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         Kaluza Theodor:     more detail
  1. Die Tschirnhaustransformation Algebraischer Gleichungen Mit Einer Unbekannten (1907) (German Edition) by Theodor Kaluza, 2010-09-10
  2. Theodor Kaluza
  3. Die Tschirnhaustransformation Algebraischer Gleichungen Mit Einer Unbekannten (1907) (German Edition) by Theodor Kaluza, 2010-09-10
  4. Las dimensiones desconocidas: nuestro concepto familiar del universo es que tiene 3 dimensiones, 4 si se añade el tiempo, pero según varias teorías ahora ... percibirlas.: An article from: Contenido by Juan José Morales, 2006-09-01

41. Higher Dimensional Geometry
followed Riemann's famous idea that light is the vibration of the fourth dimension an idea that would later contribute to theodor kaluza's brilliant insight.

42. Transdimensional Transfer Techniques
In 1921 theodor kaluza published a remarkable paper On the Unity Problem of Physics 1 . He argued that if we add fourth space dimension, then one force
Transdimensional Transfer Techniques
For other pages where time travel is discussed use search engine of our site and follow the links. Search also for "time loops", "time machine", "time travel", "transdimensional remolecularization"
I. Introduction In 1987 I decided to change my research profile. Since 1982 I have been developing new hyperspace theories which would allow for other "shapes" of internal space than were originally allowed by Yang-Mills type generalizations of Kaluza-Klein theories. Perhaps I need to explain first what I mean by the above, as it does have a relation to my later research endeavors. In 1921 Theodor Kaluza published a remarkable paper "On the Unity Problem of Physics" [1] . He argued that if we add fourth space dimension, then one force (gravity) in five-dimensional (4 space + 1 time) splits into two different forces (gravity + electromagnetism) as seen by us, who are blind to the extra dimension. In 1926 Oskar Klein developed Kaluza's idea one step further by showing that charge quantization can be explained by assuming that extra dimension was "closed" into a circle. [EXPLAIN, MAKE A DRAWING]. The one-dimensional rotation group acting on this circle was related to "gauge transformation group" of the electromagnetic field.

43. Main Page Article Page Main - 1 - 2 - 3 Multi-dimensional
In 1919, a Polish physicist named theodor kaluza added an extra spatial dimensionto Einstein's theory of general relativity, so that there were a total of 5
Main Page Main multi-dimensional spacetime
According to Kaluza and Klein, extra dimensions can either be extended, or 'curled up'.
Basic intuition tells us that there are three spatial dimensions in our universe. In more normal terms, this means that we are able to move along three different axes (basic directions) of motion, back/forth, left/right, and up/down. Einstein, in his theory of relativity, proposes that time is also a dimension, similar to the three spatial dimensions, except for the fact that we do not control our motion through it. We almost never consider the idea that there could be more than these dimensions, because we have never experienced anything that suggests this. Although we have no reason to believe in extra dimensions, that does not rule out the possibility of them existing. The theory of extra dimensions than are not apparent to us on the macroscopic world is not a new one. In 1919, a Polish physicist named Theodor Kaluza added an extra spatial dimension to Einstein's theory of general relativity, so that there were a total of 5 dimensions: 4 spatial, and 1 temporal. Obviously we cannot move around in 4 spatial dimensions though, so another physicist, Oskar Klein, proposed that the extra dimension was "curled up" while the others were extended. Motion through space would be apparent on the three extended dimensions, but not on the fourth, since it would be too small to be noticeable. The whole purpose behind Kaluza's theory was to try to find a unified explanation for the two known forces of that time: gravity and electromagnetism. General relativity had shown that the gravitational force was actually just curvature in spacetime, so Kaluza speculated that the electromagnetic force was also a result of the same curvature. In order for this idea to work, Kaluza found that he needed to modify his equations to account for four spatial dimensions, rather than just three. Once he made the necessary changes, the theory worked perfectly. Kaluza wrote to Einstein explaining his findings, and Einstein acknowledged the theory as a definite possibility. But the theory was mostly forgotten during the 1920's, when quantum mechanics was the focus of most physicists.

