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61. AAAS History And Archives AAAS History and Archives. jerzy neyman. Discipline Statistics. AAASawards and honors AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize, 1958. With Elizabeth http://archives.aaas.org/people.php?p_id=455 |
62. AMSMAA Joint Archives Committee AAM AAM. neyman, jerzy 18941981. U. of California, Berkeley; BancroftLibrary UCB online catalogue. Nikodym, Otton Martin 1887-1974. AAM AAM. http://www.ams.org/mathweb/History/collections.html | |
63. The Outdoor Bookstore, Catalog 99A -Astronomy 132 p. wraps, 4to, color photos, illustrations, slight bump lower corner o/wVG .SOLD. 4159 neyman, jerzy; Thornton Page Elizabeth Scott eds. http://www.outdoorbooks.com/astro9.htm | |
64. The Outdoor Bookstore, Catalog 97A - Astronomy Books 236 p. exlib, VG .SOLD. 369 - neyman, jerzy ed. THE HERITAGE OF COPERNICUSTHEORIES PLEASING TO THE MIND . 1st ed. MIT Press. 1974. http://www.outdoorbooks.com/astro2.htm | |
65. Statistics D. Huff, How to Lie with Statistics; Constance Reid, neyman from Life Biographyof jerzy neyman, one of the makers of modern statistical theory, and, I am http://cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/notebooks/statistics.html | |
66. AP Statistics: History Of Statistics - Timeline 19151933, Sir RA Fisher, jerzy neyman (1894-1981), Karl Pearson, Hypothesistest. 1933, jerzy neyman Karl Pearson, Type I Type II Errors. http://apstat.chip-web.com/apstat/history/home.html | |
67. Newsom-Davis, John Michael 25 December 1642 20 March 1727 Fellow 11/01/1672. neyman, jerzy. 16 April1894 - 05 August 1981 Foreign Member 26/04/1979. Nicholas, William. http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/library/fellows/N.htm | |
68. University Of California In Memoriam 1996. Newsom, Heber Allen, 18951977, UC Berkeley, In Memoriam, September1978. neyman, jerzy, 1894-1981, UC Berkeley, In Memoriam 1985. Ng http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/uchistory/archives_exhibits/in_memoriam/nameindex/na | |
69. Portraits Of Statisticians NEWCOMB, Simon 18351909. NEMCHINOV, Vasilii Sergeevich 1894-1964. neyman, jerzy(Splawa-) 1894-1981 with SCOTT, Elizabeth. NIGHTINGALE, Florence 1820-1910. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/people/ | |
70. Autoklub.pl - Polski Serwis Motoryzacyjny Jan Chudzikiewicz, jerzy Marcinek. 7. Piotr Gawlikowski, Adam Górka. 8. Marek Ryndak,Marek Zemla. V. 49 Rajd Wisly Poz. Kierowca, Pilot. 1. Andrzej Splawaneyman, http://www.autoklub.pl/sezon2001/polska/rajdy/puchar_lanos/wyniki2001.php | |
71. Select Calendar Of Events, College Of Letters & Science, UC Berkeley For many years, jerzy neyman held a seminar covering a wide range of topics,pure and applied, from probability, statistics and substantive fields. http://ls.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/calendar.pl?view=Event&event_id=82 |
72. {{ jerzy neyman (18941981). jerzy neyman? ? Splawa-neyman. ? 30 ? ? ? ?. http://home.pusan.ac.kr/~yschoi/history/Student_Report/heotaiyoung2.htm | |
73. Lemma Von Neyman-Pearson jerzy neyman (1894-1981) und Egon http://www.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/stochastik/lehre/ss02/statistik1/skript/node69. | |
74. Encyclopedia Of Social Measurement: Article List Morgenstern, Oskar. Morgenthau, Hans Kenneth W. Thomspon. neyman, jerzy. Nightingale,Florence. Pearson, Karl Eileen Magnello. Playfair, William Howard Wainer. http://www.academicpress.com/refer/measure/measarts.htm | |
75. Home - Science And Health - Mathematics Leja Jan Lukasiewicz Józef Marcinkiewicz Edward Marczewski Stanislaw MazurStefan Mazurkiewicz Franciszek Mertens Andrzej Mostowski jerzy neyman Otto M http://wings.buffalo.edu/info-poland/web/sci_health/math/index.shtml | |
76. Jerzy Proficz - Strona Domowa Publikacje, których jestem (wspól)autorem Krawczyk H., Kuzora P., neyman M.,Proficz J., Wiszniewski B. Comparison Testing of Distributed Software, EWDC8 http://www.ask.eti.pg.gda.pl/~jerp/univ.html | |
77. Jerzy Proficz - Home Page Publications, which I am (sub)author Krawczyk H., Kuzora P., neyman M., ProficzJ., Wiszniewski B. Comparison Testing of Distributed Software, EWDC8 http://www.ask.eti.pg.gda.pl/~jerp/univ_e.html | |
78. ACTP -- Volume 5 -- Table Of Contents PA AS) Remo Suppi Chapter 16 STEPS - a Tool for Structural Testing of ParallelSoftware Henryk Krawczyk, Piotr Kuzora, Marcin neyman, jerzy Proficz and http://www.listproc.bucknell.edu/archives/tfcc-l/200204/msg00006.html | |
79. IMS Fellows Naiman, Daniel G. Nair, Vijayan N. Neumann, John V. Neuts, Marcel F. Neveu, JacquesJP Newman, Charles M. Ney, Peter E. neyman, jerzy Nicholson, George E., Jr. http://www.imstat.org/awards_honored_fellows.htm | |
80. KSMiD - Historia Katedry Katedra Statystyki powstala w roku 1921 na Wydziale Rolniczym, jej pierwszymkierownikiem byl profesor doktor nauk matematycznych jerzy Splawaneyman. http://omega.sggw.waw.pl/ksmid/historia.htm | |
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