANDS: Method & Madness In Science - NI 182 - CHEATS! However, he did most of his observing in the library at Alexandria. Here hecalmly lifted the work of an earlier Greek astronomer, hipparchus of rhodes. http://www.newint.org/issue182/cheats.htm | |
37. Comments On 20290 | MetaFilter model of planetary movement around a fixed earth devised by Apollonius of Pergaand hipparchus of rhodes (later superceded by the heliocentric model of http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/20290 | |
38. Science Timeline Hilschmann, Norbert, 1965. Hinshelwood, Cyril, 1950. hipparchus of rhodes,134 bce. Hippocrates of Chios, 430 bce. Hippocrates of Cos, 400 bce, 1185. http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_h.htm | |
39. History Of Geometry hipparchus of rhodes (190120 BC) is the first to systematically use anddocument the foundations of trigonometry, and may have invented it. http://geometryalgorithms.com/history.htm | |
40. The Math Forum Trig/Calc Problem Of The Week Archive More about Hipparchus can be found in the MacTutor History of Mathematicsarchives; see hipparchus of rhodes. Highlighted solutions http://mathforum.org/calcpow/solutions/solution.ehtml?puzzle=44 |
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