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         Marrakushi Al:     more detail
  1. Histoire de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne, intitulée al-Bayano'l-Mogrib, et fragments de la Chronique d'Aríb (de Cordoue). Le tout publié pour la Première ... et d'un glossaire Volume 1 (French Edition) by Ibn 'Idhari al-Marrakushi, 2010-09-28
  2. The History of the Almohades, Preceded by a Sketch of the History of Spain From the Times of the Conquest Till the Reign of Yusof by B. abd Al-Wahid Al-Marrakushi, 2010-03-28
  3. Histoire Des Almohades D'abd El-Wâh'id Merrâkechi (French Edition) by Abd Al-Waid Al-Marrakushi, 2010-01-11
  4. Wathaiq al-Murabitin wa-al-Muwahhidin (Arabic Edition) by Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushi, 1997
  5. al-Aydiyulujiyah wa-al-hadathah inda ruwad al-fikr al-salafi (Silsilat al-dirasat wa-al-buhuth al-muammaqah) (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad Salih Marrakushi, 1995
  6. The history of the Almohades,: Preceded by a sketch of the history of Spain from the time of the conquest till the reign of Yusof ibn-Teshufin, and of the history of the Almoravides, by Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushi, 1968
  7. Qiraat fi al-fikr al-Arabi al-hadith wa-al-muasir (Muwafaqat) (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad Salih Marrakushi, 1992
  8. al-Jamiah al-Yusufiyah bi-Marrakush fi tisumiat sanah (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad ibn Uthman Marrakushi, 2001

81. G01_06Reymaldo Fernández Manzano
Translate this page XIII, al-Abbar, Takmila al-Sila al-Hyllat al-Syyra Bayyán al-Mugrib. XIII,marrakushi (Abd al-Walid), Kitab al-Mu'chib Fi Taljis Ajbar al-Magrib.
Texto 01-06 Portada Resumen Abstract
en su marco interdisciplinar.
, Madrid, 1972, vol. I: 65.) muwaššahas La reciente obra, de 1980, La recherche musicologique muwaššahas Dar At-Tiraz O por poner un ejemplo inverso al de las muwaššahas La musique arabe
Parte primera: fuentes 1. Fuentes escritas Narrativas: Medievales y posteriores
SIGLO AUTOR IX Habid Ta'rij X Al-Razi X Rabbihi Kitab Al-'Iqd X Ta'rij Quat Qurtuba X X Al-Qutiyya X XI Al-Faradi XI XI Ibn Hazm Chamhara
Narqt Al-'Arus
Fisal XI Sa'id de Toledo Tabaqat al-Umam XI 'Abd Allah Ben Ziri Memorias XII XII Ibn Bassam Kitab Al-Dhapira Fi Mahasin
Ahl al-Chazira XII Qala'id Al-'Iqyan
Matmah al-Anfus XII Durar al-Qala id XII Al-Hichari Al Mushib Fi Fada'il al Magrib XII Sahib Al-Sala (Familia)
Malik Al-Bachi Historia de los almohades (3 vols.) XII Bashkuwal Kitab al-Sila XII Ibn Dabbi Bugyat Al-Multamis Fi Ta'rij XIII Al-Athir Kamil Fi-l-Ta'rij XIII Al-Abbar Takmila al-Sila Al-Hyllat Al-Syyra XIII Marrakushi (Abd al-Walid) Kitab Al-Mu'chib Fi Taljis Ajbar al-Magrib XIII Sa'id al-Magribi Kitab Falan Al-Adab Al-Muhit Fi Hula Lisan Al-Arab XIII Al-Mun im Al-Himyari Rawd Al-Mi'tar XIV Al-Muwairi Kitab Al-Nihayat Al-Adab Fi Funum Al-Arab XIV Ibn Al-Jatib Ihata XIV-XV Kitab Al-'Ibar (Al-Muqaddima) XVI-XVII Al-Maqqari Nafh Al-tib Azhar Al-Riyad Sobre las fuentes cristianas: Las fuentes cristianas son interesantes, aunque muy parcas en detalles y, en ocasiones, con abundantes errores para el tema que nos concierne.