44. PhysicsWeb - The Search For Extra Dimensions
A review of higher dimensional universes and the effects on gravity.Category Science Physics Relativity Branes...... In the 1920s Maxwell's unification of electricity and magnetism, together with Einstein'snew general theory of relativity, inspired theodor kaluza and Oskar

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November 2000
Next Next page The search for extra dimensions
Feature: November 2000 The idea that the universe is trapped on a membrane in some high-dimensional space-time may explain why gravity is so weak, and could be tested at high-energy particle accelerators. The possibility of extra dimensions, beyond the three dimensions of space of our everyday experience, sometimes crops up as a convenient, if rather vague, plot in science fiction. In science, however, the idea of extra dimensions has a rich history, dating back at least as far as the 1920s. Recently there has been a remarkable renaissance in this area due to the work of a number of theoretical physicists. It now seems possible that we, the Earth and, indeed, the entire visible universe are stuck on a membrane in a higher-dimensional space, like dust particles that are trapped on a soap bubble. In this article we look at the major issues behind this new development. Why, for example, don't we see these extra dimensions? If they exist, how can we detect them? And perhaps the trickiest question of all: how did this fanciful idea come to be considered in the first place?

45. PRACOWNIA KOMPUTEROWA Instytut Fizyki Akademia Swietokrzyska -
Jego autorem byl urodzony w Raciborzu w 1885 roku Privatdozent z uniwersytetukrólewieckiego, malo znany matematyk theodor kaluza.
PRACOWNIA KOMPUTEROWA Instytut Fizyki Akademia ¦wiêtokrzyska - Kielce Poszukiwania geometrii Wszech¶wiata NADMIAR WYMIARÓW Stanis³aw Mrówczyñski Elementach O niebie Ze wzglêdu na te niezwyk³e w³asno¶ci nowa geometria zaczê³a robiæ niezwyk³± karierê w¶ród szerokiej publiczno¶ci. Stanowi³a inspiracjê dla kubistów, przeniknê³a do literatury. O czwartym wymiarze pisali Oscar Wilde i Fiodor Dostojewski. Prorocza okaza³a siê wizja Heberta G. Wellsa tak sugestywnie przedstawiona w Wehikule czasu W kwietniu 1919 roku Einstein otrzyma³ zdumiewaj±cy list. Jego autorem by³ urodzony w Raciborzu w 1885 roku P rivatdozent kompaktyfikacji . Zachodzenie tego procesu jest postulowane we wszystkich wspó³czesnych wielowymiarowych teoriach mikro¶wiata Theodor Kaluza g³êboko wierzy³ w potêgê wiedzy teoretycznej. Do nauki p³ywania przyst±pi³ skrupulatnie przestudiowawszy odno¶ny podrêcznik. Ju¿ pierwsza próba w wodzie zakoñczy³a siê pe³nym sukcesem. Natomiast jego piêciowymiarowa teoria po krótkim okresie zainteresowania zosta³a zarzucona. Dopiero po up³ywie pó³wiecza do niej powrócono, w nowych jednak okoliczno¶ciach. W ci±gu tego czasu obraz mikro¶wiata uleg³ ogromnym przeobra¿eniom. Okaza³o siê, ¿e przyrod± rz±dz± nie tylko znane od wieków si³y grawitacyjne i elektromagnetyczne, lecz jeszcze dwa inne rodzaje si³ okre¶lane jako silne i s³abe Odkryta na pocz±tku XX wieku mechanika kwantowa obejmuje swym w³adaniem, jak wierzymy, wszelkie zjawiska, chocia¿ ujawnia swe paradoksalne w³asno¶ci dopiero wówczas, gdy mamy do czynienia z obiektami nie wiêkszymi od atomów. Einstein, który odegra³ istotn± rolê przy tworzeniu mechaniki kwantowej, by³ w latach pó¼niejszych bardzo jej niechêtny. Uwa¿a³ za teoriê niepe³n±, nie chcia³ zaakceptowaæ jej probabilistycznego charakteru. „Mechanika kwantowa jest doprawdy imponuj±ca - pisa³ - niemniej jestem przekonany, ¿e Bóg nie gra w ko¶ci". Najwspanialsze dzie³o Einsteina - ogólna teoria wzglêdno¶ci - ma postaæ ca³kowicie klasyczn±. Sytuacja jest wiêc taka, ¿e oddzia³ywania elektro-s³abe i silne maj± charakter kwantowy, natomiast opis si³ grawitacyjnych pozostaje klasyczny. Najwiêkszym przeto wyzwaniem fizyki teoretycznej ostatnich kilku dziesiêcioleci jest

