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61. Eratho Brief information on Eratosthenes, including when and where he was born, as well as later historians Category Kids and Teens People and Society Eratosthenes...... About a century later, posidonius copied this feat, using the star Canopus ashis light source and the cities of rhodes and Alexandria as his baseline. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/hawking/cosmostar/html/cstars_eratho.html | |
62. Greek Philosophy: Hellenistic Philosophy a university city, especially for the study of philosophy; rhodes specialized in friendof the great general Scipio Aemilianus, and by posidonius, who was a http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/GREECE/HELLPHIL.HTM | |
63. CICADA Peripateticism. In Asia he attended the courses of Xenocles, Dionysius andMenippus, and in rhodes those of posidonius, the famous Stoic. In http://42.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CI/CICADA.htm | |
64. Thist3.html Translate this page dit aussi de Babylone (vers 240 - vers 150), ANTIPATER de Tarse (vers 190 - 129),PANETIUS de Lindos, près de rhodes (vers 180-110), posidonius d'Apamée (135 http://www2.ac-lyon.fr/enseigne/philosophie/thist3.html | |
65. Cicero By Plutarch of Adramyttium, Dionysius of Magnesia, and Menippus of Caria; at rhodes, he studiedoratory with Apollonius, the son of Molon, and philosophy with posidonius. http://www.4literature.net/Plutarch/Cicero/2.html | |
66. Quotations_by_ib rosicrucianism, implying that fulfilment should not be postponed to some Utopianfuture), punning first on the Greek (Rhodos = rhodes, rhodon = rose posidonius. http://berlin.wolf.ox.ac.uk/lists/quotations/quotations_by_ib.html | |
67. A History Of Science By Henry Smith Williams-Book 1 Chapter 11 above the southern horizon at rhodes as compared with the height of the same starwhen observed at Alexandria. This measurement of posidonius, together with http://www.nalanda.nitc.ac.in/resources/english/etext-project/history/science/bo | |
68. BC Chronology POET. LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA. 292226. COLOSSUS OF rhodes. 290/230. CERCIDAS. POET.290-282. PHILOSOPHER. SCHOOL OF ATHENS. 135/51. posidonius. PHILOSOPHER. 134-104.MACABEES. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/3678/Chronos4.html | |
69. The End Of Philosophy And The Culmination Of Ethics development of Stoicism is to be found in the socalled Middle Stoa, whoseleaders included Panaetius of rhodes (180-110 BC) and posidonius of Syria (175 http://www.geocities.com/stoicvoice/journal/0800/em0800a1.htm | |
70. The Imperial Planets Cicero remained unconvinced, even after a stay on rhodes with the GreekStoic posidonius, and a close friendship with Nigidius Figulus. http://www.meta-religion.com/Esoterism/Astrology/imperial_planets.htm | |
71. Untitled About a century later, posidonius copied this feat, using the star Canopus ashis light source and the cities of rhodes and Alexandria as his base line. http://lhs.lexingtonma.org/Teachers/Trainor/earth/earth.htm | |
72. PLS 261265; 'posidonius and Plato's Timaeus Off to rhodes and Back toPlato?', Classical Quarterly 47 (1997) 455-476;. 'Roman and Stoic http://www.nd.edu/~pls/faculty/Reydams-Schils.html | |
73. Le Temps Des Généraux Translate this page La comparaison de ces livres avec les fragments de posidonius de rhodes, qui nousont été conservés par Athénée, a fait voir que cet historien a été le http://users.skynet.be/remacle/Pompee/annexejust1.htm | |
74. Theodore Scaltsas 305. 'posidonius on the growing argument', in rhodes, Twenty FourCenturies, (Athens The Academy of Athens, 1996) 113122. 'The http://www.arts.ed.ac.uk/philosophy/staff_html/scaltsas.html | |
75. Scaltsas 2537. 1996 posidonius on the Growing Argument , in rhodes, Twenty FourCenturies, published by the Academy of Athens (Athens), pp. 113-122. http://archelogos.com/xml/authors/Scaltsas.htm | |
76. Mathematicians 100 BCE. Zenodorus (c. 100 BCE?). posidonius (c. 135c. 51) *SB. Marcus TerentiusVarro (116-27). Zeno of Sidon (c. 79 BCE). Geminus of rhodes (fl. c. 77 BCE) *SB. http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/mathematicians.html | |
77. P_litterature Translate this page PANETIUS DE rhodes (180 - 110) Philosophe stoïcien disciple de Diogènede Babylonie et d'Antipater de Tarse, puis le maître de posidonius. http://perso.club-internet.fr/evelynpl/litterature/P.htm | |
78. Stoics And Stoic Philosophy Panætius (185112), who lived in Rome, and of posidonius, (135-40) who. transferredthe school to rhodes, the quasi-official philosophy of Roman. imperialism. http://www.wyzwanie.com/stoics_m.htm | |
79. What's New August 2001, The Pydna Monument rhodes and Rome Destruction of Corinth Regulusand the Giant Snake Map of the Known World by posidonius the Voyage of http://www.barca.fsnet.co.uk/whats-new.htm | |
80. BMCR-L: BMCR 99.8.4, BMCR Books Received (July 1999) PJ rhodes, Thucydides History IV.1V.24 (Aris Phillips 1998). Previous messageowner-bmcr-l@brynmawr.edu BMCR 99.8.2, Kidd, trans., posidonius III . http://omega.cohums.ohio-state.edu:8080/hyper-lists/bmcr-l/1999/0164.html | |
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