82. Arabic Numerals
numerals that the Indian number system reach Europe. alBanna al-marrakushi'sform of the numerals. He gave this form of the numerals in numerals.htm
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The Arabic numeral system
The Indian numerals discussed in our article Indian numerals form the basis of the European number systems which are now widely used. However they were not transmitted directly from India to Europe but rather came first to the Arabic/Islamic peoples and from them to Europe. The story of this transmission is not, however, a simple one. The eastern and western parts of the Arabic world both saw separate developments of Indian numerals with relatively little interaction between the two. By the western part of the Arabic world we mean the regions comprising mainly North Africa and Spain. Transmission to Europe came through this western Arabic route, coming into Europe first through Spain. There are other complications in the story, however, for it was not simply that the Arabs took over the Indian number system. Rather different number systems were used simultaneously in the Arabic world over a long period of time. For example there were at least three different types of arithmetic used in Arab countries in the eleventh century: a system derived from counting on the fingers with the numerals written entirely in words, this finger-reckoning arithmetic was the system used for by the business community; the sexagesimal system with numerals denoted by letters of the Arabic alphabet; and the arithmetic of the Indian numerals and fractions with the decimal place-value system. The first sign that the Indian numerals were moving west comes from a source which predates the rise of the Arab nations. In 662 AD Severus Sebokht, a Nestorian bishop who lived in Keneshra on the Euphrates river, wrote:-

83. Horizonti
Umar almarrakushi (1230), etj, etj. Oftalmologjia Merita e oftamologeve arab(specijaliste per semundjen e syrit), vertete eshte e madhe.


Nga universiteti i Endalusit, nën ndikimin e civilizimit lindorë Islam, i cili u shëndrrua në civilizimin internacional, nga përkthimet Europjane të legjislaturës Islame, lindi lëvizja rilindase Europjane (Renesansa) në shekullin katërmbëdhjetë dhe pas tij. Poashtu lindi edhe një lëvizje e re shkencore, sidomos metoda eksperimentale në shkencë. Kordoba në mesjetë kur arrijti qyteterimin Islam kishte 1.000.000 banorë, 200.000 shtëpi, 600 xhami, 80 institucione mësimore dhe librarinë publike me më shumë se 600.000 volume. Thënë ndryshe ajo ishte qendra më e madhe kulturore në Europ. Prej vetë intelektualve të krishterë, thuhet se kultura Islame ka patur ndikim mjaft të madh në gravitimin e dijetarëve më të njohur të krishterë. Bile roli i ipeshkëve, ka qenë që me mesazhin e veprave Islame ta shëndrrojnë në mesazh të krishterë. Astronomi Vepra e Ebu Is'hak Betrugjit, ka arrijtur të tundë kuptimet e Ptolomeut, dhe në këtë mënyrë ai i ka kontribue Kopernikut të rrëzojë sistemin gjeocentrik, i cili shekuj me radhë konsiderohej si i saktë. Vepra e Betrugjit, është përkthyer në gjuhën latine nga Mishel Skot (1217) dhe e botuar në Bilonjë më 1220.

84. Hours And Unequal Hours
almarrakushi had designed sundials measuring time in equal hours; even earlier,Claudius Ptolemy had expressed the length of day and night at different
This is one of four essays that I wrote for my M Phil degree in History and Philosophy of Science at Clare College, Cambridge, in 1990-91 (the others, on the transmission of science from the Greeks to the Arabs Richard of Wallingford and Sir Robert Ball , are also on this site as is my dissertation and a 1992 lecture based on some of the same material). I think it is the best of the four. I notice also that it draws by far the most visitors of the history of science pages on this site. The two improvements I would make now are to better define and reference the "orthodox view" which I am attacking, and to better integrate the literary quotations into the argument. If I ever have time I may try and polish it into publishable form. In the meantime, I hope it is useful to passing researchers. If you do find it useful, please tell me. Nicholas Whyte, Sint-Genesius-Rode/Rhode-St-Génèse, 23 July 1999; last modified 15 September 2002. About this site Other related pages: the curse of the Presidents the assassination of Domitian This page has had visitors since 23 July 1999.