46. Explanation Of Hyperspace In A Simplified Form
In 1919, theodor kaluza, building upon relativity, made an astounding discoverylight and gravity can be unified and expressed with identical mathematics.
Explanation of Hyperspace in a Simplified Form
Courtesy of Brown University
Hyperspace Theory (also called Superstring or Supergravity Theory ) begins with Einstein's General Relativity . In 1919, Theodor Kaluza , building upon relativity, made an astounding discovery: light and gravity can be unified and expressed with identical mathematics. This was the beginning of the unification of all physical laws, which is the ultimate goal of physics. There was only one catch. He needed an extra dimension. This fifth dimension , long recognized as mathematically plausible, had never before been seriously proposed as an actual component of reality. The usefulness of his theory was hard to deny; in five dimensions, there is "enough room" to accomplish the unification of gravity and light, which simply cannot be accomplished when trapped in four dimensional spacetime.
There is an obvious question to be asked at this point. "Where is the fifth dimension?" Kaluza's answer is clever, though suspiciously hard to test. He said that the fifth dimension is too small to see. The fifth dimension is contiguous with our four, but it is curled up, while the others are extended. To understand curled-up dimensions, imagine an ant living on a string (or a Linelander). For all its life, it is only aware of two directions: forward and backward. It lives in a one-dimensional universe. However, if you examine the string very closely, you find that it has a circumference; an extra dimension, curled up and wrapped back onto itself into a circle. If you could stretch this dimension, that is, make the circumference very large, the ant would be living on the two-dimensional surface of a cylinder. But when it's curled up, it effectively is undetectable by the ant, though it may serve as a medium for vibrations or other physical effects.

47. ASTR 228: Chapter 19 - Relativity And Black Holes
other forces; No success for Einstein. kaluzaKlein theory theodor kaluza(1885-1954), German mathematician; 1922, represented electromagnetism
Chapter 19.
Relativity and Black Holes
Latest Modification: December 8, 1997
19.1. Problems With Newtonian Gravity
  • Newtonian cosmology failed to develop a grand (encompassing) theory of gravity
  • Serious defect in that gravity acted instantaneously everywhere, i.e., when apple falls to ground every place in the Universe receives information simultaneously
  • Newtonian gravity ignores fact that speed of light is finite and information does not travel with infinite speed, i.e., inconsistent with special relativity
  • Newtonian gravity overturns law of causality and allows effects to precede causes because of infinite speed of light
  • Geometry of Newtonian space-time: Euclidean
    • Euclidean geometry, reasonable assumptions about nature of space
    • Parallel postulate: given straight line and point not on straight line, one and only one straight line equidistant from given straight line may be drawn through given point
    • Experience seems to suggest that these two lines remain equidistant (parallel) across all space even though we can not verify it
    • Plane triangle: sum of angles = 180 o
    • Pythagorean theorem: c = a + b
    19.2. Michelson-Morley Experiment, 1887

