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Mcshane Edward: more books (34) | ||
41. 1959 Directory: Mary Street To New Street 11a McDowell, John E. 13 Fanning, Joseph 13a Castles, Hugh 15 McCann, Patrick 15aMcCann, Mary 17 McKenna, Henry 19 McAvoy, edward 21 mcshane, edward 23 McKee http://www.lurganancestry.net/recordsonline/1959streetdirectory/marytonewst.html | |
42. Timeline - Glassdrumman edward mcshane, Murphy Arthur, Margaret McAllister, Joseph Murphy, PeterReel, Daniel Traynor. edward Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Thomas mcshane, James Murphy. http://www.pdevlinz.btinternet.co.uk/timelineglassdrummond.htm | |
43. Norwich Hockey Blueline Club Coach Mike mcshane was named the 1999 edward Jeremiah Award winner by the AmericanHockey Coaches Association (AHCA) as its choice for College Division http://www.norwich.edu/bluelineclub/NorwichHockey/CoachesProfiles.htm | |
44. Robert M. Forrest And Rachel Copelin She married JOHN edward mcshane on June 30, 1888 in Snohomish. Arthur wasa brother of John edward mcshane who married Viola's sister Malissa. http://ozarkcounty.freeservers.com/catalog.html | |
45. 1857 Griffiths Valuation - Parish Of Glencolumbkille Thomas, Bangort McNulty, Patrick, Malinmore Molloy, edward, Drum Molloy Mooney, Hugh,Lougheraherk Morrow, William, Malinmore mcshane, Anne, Lergadaghtan mcshane http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~donegal/glencolumbgv.htm | |
46. Genealogy Data Birth BET. 1796 1797 County Armaugh, Ireland Death 18 AUG 1880Gender Male Children mcshane, edward Birth BET. 1831 - 1832 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~aek740/dat133.html | |
47. Worldwide ROLL Genealogy Data Page 38 (Family Pages) Baumback, edward Parents Father Baumback, Isaac Mother Unknown, Martha FamilySpouse Roll, Lillian Dolan, Anna Family Spouse mcshane, John Children http://www.rollintl.com/roll/roll-w/f_25.htm | |
48. MovieGoods - Search For "Ian McShane" More, Christopher Plummer, Robert Shaw, Susannah York, Ralph Richardson, Curt Jurgens,Michael Redgrave, Nigel Patrick, edward Fox, Ian mcshane, Patrick Wymark http://www.moviegoods.com/search.asp?find_spec=Ian McShane&mscssid= |
49. MovieGoods - Search For "Michael McShane" CAST Macaulay Culkin, John Larroquette, edward Herrmann, Christine Ebersole,Jonathan Hyde, Michael mcshane, Stephi Lineburg; CAMEO(S) Reggie Jackson http://www.moviegoods.com/search.asp?find_spec=Michael McShane&mscssid= |
50. Ian McShane Posters Online, Buy Ian McShane Poster, The Biggest Collection Of Ia Ed Harris Eddie Murphy edward Burns edward Furlong edward Norton edward WoodwardElijah Grant Hugh Jackman Humphrey Bogart Ian McKellen Ian mcshane Ian Ziering http://www.actors-celebrity.posters-online.biz/Ian_McShane/1.html | |
51. McNelis Baptisms In Kilcar, Donegal Roxborough. Dominick McNelis, 1/30/1855, Anthony McNelis, Mary mcshane,Kilcasey. edward McNelis, 1/26/1858, Hugh McNelis, Mary Meehan, Shalwy. http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/j/w/jwd6/mcnkilc.htm |
53. Members Of The School Of Mathematics McMILLAN, John E. 197273. McMULLEN, Curtis T. 1986-87. McMULLEN, John R. 1971-73.mcshane, edward J. 1949-50. MEBKHOUT, Zoghman, 1985-86. MEDVEDEV, Georgiy, 1999-02. http://www.math.ias.edu/mnames.html | |
54. GENUKI: Plantation Of County Cavan McOwen O'Reily; Hugh Roe mcshane O'Reily; Philip and Shane O'Reily, brothers; ShaneMcPhilip O'Reily, Gent. Shane Bane O'Moeltully ), Gent. edward Nugent, Gent. http://www.sierratel.com/colinf/genuki/CAV/Plantation.html | |
55. Caleb Briggs/Jane McShane FEB 1911 at Queensville, E Gwill Twp, York, ON FatherJohn mcshane MotherMary NameWilliam edward Briggs Born 1859 at Sharon, E Gwill Twp, York, ON Married http://www.kinghorn.ca/family/fam00144.html | |
56. McShane, E.J.: Order-Preserving Maps And Integration Processes. (AM-31). OrderPreserving Maps and Integration Processes. (AM-31). edward J. mcshane.Paper 1953 $22.00 / £15.95 ISBN 0-691-09582-5 136 pp. Shopping Cart. http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/3564.html | |
57. The Known Descendants Of Edward a. Goldie Mae HULBERT (daughter of edward R. HULBERT and Goldie Mary COTTLE). L.Sarah COTTLE m. (1) Barney mcshane, m. (2) WILSON. VII. http://www.scioto.org/CottleCountry/joseph1772.html | |
58. July 2001 McShane Breaks Ground For Cordia Senior Residence Community Senior Living; Mayor William Rahn, Village of Westmont; Karen Anderson, Cordia SeniorLiving; James A. mcshane, The mcshane Companies; edward M. Vydra, Cordia http://www.mcshane.com/whanew/wnjuly01b.html | |
59. November 2001 McShane Breaks Ground For The Wilson Companies Pictured at the ceremony (left to right) are edward J. Pitula, mcshane Construction;Rob Wilson, Scott Wilson, and Bob Wilson, The Wilson Companies; Jeff http://www.mcshane.com/whanew/wnnov01d.html | |
60. Truman Library - Records Of U.S. Attorneys And Marshals: Transcripts Of Grand Ju edward mcshane, January 6, 1949; Felix Inslerman, January 6, 1949; Max Bedacht, January11, 1949; 15, 1949. mcshane, edward Jan. 6, 1949. Miller, Isadore - Feb. http://www.trumanlibrary.org/hstpaper/hiss.htm | |
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