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Jabir Ibn Aflah: more detail |
41. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 823*) Galois, Evariste (2110*) Galton, Francis (188*) Gassendi, Pierre (284*) Gauss,Carl Friedrich (2364*) Geber, (jabir ibn aflah) (529) Gegenbauer, Leopold http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
42. Sir Henry Savile. Founder Of The Savilian Chair Of Geometry At Oxford University but in this case the text was to be Ptolemy's Almagest but full details of the newertheories had also to be presented such as those of jabir ibn aflah in his http://www.pinetreeweb.com/bp-father-henry-savile.htm | |
43. Untitled Skip from p. 165 to p. 234. 18.1 What were jabir ibn aflah's criticismsof Ptolemy? 18.2 Who was 'The Commentator' and what did he comment on? http://faculty-staff.ou.edu/B/Peter.Barker-1/3013/pedersen.htm | |
44. NRICH | June 2002 | Article | When The Angles Of A Triangle Don't Add Up To 180 measurements of right angled spherical triangles and worked with formulae of sphericaltrigonometry and Arab mathematicians (for example jabir ibn aflah c 1125 http://www.nrich.maths.org.uk/mathsf/journalf/jun02/art2/ | |
45. Torquetum Es tracta d'una enginyosa alternativa al'instrument anterior del segle XII, atribuïdaal'astrònom sevillà jabir ibn aflah, i popularitzat en els segles http://www.mallorcaweb.net/spaais/recursos/instruments/torquetum.html | |
46. Fall 00 1100. Approximate date of birth of jabir ibn aflah (better knownin the west as Geber) in Seville. Although not among the first http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~maa-rm/rmnewslett/newslettf00.html | |
47. TIMELINE 11th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE a set of tables * Abu'lSalt, Spanish physician from Denia, who wrote in the late11th century on geometry and astronomy * jabir ibn aflah (died between 1140 http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline11.html | |
48. Muslim Contributions To Science, Philosophy, And The Arts water clock. jabir ibn aflah was a Spanish Arab who criticized Ptolemy'sheliocentric theory of planetary motion. He designed the http://www.jannah.org/articles/contrib.html | |
49. Traditio Classicorum Translate this page FLORUS FRONTINUS, S. JULIUS FRONTO (M. CORNELIUS) FULGENTIUS G GALENUS GALFREDUS DE VINOSALVO GEBER (jabir ibn aflah) GERMANICUS GRATIANUS http://www.theol.uni-freiburg.de/forsch/lohr/lohr-ch1.htm |
50. Questioning A Muslim-4 jabir ibn aflah was the first astronomer to design a portable celestialsphere to measure the movements of celestial objects. Al http://the_right_direction.tripod.com/qm4.html | |
51. Waseem's Islamic Folder - AHLAN jabir ibn aflah was a Spanish Arab who criticized Ptolemy's heliocentrictheory of planetary motion. He designed the first portable http://islamicards.hypermart.net/ahlan/art16.html |
52. MEDIEVAL SCIENCES: THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION OF THE RENAISSANCE: Medievalhistory.ne In the twelfth century, the astronomer jabir ibn aflah criticised thePtolemaic system, as did the philosophers Avempace and Ibn Tufail. http://www.medievalhistory.net/islamica.htm | |
53. Adnan Husain Paper planetary theory. The names associated with this research traditioninclude Ibn Baja (d. 1138), jabir ibn aflah (fl. 1120), Ibn http://humanities.uchicago.edu/sawyer/islam/dallal.html | |
54. D¿abir Ibn Aflah (Geber) VIIIXVII .) ; RP Lorch jabir ibn aflah // Dictionary of Scientific Biography.Zródla ?. ? ? ? http://www.damar.home.pl/Encyklopedia/D/djabir.htm | |
55. Astrolabe His compatriot jabir ibn aflah had also invented a 'universal instrument' to be usedfor astronomy as well as mathematics and physics, an instrument which many http://www.kol.org/astrolabe.htm |
56. Uni...M Translate this page The manuscripts of Jabir's treatise. jabir ibn aflah and the Establishmentof Trigonometry in the West. In Ri-chard P. Lorch http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/technikhist/uni/unim.htm | |
57. Islamic Paradigms For The Relationship planetary theory. (39)The names associated with this research traditioninclude Ibn Baja (d. 1138), jabir ibn aflah (fl. 1120), Ibn http://kalam.org/papers/dallal.htm | |
58. Islamic Mathematics `Universal'' means for all localities. *156. Lorch, R. jabir ibn aflah and theEstablishment of Trigonometry in the West. Published (only) in *189 no. VIII. http://www.math.uu.nl/people/hogend/Islamath.html | |
59. Al-andalus Translate this page ibn jabir aflah. ibn jabir aflah est souvent connu par la forme Latinde son nom, à savoir Geber. Bien qu'il ne soit pas le meilleur http://membres.lycos.fr/andalus/savants/aflah.htm | |
60. Indice Analitico Translate this page I. ibn aflah, jabir ibn Qurra, Thabit icona urbana immagine cartografica - uso epossesso Imola, vedute instrumentum gnomonicum Internet interpretazione delle http://www.tin.it/veniva/venetie/gtour/index/ | |
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