48. ASTR 103: Relativity - General Theory
kaluzaKlein Theory. theodor kaluza (1885-1954), German mathematician; 1922,represented electromagnetism as curvature of a 4th spatial dimension;
ASTR 103 - Astronomy
Relativity - General Theory
Latest Modification: November 30, 1998
Newtonian Gravity - Problems
  • Newtonian cosmology failed to develop a grand (encompassing) theory of gravity
  • Serious defect in that gravity acted instantaneously everywhere
    • Example - When apple falls to ground every place in universe receives information simultaneously
  • Newtonian gravity ignores fact that speed of light is finite and information does not travel with infinite speed, i.e., inconsistent with special relativity
  • Newtonian gravity overturns law of causality and allows effects to precede causes because of infinite speed of light
Newtonian Space-Time
  • Euclidean geometry, reasonable assumptions about nature of space
  • Parallel postulate
      Given straight line and point not on straight line, one and only one straight line equidistant from given straight line may be drawn through given point
    • Experience suggests that these two lines remain equidistant (parallel) across all space even though we can not verify it
  • Plane triangle: sum of angles = 180 o
  • Pythagorean theorem: c = a + b
  • Space is absolute and time is absolute; both are unchanging

49. OPE-MAT - Historique
Translate this page Kaestner, Abraham Kochin, Nikolai Ingham, Albert Kagan, Benjamin Koebe, Paul Ivory,James Kalmár, László Kolmogorov, Andrey kaluza, theodor Kolosov, Gury
, Niels Akhiezer , Naum Anthemius of Tralles Abraham bar Hiyya al'Battani , Abu Allah Antiphon the Sophist Abraham, Max al'Biruni , Abu Arrayhan Apollonius of Perga Abu Kamil Shuja al'Haitam , Abu Ali Appell , Paul Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani al'Kashi , Ghiyath Arago , Francois Ackermann , Wilhelm al'Khwarizmi , Abu Arbogast , Louis Adams , John Couch Albert of Saxony Arbuthnot , John Adelard of Bath Albert , Abraham Archimedes of Syracuse Adler , August Alberti , Leone Battista Archytas of Tarentum Adrain , Robert Albertus Magnus, Saint Argand , Jean Aepinus , Franz Alcuin of York Aristaeus the Elder Agnesi , Maria Alekandrov , Pavel Aristarchus of Samos Ahmed ibn Yusuf Alexander , James Aristotle Ahmes Arnauld , Antoine Aida Yasuaki Amsler , Jacob Aronhold , Siegfried Aiken , Howard Anaxagoras of Clazomenae Artin , Emil Airy , George Anderson , Oskar Aryabhata the Elder Aitken , Alexander Angeli , Stefano degli Atwood , George Ajima , Chokuyen Anstice , Robert Richard Avicenna , Abu Ali
, Charles Betti , Enrico Bossut , Charles Bachet Beurling , Arne Bouguer , Pierre Bachmann , Paul Boulliau , Ismael Bacon , Roger Bhaskara Bouquet , Jean Backus , John Bianchi , Luigi Bour , Edmond Baer , Reinhold Bieberbach , Ludwig Bourgainville , Louis Baire Billy , Jacques de Boutroux , Pierre Baker , Henry Binet , Jacques Bowditch , Nathaniel Ball , W W Rouse Biot , Jean-Baptiste Bowen , Rufus Balmer , Johann Birkhoff , George Boyle , Robert Banach , Stefan Bjerknes, Carl

50. RES: [pesquisapsi] Florence Cook, Uma Fraude?
Translate this page É o caso das considerações feitas por theodor kaluza, onde, extendnedo a teoriada relatividade para mais uma dimensão, unificaria tal teoria com a
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RES: [pesquisapsi] Florence Cook, uma fraude?
Caro amigo, Obrigado pelas citacoes. O problema de muitos criticos (a favor, ou contra) eh exatamente o que nao deveria faltar: a imparcialidade. E as vezes quem mais deveria usar criterios cientificos eh a quem mais falta, como no caso citado, faltando inclusive a honestidade. Comentando .... -Mensagem original- De: Wellington e Fatima [