Date 1990. 8. Author 'Abd alWahid al-marrakushi, b. 1185. 9. Author 'Abdal-Wahid al-marrakushi, b. 1185. Dozy, Reinhart Pieter Anne, 1820-1883.
Series: Publicacion ... de la Institucion "Fernando el Catolico" ; no. 381, ] Series: Biblioteca universitaria Puvill. I, Estudios ; 2- Series: Sources for the history of the Jews in Spain ; 4-

86. What Is Islam?
would have the men killed, enslave their children and would confiscate their belongingsfor the benefit of the believers. ' (1224, almarrakushi, North African
John Mark Ministries What Is Islam? Articles: Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide The Reform Islam Needs
What Is Islam?
Some Critical Notes for Educators To equip you to make up your own mind How Islam Works Islam is an Arabic word which means 'submission'. A 'Muslim' is a 'submitter ', someone who submits to God in accordance with the instruction and example of his messenger. The most important image of Allah is that of the sovereign master. Allah is severe, but to submitters he is compassionate. The correct attitude to take towards him is that of a slave. This is expressed in the common Muslim name Abdullah which means 'slave of Allah'. The Qur'an teaches that those who submit to Allah will find success in this life and the next. How do you become a Muslim? By saying and believing the following statement, the Islamic creed: La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun Rasulu Allah "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah's Messenger." How do you submit to Allah? Muhammad is regarded as the unique, final messenger of God. Through the revelation to him of the Qur'an, and his example - his life and teaching - Muslims receive guidance about how to submit to God in the way God himself desires of humanity. The example and teaching of Muhammad is called the Sunna. Obedience to Muhammad's example, and a commitment to follow it, are fundamental in Islam. It is therefore of vital importance to know how Muhammad lived, what he said and did.

87. Elastrologo Estudio De Astrologia
Translate this page Sphaera mundi». ~El astrónomo marroquí Hasan al-marrakushi completaun elaborado tratado de astronomía práctica. 1234 ~Fallece
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Solicitar Turnos al T.E. 15-4076-4981 E n este apartado, he recogido los datos enciclopedicos relacionados con descubrimientos, personajes, libros o eventos que estan directa o indirectamente relacionados con la astrologia. Por supuesto no es un trabajo completo, este es el resultado de unas semanas de trabajo extrayendo datos de distintas fuentes.
Se que se quedan en el tintero muchas fechas, pero estas que he recogido son aceptados por la "ciencia oficial", es decir que las podeis encontrar en las enciclopedias y en los tratados de historia de la ciencia. Si quereis colaborar, aportando datos, podeis hacerlo mandandome un e-mail con los datos elaborados segun el modelo que se presenta y los incluire.
Los caldeos desarrollan importantes nociones de aritmética. Aparecen en la región noroeste de la India, los primeros instrumentos de metal. Datación del uso de vehículos con ruedas en Sumer y en el valle del Indo.
Nace, en Mesopotamia, la astrología.

88. Neuerwerbungen 02/2000 Des SSG 6,23
Translate this page 504. Ibn al-Banna al-marrakushi Abu l-‘Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad (d.721/1321) texts and studies / collected and repr. by Fuat Sezgin.
DFG-Sondersammelgebiet Vorderer Orient (6,23)
Neuerwerbungen im Februar 2000
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    2.1 Allgemeines The Aegean and the Orient in the second millennium : proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Symposium Cinncinnati, 18-20 April 1997 O OR V Cinci O OR V Berlin 2.2 Kleinasien 99 SA 2036 Ancient Anatolia : fifty years¦ work by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara / ed. by Roger Matthews. - London: British Inst. of Archaeology at Ankara, 1998. - XX, 378 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.- ISBN 1-89824-911-3 O OR AO Matt Aphrodisias papers . - Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. of Michigan, 1990-. - (Journal of Roman archaeology : Supplementary series ; ..)
  • O OR Z JRA S1(1)
    • 2. The theatre, a sculptor's workshop, philosophers, and coin-types : including the papers given at the Third International Aphrodisias Colloquium held at New York University on 7 and 8 April, 1989 / ed. by R. R. R. Smith .. - 1991. - 175 S. : Ill.. ; 5 Kt.-Beil
    O OR Z JRA S2(2)
  • O OR Z JRA S20(3) 99 SA 3295 Klotz, Heinrich:
    LOS alQUIMISTAS DEL ISLAM «Entre los antiguos alquimistas, el azufre rojo designaba la materia capaz de transformar la plata en oro. muchas veces de alKibrit al-Ahmar ("Azufre Rojo") por al-Mizân), «El mercurio oriental» (al-Zibak al-Sharkí), «El libro «El libro puro» (al-Kitab al-Jalís). abir fue

