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81. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page Osgood (william Fogg), Américain (1864-1943). Ostrogradski (Michel), Russe (1801-1861).oughtred (william), Anglais (1574-1660). Pacioli (Luca), Italien (1445-1514). http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/maths/noms.htm | |
82. Venus In 1639: Horrocks' Ontdekking Samen met twee andere vrienden van Crabtree william Gascoigne, een landheeruit Middleton, en de predikant william oughtred uit Albury vormden ze een http://home.hetnet.nl/~smvanroode/venustransit/horrocks.html | |
83. GADGETTO On The History Of Music 1618 de Fluctibus, De Naturae Simia. 1620 william oughtred, sliderule. 1625william oughtred, slide rule. 1642 Blaise Pascal, adding machine. http://www.gadgetto.com/history.html | |
84. Open Directory & Pay Per Click Search Engine: Science/Math/Mathematicians/Famous edu/leibniz.html. oughtred, william (15741660) Best known for theinvention of an early form of the slide rule. http//www-groups http://www.searchpixie.com/Science/Math/Mathematicians/Famous_People/ | |
85. Angus Oughtred Angus oughtred MD Jacksons Stores director of william Jackson SonLimited. John Angus McLaren oughtred joined the Jacksons Group http://www.wjs.co.uk/html/organogram/jamoughtred.htm | |
86. Slip Sticks And Slide Rules A Brief Overview Of The History And Slip Sticks and Slide Rules A brief overview of the History and Operationof the Engineers Pal by Richard Boswell. 6/29/02. Click here to start. http://www.asme.org/sections/nwhss/Slipstick/ |
87. Mathenomicon.net : Reference : Slide-rules It thus did not qualify as a sliderule. The English mathematician WilliamOughtred (1574-1660 CE) invented the first true slide-rule. http://www.cenius.net/refer/display.php?ArticleID=sliderule_ency |
88. 16¥@¬ö^°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.dyu.edu.tw/~mfht206/history/16/england.htm | |
89. Some Symbolical Soup It reappeared 1631, when it was used by Thomas Harriot and WilliamOughtred. Last spoonful. Enjoy the aroma savour it slowly. http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Field/7896/symbols.html | |
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