51. Does Space Have More Than 3 Dimensions?
Between 1921 and 1927, theodor kaluza and Oskar Klein developed thefirst promising theory combining gravity and electromagnetism.
Does Space Have More Than 3 Dimensions?
Written by Sten Odenwald For those of you who successfully mastered visualizing a hypercube, try imagining what an "ultracube" looks like. It's the five- dimensional analog of the cube, but this time it is bounded by one hypercube on each of its 10 faces! In the end, if our familiar world were not three-dimensional, geometers would not have found only five regular polyhedra after 2,500 years of searching. They would have found six (with four spatial dimension,) or perhaps only three (if we lived in a 5-D universe). Instead, we know of only five regular solids. And this suggests that we live in a universe with, at most, three spatial dimensions. All right, let's suppose our universe actually consists of four spatial dimensions. What happens? Since relativity tells us that we must also consider time as a dimension, we now have a space-time consisting of five dimensions. A consequence of 5-D space-time is that gravity has freedom to act in ways we may not want it to. From the above geometric and physical arguments, we can conclude (not surprisingly) that space is three-dimensional - on scales ranging from that of everyday objects to at least that of the solar system. If this were not the case, then geometers would have found more than five regular polyhedra and gravity would function very differently than it does - Voyager would not have arrived on time. Okay, so we've determined that our physical laws require no more than the three spatial dimensions to describe how the universe works. Or do they? Is there perhaps some other arena in the physical world where multidimensional space would be an asset rather than a liability?

52. Nothing In Particular :: The Product Of My Boredom
dimensional universe. In 1919 a relatively unknown Polish mathematiciannamed theodor kaluza challenged the obvious. He attempted

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Kaluza, Klein, and the Grand Unified Theory
Hidden dimensions and unified forces, an introduction to Kaluza-Klein Theories

By Jim Adson
18 Nov. 2002
Extra dimensions have been a mainstay of science fiction for years. Many authors have explored the practical, logical, and comical implications of a universe with more dimensions than we are used to, but this use of artistic license has led to some strange ideas of what makes a dimension. It seems that the common science fiction definition involves something akin a parallel universe, a world similar to the one in which we live, but different in minute or sometimes antithetical ways. Although this type of extra dimension can be an entertaining plot device, it has no bearing on real life. Thankfully modern physics will, once again, save us from the mundane world we perceive. Extra dimensions are a hot topic on the forefront of theoretical physics, and their mathematical implications can be quite stunning.
In 1919 a relatively unknown Polish mathematician named Theodor Kaluza challenged the obvious. He attempted to unify the General Theory of Relativity with Maxwell's Electromagnetic Field Theory, through a very unique method. Kaluza discovered that when he introduced a fifth dimension into his calculations, he was able to describe both gravity and electromagnetism from the same underlying framework. This was an extremely important step, did not catch on very quickly. Many people simply shrugged off the idea of a fifth dimension because it was "obviously flawed," after all we can't see a fifth dimension. Kaluza originally intended the fifth dimension as a mathematical trick to unify the theories rather than a real physical occurrence. Although the fifth dimension was a powerful unification tool, it was eclipsed by the newly developing field of Quantum Mechanics and fell into the shadows of theoretical physics for several years.