    90. Department Of Religion
    Department of Religion Princeton University Studies in Islamic Religion and Society ShÌÿÌ Islam in the Medieval Period Through Texts and Contexts Instructor Tariq alJamil, Rm. KibrÌt al-usaynÌ al-MadanÌ, Kitªb al-jawªhir al-thamÌna fÌ maʪsin al-MadÌna, 1417/1997 (Dªr al-Kutub al-ÿIlmÌya). Read
    <=ñò »¼ÓÔ`ý÷÷ñëëëýëýëëëýýëëýëëåýëëëý„„Є„ Æ  Æ À89CDFQRSUVYZqryz~€ƒ…ž ¡«¬­®ÎÙàìíñòÿ  124 <�A@òÿ¡ <ÑYVÁR¦úABrðqBu‹1pá` ¥Þ¾~.×ú¯–ê HÏ ®©™Dn5¤À •b™—,OQøS+‰ÈhðÉ!»¨$ï¶sR·@”íNÄ´—© <бµE’¤œÉh û±K‚yºgZ”´k `S ™]zC+Ë†Ž¥©îbê#3©É ƒ$2èÇÞJÐ ºz±t™Ë J9X»Ð < ¡Ÿ(qQ²*·¾$) <À9U=p ä¤ÿšdªÜ%×Oý6Ž ZÑܘ„ApUrÝ¿¼Ø±HÍw y¬Š,È°2+/Qdã̸Qk— ¢†F,‰ ­g„ûž)l¼Öx™Ê¤‚VÉ"@(õ"LðÑ1ªOÑÏcÜ> µ”5¾´þL÷‚ÉŽÁ$Þ¼äŸ *žæ7û:ÁÝ7dF änfݳ˸ßuîÑ#doPœã.Kopl <*ï¤oATk <ƒ¯k@0æ2)¹ˆvˆœ”È„t]¢¯,'Ì:Չ0˜yˆ•V¾

    91. Publikationen/publications
    Maimûn b. 'Imrân alMarrâkushî (al-qarn as-sâbi' al-hijrî).
    Publikationen / Publications
    [ISSN 0179-4639]

    Note: Arabic words are rendered here in a temporary and provisional transcription. The correct forms are found in the printed catalogue.
    Vol. I. 416 pp. 1984.
    P. Kunitzsch: Remarks Regarding the Terminology of the Astrolabe.
    G. Saliba: Arabic Astronomy and Copernicus.
    G. Makdisi: The Guilds of Law in Medieval Legal History. An Inquiry into the Origins of the Inns of Court.
    Book reviews.
    Vol. II. 423 pp. + 32 pp. plates. 1985.
    Contents: D. A. King: The Medieval Yemeni Astrolabe in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. R. Kruk: Hedgehogs and Their "Chicks". A Case History of the Aristotelian Reception in Arabic Zoology. E. Neubauer (Ed.): Der Essai sur la musique orientale von Charles Fonton mit Zeichnungen von Adanson (Textteil). Vol. III. 441 pp. 1986. Contents: D.A. King: The Earliest Islamic Mathematical Methods and Tables for Finding the Direction of Mecca. W.R. Knorr: The Medieval Tradition of a Greek Mathematical Lemma. R. Degen: An Unknown Manuscript of the Book of Epidemics of Hippocrates.

