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21. Steiner, Jakob. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. steiner, jakob. (yä´kôp sht ´n r) (KEY) , 17961863, Swiss mathematician. http://www.bartelby.com/65/st/SteinerJ.html | |
22. Steiner, Jakob (1796-1863) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograph steiner, jakob (17961863), German mathematician who was the greatestgeometer of modern times. He investigated the steiner points http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Steiner.html | |
23. Steiner, Jakob encyclopediaEncyclopedia steiner, jakob, yä'kôp shtI'nur PronunciationKey. steiner, jakob , 17961863, Swiss mathematician. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0846624.html | |
24. Steiner, Jakob (1796-1863) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograph Pronunciation Key. steiner, jakob , 1796 1863 , Swiss mathematician. http://www.treasure-troves.com/bios/Steiner.html | |
25. Thomas Steiner's Homepage März. 18. steiner, jakob. 1796. März. 18. La Hire, Philippe de http://www.almeder.at/~thire/mathkal.php | |
26. Steiner, Jakob steiner, jakob. (1796 1863). Nemecký matematik, je povaován za jednu znejvetích osobností moderní geometrie. Zabýval se teorií projekcí. http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Steiner_Jakob.html | |
27. Steiner, Jakob Pronunciation Key. steiner, jakob , 1796 1863 , Swiss mathematician. http://infoplease.lycos.com/ce6/people/A0846624.html | |
Educational GamesTeachers ZoneNutritionHouse Works ... Body Works All Infoplease All Almanacs General Entertainment Sports Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia AlmanacsAtlasDictionaryEncyclopedia ... Encyclopedia Steiner, Jakob I u r] Pronunciation Key Steiner, Jakob , Swiss mathematician. He was largely self-taught and was professor of geometry at the Univ. of Berlin from 1834. A pioneer in the development of synthetic, or pure, geometry (i.e., deduced by axiomatic methods, as Euclid's geometry), particularly projective geometry, he was considered by many the greatest geometer since Apollonius of Perga and exerted an important influence on his students, who included Bernhard Riemann. Steinem, Gloria Steiner, Rudolf Infoplease HomeDaily AlmanacWorldSports ... Business Development Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Lycos Network and
28. Steiner, Jakob steiner, jakob (17961863). Swiss mathematician, the founder of modernsynthetic, or projective, geometry. He discovered the steiner http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/S/Steiner/1.html |
29. Copyright: Jakob Stainer. Relief, 19. Jh. Translate this page jakob Stainer. Relief, 19. Jh. © Copyright by Bildarchiv der ÖsterreichischenNationalbibliothek, Wien. siehe Stainer (steiner), jakob. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.cp_right.image.s/s763433a.htm | |
30. Steiner, Jakob encyclopediaEncyclopedia steiner, jakob, yä'kôp shtI'nur PronunciationKey. steiner, jakob , 17961863, Swiss mathematician. http://print.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0846624.html | |
31. Jakob Steiner Translate this page steiner, jakob (18.3.1796 - 1.4.1863). Lexika (Printausgaben) WWW-InformationenPrint-Biographien Werk Bibliographien 1996, S. 67. steiner, jakob, schweizer. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/homo-heid/steiner.htm | |
32. Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica, steiner, jakob Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLAstyle steiner, jakob. 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=71360 |
33. Jakob Steiner Translate this page jakob steiner (18.3.1796 - 1.4.1863, Bern) Mathematiker-Lexikon / HerbertMeschkowski Der aus dem Berner Oberland stammende Autodidakt http://www.mathematik.ch/mathematiker/steiner.php | |
34. Jakob Steiner Translate this page jakob steiner. Ehe, Kinder. - Anna steiner, ca. 1797 - Anna Maria Stark. jakob steiner- -. - -. - http://www.karl-gotsch.de/Gotsch.web/per00047.htm | |
35. Win-Family V.6.0 16 Jun 2002 Translate this page Schwarz, Martin Stark, Anna Maria 1797-? Stark, Johann 1791-? steiner,Anna steiner, jakob Win-Family v.6.0, -, 16 Jun 2002. http://www.karl-gotsch.de/Gotsch.web/index15.htm | |
36. (Jakob SCHWENDENWEIN - Phillip STEINER ) Translate this page Index of Persons jakob SCHWENDENWEIN - Phillip steiner 608 individuals, 291families from file C\AHNEN\BURIAN3.GED (9 Sep 2000). Index of Persons. http://members.aon.at/di.burian/index/ind0019.html |
37. Steiner, Jakob steiner, jakob 17961863, Swiss mathematician. He was largely self-taught andwas professor of geometry at the Univ. of Berlin from 1834. steiner, jakob. http://www.slider.com/enc/50000/Steiner_Jakob.htm | |
38. Thomas Steiner's Homepage Translate this page März, 17, Bernulli, Daniel, 1782. März, 18, steiner, jakob, 1796, März, 18,La Hire, Philippe de, 1640, April, 1, Germain, Sophie, 1776, April, 1, steiner,jakob, 1863. http://fsmat.htu.tuwien.ac.at/~thire/mathkal.php | |
39. Steiner.geo - St. Jakob Kirche Translate this page steiner.geo Vermessungsinstrumente John-F.-Kennedy-Str. 11 63457 Hanau Tel 06181/ 571546 Fax 06181 / 571521. Home - Produktübersicht. Angebot des Monats. http://www.steinergeo.de/jakobkirche.html | |
40. Steiner steiner.html. jakob steiner. Born 18 jakob steiner was one of the greatestcontributors to projective geometry. steiner did not learn http://usuarios.bitmailer.com/edeguzman/entornodelt/steiner.html | |
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