53. Our Origins Of Scientific Thought
In the 1920s, mathematician theodor kaluza and physicist Oscar Klein achieved anelegant unification of gravity and electromagnetism by the daring assumption
Home Page Great Explorations Wooster undergraduates pursue big-picture research on a small scale, working one-on-one with faculty advisers by Lisa Watts Most nights you can find Christie Egnatuk laboring over pages of algebraic computations. Whit Schofield is at work, too, checking dozens of test tubes of bacterial cells that he has constructed to contain a cloned gene. Kristina Brady is usually at a computer in Scovel Hall, inputting data on some fifty log samples that she collected in glacial Alaska. Julie Lloyd moves among racks of test tubes in Severance, working to concoct a chemical sensor that can detect explosives. Take Brady. An energetic young woman with a quick laugh, she doesn’t seem the type who would enjoy crunching numbers in solitude, as she did for most of the summer. Then she spent a few weeks in Alaska in August on land newly uncovered as the Columbia Glacier retreats. After collecting samples of thousand-year-old trees, she finds new meaning in the data processing. She grabs any time she can find between classes to work on the project. "Anything that can get you excited to come down and work in this windowless room – it must be pretty good," she laughs. "We have evidence that it was warmer during that time, so we’re trying to find out how warm, and how that compares to global warming trends today," she says.

54. Quotation From ``The World At The End Of Time'', By Frederik Pohl
It was in the early twentieth century that theodor kaluza and Oskar Kleinformulated the human race's first decent model of how gravity worked.
From ``The World at the End of Time'' , by Frederik Pohl.
Published by Ballantine Books, New York, 1990. Wan-To's interest in the Sorricaine-Mtiga objects (which, of course, he never called by that name) was becoming pretty nearly frantic. He saw a lot more of them than Pal Sorricaine did, because he saw them a lot faster. He didn't have to wait for creeping visible light to bring him the information. His Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky pairs relayed the images instantly. The things were popping up all over. However, he was beginning to have hope. The results from his blue-light studies were beginning to come in. Blue light was particularly good for looking for starspots. Although the spots seemed relatively dark, they were quite bright enough to be seen by Wan-To's great and sensitive ``eyes'' particularly if you looked in the blue. Because the spots were cooler than the areas around them, their gases were ionized calcium atoms the ones that had just lost one electron that stood out in the blue. When Wan-To found blue-light images that were not natural he knew just what to do. He summoned up the necessary graviphotons and graviscalars and hurled them in a carefully designed pattern at that star.

55. Brian Greene: The Elegant Universe. Part 2.
In 1919, theodor kaluza showed Einstein that general relativity could unite hisequation of gravity with Maxwell's electromagnetic equations, by assuming a
Brian Greene: The Elegant Universe.
Part 2, hidden dimensions.
Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory.
To home page.
Back to Super-strings: part one.
Links to sections:
Hidden dimensions.
In 1919, Theodor Kaluza showed Einstein that general relativity could unite his equation of gravity with Maxwell's electro-magnetic equations, by assuming a fourth dimension of space. ( With time, this made five dimensions in all. ) Oskar Klein suggested the fourth dimension could exist as a curled-up space too small to be observable, perhaps being only of Planck length. A simple analogy is that a garden hose looks like a single dimension from a distance. But close up, the line has thickness admitting of another circular dimension that can be traveled round by an insect. Kaluza's findings didnt fit the experimental data about the electron's mass and charge. Eventually, as more particles and the strong and weak forces became known, theorists wondered whether the fault with Kaluza-Klein theory had been too few dimensions rather than too many. This turned out to be the case for string theory. It had resolved the infinite probabilities, thrown up by elementary point particles, in an attempted quantum gravity theory. But negative probabilities also kept turning up. And these could only be removed by letting the strings vibrate in nine dimensions. ( A tenth spatial dimension was later infered, making eleven, including time. )

56. Brian Greene: The Elegant Universe. Part 2.
In 1919, theodor kaluza show'd Einstein that jeneral relativity kud unIt his equationof gravity with Maxwell's elektromagnetik equations, by asuming a forth
Brian Greene: The Elegant Universe.
Part 2, hiden dimensions.
Super-strings, Hiden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimat Theory.
To index of simpler spelt pages.
To home page.