    92. Abbreviations, Society Organized For War
    IIM, Nfa Ibn cIdari alMarrakúshì. "al-Bayan al-Mugrib.". Ambrosio Huici Miranda.
    Anuario de Estudios Medievales . Barcelona. AHDE . Madrid. Alart Bernard J. Alart, ed., . Perpignan: C. Latrobe: Ediciones El Albir, 1874. AMC AMWM Bofarull, . 41 vols. Barcelona, 1847-1910. BRAH . Madrid. Burriel, Memorias Memorias para la vida del Santo Rey Don Fernando III Anotados y editados CAI Cronica Adefonsi Imperatoris CHE . Buenos Aires, Argentina. CLRC . M. Desamparados Cabanes Pecourt, ed. Valencia, 1964. Corominas J. Corominas. . 4 vols. Madrid: Gredos, 1954. CPA DMP Documentos medievais portugueses . Rui Pinto de Azevedo. ed. Volume I, tomos 1 e 2, Documentos dos condes portugalenses e de D. Afonso Henriques A. D. 1095-1185 . Lisboa: Editorial Atica, 1948-62. EEMCA . Zaragoza. ES et al FA "Costumes e foros de Alfaiates, 1188-1230." MPH-LC FAlbL AHDE FAlbR FAln . 2 vols. Paris: Librarie C. Klincksieck, 1968. FAlr . Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. Manuscripts. Ms. 11543. FAlz "Fuero de Alcaraz." Jean Roudil. ed. . 2 vols. Paris: Librarie C. Klincksieck, 1968.

    93. Sourcenotes
    7. Kitâb almu'jib fî talkhîs akhbâr al-Maghrib of 'Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushiwho, in 621 h/1124, managed to abridge the history of the Muslim West.
    NOTES ON THE SOURCES ARABIC HISTORICAL SOURCES Given the shortage of archive documents, epigraphic and archaeological documents, we are reduced to second-hand literary information since most of the great Murabitun chronicles have not reached us. The critical examination which follows will stress the fundamental distinction between primary works and works which are compilations. We will deal with the lost Murabitun chronicles from which some extracts have reached us by means of later works. I. The Lost Murabitun Chronicles al-Hulal al-Mawshiyya and the works of Ibn al-Khatib. We know nothing about this author which cannot be confused with Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Warraq (904-973), the informant of al-Bakri. This work must have been a history of the Maghrib and Andalusia of the genre of the Muqtabis Some passages of this work are quoted in Mafakhir al-Barbar (pp. 53, 81), which gives us two long extracts: the first deals with the activities of Yusuf b. Tashfin against the Zanata; and the second gives a detailed list of the various Lamtuna governments which administered Cordoba, Seville, Granada, Valencia and Saragossa, from the conquest of Yusuf b. Tashfin up to the disappearance of the movement under Muwahhid pressure. by Ibn Alqama about which we have no information whatsoever.

    94. Scientific Contribution By Muslims Throughout Ages
    The algebraic symbols were introduced quite late. alBanna and al-Marrakushiused them in thirteenth and fourteenth century. Later
    Scientific Contribution by Muslims Throughout Ages By Jamshed Akhtar From the book: The Ultimate Revelations Edited by Zahid Ghadialy ( F ascination with the heavens, coupled with the need to determine the timings of prayers and direction of Qibla in di­verse locales , resulted in the tremendous development of Astrono­my from the very beginning. The progress took place along three interlinked pathways - development of infrastructure; collection of data; and interpretation of data in conjunction with original theoretical models. First path entailed construction of royal and private observatories - at Baghdad, Damascus, Maragha, and Samar­qand etc… ...and designing of several new instruments by highly creative innovators of the era, to felicitate observations. In this regard, a very important invention was Astrolab de­signed by Jandab an eighth century scientist. Al-Battani, Ali Bin Isa and others developed and perfected it to such an extent that it became an instrument of observation and a kind of computing device for calculating complicated trigono­metric functions and for determining astronomical parame­ters/functions . Through it, they could tell the date and hour from the position of certain stars. Movable sights on the instrument were aligned with the star and relevant numbers and signs were read off from windows in the instrument or from its circumference.

