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Hipparchus Of Rhodes: more detail |
41. Epicycle The geometry of epicycles was perfected by hipparchus of rhodes at some time around125 BC, 185 years after the birth of Aristarchus of Samos, the inventor of http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/epicycle1.html | |
42. A Chronology Of Interpolation 150 BC hipparchus of rhodes uses linear interpolation in the construction of tablesof the socalled chord-function (related to the sine function) for the http://imagescience.bigr.nl/meijering/research/chronology/ | |
43. Lecture 6: Motions Of The Stars Halley in 1718 for three bright stars Sirius, Aldebaran, and Arcturus, by comparinghis measurements of their positions to those of hipparchus of rhodes (300BC http://www-astronomy.mps.ohio-state.edu/~pogge/Ast162/Unit1/motions.html | |
44. History Of Constellation And Star Names This article and Part II of such, published 1988/1989, comprise a study of theCommentary on the Phainomena of Aratus and Eudoxus by hipparchus of rhodes.. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gtosiris/page6.html | |
45. The Origin Of The Zodiac It would appear it was the Greek astronomer hipparchus of rhodes (2ndcentury BCE)who first redefined the the boundaries of the 12 signs so that the vernal http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gtosiris/page9a.html | |
46. Appendix 1 A generation later, Greek astronomer hipparchus of rhodes (c190125)compiled the first star catalog of about 850 stars. His follower http://www.visualstatistics.net/Visual Statistics Multimedia/mathmatical_foundat | |
47. OBSERVATORY hipparchus of rhodes, the founder of modern astronomy, by repeating observationsmade at Alexandria, discovered the precession of the equinoxes, and http://12.1911encyclopedia.org/O/OB/OBSERVATORY.htm | |
48. PSIGate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search Results of astronomy is provided with links to further information on selected key astronomers(Thales, Eratosthenes of Cyrene, hipparchus of rhodes, Euclid, Plato http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/tempbyhand.pl?query=1034259138-24564 |
49. TITLE Although it is possible to use the Armillary for making observations (Eratosthenes204BC catalogued more than 700 stars, and hipparchus of rhodes (150125BD http://world.std.com/~leep/cat003/armil.htm | |
50. Scientific American: Netting The Deep Sky 20 arc minutes. It was made around 150 BC by hipparchus of rhodeshe probably used a tabletop brass dial. Around 1600 Tycho Brahe http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=000C5A0F-31A7-1C75-9B81809EC588EF21 |
51. Reflections Vol20, No3, Aug 95 His better known successor, the ancient Greek astronomer hipparchus of rhodes,invented a magnitude system of stellar brightness in the second century BC. http://hsc.csu.edu.au/pta/mansw/reflections/vol21no1coupland.htm | |
52. Spice Maps Background His work in astronomy was largely based on the ideas of hipparchus of rhodes (threehundred years earlier) who proposed divicding the length and breadth of the http://ias.berkeley.edu/orias/spice/textobjects/moreonmaps.htm | |
53. Greece: Ancient, Athens Greece, Greek, Map Of Greece, Greek, Greece, Gods, Pictu Project in the Lake Kopaida (14th Century BC) How the Greeks Used Geometry To Understandthe Stars Aristarchus of Samos hipparchus of rhodes Claudius Ptolemy http://www.1000dictionaries.com/greece4.html | |
54. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On The Extraordinary Voyage Of Pytheas The Greek surveying staff called a gnomon. The idea of parallel lines of latitude would notdeveloped for another couple centuries by one hipparchus of rhodes who used http://www.epinions.com/content_71323520644 | |
55. Mathem_abbrev Heisenberg, Werner Heraclides of Pontus Heron of Alexandria Herschel, CarolineHerschel, John Higman, Graham Hilbert, David hipparchus of rhodes Hippias of http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
56. Astronomy 9 (Spring 2000): Handout 10 6. hipparchus of rhodes (190120 BC) Great Greek astronomer; Synthesized Babylonianand Greek data with new Greek geometrical models from Appollonius http://www.jonathanbaker.org/courses/ay9/week4/handout10/ |
57. The Ptolemaic Universe little acceptance. 190 120 BC, hipparchus of rhodes developer oftrigonometry; records catalogues of stellar positions. 85 - 165 http://www.astro.soton.ac.uk/~trm/PH421/notes/notes/node10.html |
58. Ancient Astronomy-Main Page One final method of determining the distances and sizes of the Sun and Moonwas used by hipparchus of rhodes about 50 years after Aristarchus. http://brahms.phy.vanderbilt.edu/~rknop/classes/a250/wahlig/ | |
59. Astronomical Games: June 2001 But that's a matter for another essay.). A partial step forward was made by thegreatest astronomer of antiquity, hipparchus of rhodes (c. 190120 BC). http://astro.isi.edu/games/kepler.html | |
60. Telescopes And Observatories Using these instruments, hipparchus at rhodes (150 BC) produced the first starcatalog, measured precession and developed the magnitude system of stellar http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~js/ast222/lectures/lec01.html | |
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