Back to Super-strings: part 1.
( Kapital-i, in 'I, myself', now spels Il as in isle or aisle
Leter y spels ryd for reed or read and partys for parties
Leter w spels swn for soon
Links to sektions:
Hiden dimensions.
In 1919, Theodor Kaluza show'd Einstein that jeneral relativity kud unIt his equation of gravity with Maxwell's elektro-magnetik equations, by asuming a forth dimension of spas. ( With tIm, this mayd fIv dimensions in al. ) Oskar Klein sujested the forth dimension kud exist as a kurl'd-up spas tu smal to be observabl, perhaps being only of Planck lenth. A simpl analojy is that a garden hos lwks lIk a singl dimension from a distans. But klos up, the lIn has thiknes admiting of an other sirkular dimension that kan be travel'd round by an insekt. Kaluza's findings didnt fit the experimental data about the elektron's mas and charj. Eventualy, as mor partikls and the strong and wyk forses bekaim nown, theorists wonder'd wether the fault with Kaluza-Klein theory had byn tu fw dimensions rather than tu many.

57. The Science Bookstore - Chronology
Lippmann, Gabriel Died 7/30/1921, 1921 AD, 1921 AD, theodor kaluza, unificationof electromagnetics and gravity by introducing an extra dimension.

58. Metaphysical Naturalism And Intelligent Design
In 1919 an obscure mathematician by the name of theodor kaluza wroteEinstein about his Theory of Relativity. His basic assertion
Library Modern Documents Bill Schultz : Metaphysical Naturalism and Intelligent Design
At the Intersection of "Metaphysical Naturalism" and "Intelligent Design"
by Bill Schultz
Table of Contents
I presume most of my readers would believe there is no common ground between the concepts of "metaphysical naturalism" and "intelligent design."[ ] In fact, one dictionary definition of naturalism goes so far as to exclude any teleological facts from the domain of naturalism.[ ] But in my mind, that goes too far. If naturalism has a true antonym, it is supernaturalism: the belief that some sort of "higher power" has the ability to create, destroy, ignore, or break the physical laws of nature "at will." The essence of my assertions herein is that "intelligent design" can occur without violating the bedrock principles of "metaphysical naturalism." In other words, you can have our universe be the product of "intelligent design" and yet never require any supernatural phenomena to effect the "intelligent design" of our universe. Because I think most of my readers would disbelieve the essence of the previous paragraph, I ask you disbelievers to please willingly suspend your disbelief and read on through this essay while at least entertaining the possibility that I could be correct in this regard. I intend to relate a story of the possible here; a story which cannot be disproved by anything currently known by both science and the believers in "intelligent design." It is true there is no direct evidence in favor of what I propose herein, unless you consider all that we know to be that "direct evidence." My essential premise is this:

59. Physics Time-Line 1900 To 1949
over the scale and structure of the universe 1921 theodor kaluza, unification ofelectromagnetics and gravity by introducing an extra dimension 1921 Bieler

60. Antimatter History
In 1919, theodor kaluza, unified Maxwell's Electromagnetism and Einstein'sTheory of General Relativity and Gravity by adding a fifth dimension.
Antimatter Energy Education

Energy Sources
Home [ Antimatter History ] Comets Contact Us News Releases Antimatter History Scientists have been studying antimatter for over seventy years. At the beginning of the last century, the foundations of physics were shaken by important new theories of relativity, quantum mechanics, and gravity.
  • In 1905, Albert Einstein unveiled his special relativity Hermann Minkowski realized space and time were coupled together by a four-dimensional. In 1919, Theodor Kaluza , unified Maxwell's Electromagnetism and Einstein's Theory of General Relativity and Gravity by adding the fifth dimension. Max Planck proposed that light was composed of little packets called "quantum” to explain how light was not just a wave or just a particle, but a combination of both. In the 1920s, Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg apply the concept to the atoms and invented quantum theory of physics for slow moving particles. In 1928

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