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Oka Kiyoshi: more detail | |||||
1. NWU Oka Nara Women's University Library possesses the manuscripts and memoranda of a mathematicianDr.oka kiyoshi(Professor Emeritus of Nara Women's University, 1901 http://www.lib.nara-wu.ac.jp/oka/index_eng.html | |
2. Oka Kiyoshi Oka. Born 19 April 1901 Kiyoshi Oka entered the Imperial Universityof Kyoto in 1922 to study physics. However in 1923 he http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Oka.html | |
3. Gossips And Rumors Fri May 12 141459 JST 2000. Next year is a centenary of oka kiyoshi'sbirth. For the memorial of oka kiyoshi's work, there opened http://w3rep.math.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp/topicse.html | |
4. Search Result For Kenjiro Yanagi OBARA Kenjiro , oka kiyoshi, Google Similar pages Scream Against the Sky http://hpsearch.uni-trier.de/hp/a-tree/y/Yanagi:Kenjiro.html | |
5. `H|/Ø|i oka kiyoshi Mokugei(oka kiyoshi) ?69906 1167, Naoe, Hikawa-Cho, Hikawa-Gun,Shimane-Ken Tel ; 0853-72-3260 Fax ; 0853-72-9866. dentou-e.gif. http://www.joho-shimane.or.jp/dentou/dkmoku_e.html | |
6. Shinwa World-- Shimane Woodworking oka kiyoshi Mokugei(oka kiyoshi) Postal Code 69906 1167, Naoe, Hikawa-Cho,Hikawa-Gun, Shimane-Ken Tel ; 0853-72-3260 Fax ; 0853-72-9866. http://www.joho-shimane.or.jp/engver/crafts/woodworkbuy.php3 | |
7. ANNUAL REPORT KOIZUMI Koichi, SHIBANUMA Kiyoshi, NAKAHIRA Masataka. OBARA Kenjiro, oka kiyoshi,TAGUCHI Kou (*32). TAKAHASHI Hiroyuki (*6), TAKIGUCHI Yuji (*48), TAKEDA Nobukazu. http://www-jt60.naka.jaeri.go.jp/annual/99/html/staff.html | |
8. ANNUAL REPORT TADA Eisuke, (Head). AKOU Kentaro(*19), ITOU Akira(*10), KAKUDATE Satoshi. NAKAHIRAMasataka, OBARA Kenjiro, oka kiyoshi. TAGUCHI Kou(*32), TAKAHASHI Hiroyuki(*6). http://www-jt60.naka.jaeri.go.jp/annual/98/html/staff.html | |
9. A Chronological Summary Of The Ishibashi Foundation Cultural Center and the Ishibashi Art Gallery (April) ¦ One million visitorsrecorded (May) ¦ Visit of Mr. oka kiyoshi(October) ? Special Exhibition http://www.ishibashi-foundation.or.jp/ishibashi_web_e/history_e/his_03_e.html | |
10. Applications Of YAG Laser Processing In Underwater Welding And 5 pp. 256259. Development of Laser Cutting/Welding System for Remote Maintenanceof ITER Manifold. YAMAOKA Hiroto,TSUCHIYA Kazuyuki AWANO Toshihiko,oka kiyoshi. http://www.ihi.co.jp/ihi/technology/gihou/gihou42-5c-e.html | |
11. ÈW2002.3 Have you ever read the beautiful article by oka kiyoshi, who was bornat Wakayama Prefecuture, as I read it when I was 19 yeas old. http://chaokemoto.hp.infoseek.co.jp/mail200203.htm | |
12. ABSTRACT6-2 ·? ·? ?· ?· Kenji MISHIMA MasahisaEZAWA Takashi ENJOUJI Satoru oka kiyoshi MATSUYAMA Masanori NAGATANI. http://www.it.sakura.ne.jp/~koatsu/c_journal/ab/1_10/06-2.html | |
13. Memorial Conference Of Kiyoshi Oka's Centennial Birthday Memorial Conference of kiyoshi oka's Centennial Birthday. Kyoto, Japan; 30 October 5 November 2001 / Nara, Japan; 68 November 2001. http://www.appmath.osaka-wu.ac.jp/~kazuko/oka100/ | |
14. Oka Biography of kiyoshi oka (19011978) kiyoshi oka. Born 19 April 1901 in Osaka, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Oka.html | |
15. References For Oka References for kiyoshi oka. Books R Remmert (ed.), kiyoshi oka Collected papers (BerlinHeidelberg- New York, 1984). http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Oka.html | |
16. References For Oka References for the biography of kiyoshi oka References for kiyoshi oka. Books R Remmert (ed.), kiyoshi oka Collected papers (BerlinHeidelberg- New York, 1984). http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/References/Oka.html | |
17. Oka Portrait Portrait of kiyoshi oka kiyoshi oka. JOC/EFR August 2001 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/Oka.html | |
18. Memorial Conference Of Kiyoshi Oka's Centennial Birthday Memorial Conference of kiyoshi oka's Centennial Birthday on Complex Analysisin Several Variables, Kyoto/Nara 2001. Nara Program (November 6 8). http://www.appmath.osaka-wu.ac.jp/~kazuko/oka100/nara.html |
20. Tokyo: Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Obara, Kenjiro . oka, kiyoshi . Taguchi, Kou 1. Takahashi, Hiroyuki 1 http://epub.iaea.or.at/fusion/public/ws97/node194.html | |
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