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81. G01_06Reymaldo Fernández Manzano Translate this page XIII, al-Abbar, Takmila al-Sila al-Hyllat al-Syyra Bayyán al-Mugrib. XIII,marrakushi (Abd al-Walid), Kitab al-Mu'chib Fi Taljis Ajbar al-Magrib. http://www.ugr.es/~pwlac/G01_06Reynaldo_Fernandez_Manzano.html | |
82. Arabic Numerals numerals that the Indian number system reach Europe. alBanna al-marrakushi'sform of the numerals. He gave this form of the numerals in http://math.5u.com/Arabic numerals.htm | |
83. Horizonti Umar almarrakushi (1230), etj, etj. Oftalmologjia Merita e oftamologeve arab(specijaliste per semundjen e syrit), vertete eshte e madhe. http://www.horizonti.com/artikujt/004.html | |
84. Hours And Unequal Hours almarrakushi had designed sundials measuring time in equal hours; even earlier,Claudius Ptolemy had expressed the length of day and night at different http://explorers.whyte.com/hours.htm | |
85. Www.ku.edu/history/ftp/bibliographies/spanhist.txt Date 1990. 8. Author 'Abd alWahid al-marrakushi, b. 1185. 9. Author 'Abdal-Wahid al-marrakushi, b. 1185. Dozy, Reinhart Pieter Anne, 1820-1883. http://www.ku.edu/history/ftp/bibliographies/spanhist.txt | |
86. What Is Islam? would have the men killed, enslave their children and would confiscate their belongingsfor the benefit of the believers. ' (1224, almarrakushi, North African http://www.pastornet.net.au/jmm/aame/aame0521.htm | |
87. Elastrologo Estudio De Astrologia Translate this page Sphaera mundi». ~El astrónomo marroquí Hasan al-marrakushi completaun elaborado tratado de astronomía práctica. 1234 ~Fallece http://www.estudioastrologico.com.ar/cronologia.htm | |
88. Neuerwerbungen 02/2000 Des SSG 6,23 Translate this page 504. Ibn al-Banna al-marrakushi Abu l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad (d.721/1321) texts and studies / collected and repr. by Fuat Sezgin. http://www.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/ssg/nel/nel0002.htm | |
89. LOS ALQUIMISTAS LOS alQUIMISTAS DEL ISLAM «Entre los antiguos alquimistas, el azufre rojo designaba la materia capaz de transformar la plata en oro. muchas veces de alKibrit al-Ahmar ("Azufre Rojo") por al-Mizân), «El mercurio oriental» (al-Zibak al-Sharkí), «El libro «El libro puro» (al-Kitab al-Jalís). abir fue http://www.organizacionislam.org.ar/alquimis.htm |
90. Department Of Religion Department of Religion Princeton University Studies in Islamic Religion and Society ShÌÿÌ Islam in the Medieval Period Through Texts and Contexts Instructor Tariq alJamil, Rm. KibrÌt al-usaynÌ al-MadanÌ, Kitªb al-jawªhir al-thamÌna fÌ maʪsin al-MadÌna, 1417/1997 (Dªr al-Kutub al-ÿIlmÌya). Read http://www.princeton.edu/~taljamil/Syllabus-1.doc | |
91. Publikationen/publications Maimûn b. 'Imrân alMarrâkushî (al-qarn as-sâbi' al-hijrî). http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/fb13/igaiw/publication/zeitschrift.html | |
92. Abbreviations, Society Organized For War IIM, Nfa Ibn cIdari alMarrakúshì. "al-Bayan al-Mugrib.". Ambrosio Huici Miranda. http://libro.uca.edu/socwar/abbrev.htm | |
93. Sourcenotes 7. Kitâb almu'jib fî talkhîs akhbâr al-Maghrib of 'Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushiwho, in 621 h/1124, managed to abridge the history of the Muslim West. http://bewley.virtualave.net/tashfinbib2.html | |
94. Scientific Contribution By Muslims Throughout Ages The algebraic symbols were introduced quite late. alBanna and al-Marrakushiused them in thirteenth and fourteenth century. Later http://www.geocities.com/zahidtg2/Science/ScientificContribution.html | |
95. ABEN HAZAM Translate this page El zalmedina, consultado el último Califa al-Hakam III al-Mu'tadd, que acaso Marrakushinos da la cifra de 80.000 folios escritos de su mano, formando 400 http://www.musulmanesandaluces.org/hemeroteca/14/ibn hazm.htm | |
96. ÝæåÇÊ ÈÃÓãÇÁ ÚÑÈíÉ æ ÅÓáÇãíÉ Úáì ÓØÍ ÇáÞãÑ The summary for this Gujarati page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.jas.org.jo/~arabic/crater.html | |
97. A MOONLIGHT (ATLAS DA LUA). a.cidadao@mail.telepac.pt. Imagens obtidascom uma QuickCam aP/B (Connectix). Telescópios de D=254mm http://www.terravista.pt/FerNoronha/1475/moonlight.html | |
98. AstronoMike - Observer - La Lune - Troisième Soir est sans contestation possible l'un des plus beaux cratères de la face visible. http://www.astronomike.net/systeme_solaire/lune/observer/soir_03.php |
99. ? The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.skystars.narod.ru/kratmon.htm |
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