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Oenopides Of Chios: more detail | ||||
41. The Greek Period 480 471 BC· The Greek philosopher oenopides, born in chios, was the first, asit is known, to calculate the angle made by the axis of the Earth and its http://www.lefo.ro/e99/newpage3.htm |
42. 7. Appendix Geometry And Astronomy. Of this kind maybe the most important was due to Hippocrates of chios (II half ofthe V century However, oenopides discovered maybe the obliquity of the ecliptic http://www.dm.uniba.it/~psiche/bas2/node8.html |
43. Diop: The Black African Presence In Ancient Egypt Plato, and that there also came Pythagoras of Samos and the mathematician Eudoxus,{note 1} as well as Democritus of Abdera and oenopides {note 2} of chios. http://users.cyberone.com.au/myers/diop.html |
44. Blank Entries From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Translate this page Hermann (1894-1989) Ockham, William of (ca. 1285-1349) oenopides ofChios (b. ca. 480 BC) Oken, Lorenz (1779-1851) Oliphant, Marcus http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/blank-entries.html | |
45. PORCELAINia/Hellas/805 Series Hellas. This piece is named for the birthplace of oenopides(465 BC), a Pythagorean and leading astronomer of his time. The http://www.porcelainia.com/805.html | |
46. Food For Thought Biographies Oehlenschlager, Adam Gottlob (Danish poet, dramatist), 17791850. Oenopidesof chios (Greek astronomer, mathematician), c.490-c.420 BC. http://www.evcom.net/~tourette/bio/bio_O.htm |
47. Áñ÷áßïé Åëëçíåò ÅðéóôÞìïíåò Tannery, P. Diophanti Alexandrini opera omnia, p. 5371 - 1875. Oenopidesthe Chian ( Ïéíïðßäçò ï ×ßïò ). ( chios - 5th Cent. BCE ). http://www.forthnet.gr/EAAN/grsci.htm | |
48. wj The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~m-souda/math/smith/chapter3/math6.htm | |
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