    95. ABEN HAZAM
    Translate this page El zalmedina, consultado el último Califa al-Hakam III al-Mu'tadd, que acaso Marrakushinos da la cifra de 80.000 folios escritos de su mano, formando 400 hazm.htm
    IBN HAÇM Abú Mwhammad 'Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Sa'id ibn Haçm al-Andalusi al-Zahirí. Poeta, historiador, conocedor de las ciencias del Islam ('alim), jurisconsulto (al-faqih), polígrafo. Nació en Córdoba en el año Murió en Huelva en La familia de Ibn Haçm era originaria de la kura de Lebla (actual provincia de Huelva). Su padre fue visir de al-Mansur y más tarde de al-Mwzaffar. Nacido en Córdoba en el año 994, perteneció a una familia aristocrática cliente de los Omeyas. Siendo muy joven vivió la fitna (confrontación), y la posterior desintegración política de al-Andalus tras los sucesos del 1009. 'Ali Ahmad, padre de Ibn Haçm, un hombre culto y tenido en gran estima por los 'Amiríes y con los que trabajó en el gobierno; ocupó puestos de gran responsabilidad, manteniendo una gran fidelidad hacia el califa al-Hakam II. En efecto, parece haber sido un hombre distinguido en letras, mostrando una gran destreza en los medios políticos. Sin dejar de ser un fiel ministro de al-Mansur, gozaría al mismo tiempo del favor de Al-Hakam II. Entre estos avatares políticos se desenvolvió parte de la infancia de Ibn Haçm. Su niñez, según él mismo refiere en algunos pasajes de su obra El collar de la paloma.

    96. ÝæåÇÊ ÈÃÓãÇÁ ÚÑÈíÉ æ ÅÓáÇãíÉ Úáì ÓØÍ ÇáÞãÑ
    The summary for this Gujarati page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
    Abul Wafa Abulfeda Al-Bakri Al-Biruni Al-Khwarizmi Al-Marrakushi Albategnius Alfraganus Alhazen Almanon Alpetragius Arzachel Avicenna Azophi Geber Ibn Battuta Ibn Firnas Ibn Yunus Ibn-Rushd Messala Nasireddin Omar Khayyam Thebit Ulugh Beigh

    97. A
    MOONLIGHT (ATLAS DA LUA). Imagens obtidascom uma QuickCam aP/B (Connectix). Telescópios de D=254mm
    ABBOT ABENEZRA ACOSTA AGRIPPA ... ARISTOTELES arit01ac.jpg arit02ac.jpg arit03ac.jpg arit04ac.jpg ARNOLD ARZACHEL ATLAS ATWOOD ... AZOPHI
    BACO baco01ac.jpg BALL ball01ac.jpg BAILLAUD bail01ac.jpg BANTING bant01ac.jpg BARKLA bark01ac.jpg BAROCIUS baro01ac.jpg BAYER baye01ac.jpg BEKETOV beke01ac.jpg BERNOULLI bern01ac.jpg BERZELIUS berz01ac.jpg BILHARZ bilh01ac.jpg BIRT birt01ac.jpg birt02ac.jpg BLANCANUS blan01ac.jpg BOBILLIER bobi01ac.jpg BOMBELLI bomb01ac.jpg BONPLAND bonp01ac.jpg BOSCOVICH bosc01ac.jpg BOWEN bowe01ac.jpg BREISLAK brei01ac.jpg BULLIALDUS bull01ac.jpg BURCKHARDT burc01ac.jpg BURNHAM burn01ac.jpg BYRGIUS byrg01ac.jpg
    C MAYER cmay01ac.jpg CARREL care01ac.jpg CARRINGTON carr01ac.jpg CARTAN cart01ac.jpg CASSINI cass01ac.jpg CATHARINA CATHARINA_01_AC.JPG cath01ac.jpg CATHARINA_02_AC.JPG cath02ac.jpg CAUCHY CAUCHY_01_AC.JPG cauc01ac.jpg CAUCHY_02_AC.JPG cauc02ac.jpg CAYLEY CAYLEY_01_AC.JPG cayl01ac.jpg CELSIUS CELSIUS_01_AC.JPG cels01ac.jpg CEPHEUS CEPHEUS_01_AC.JPG ceph01ac.jpg

    98. AstronoMike - Observer - La Lune - Troisième Soir
    est sans contestation possible l'un des plus beaux cratères de la face visible.

    99. ?
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