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Sylow Ludwig: more detail |
21. Secondary Literature About Julius Petersen Lützen, Jesper The mathematical correspondence between Julius Petersenand ludwig sylow. In Amphora Festschrift for Hans Wussing http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/petersen_j/seclit.htm | |
22. Table Of Contents Translate this page ARTICLE, Glaubermann, George Weakly Closed Elements of sylow Subgroups. II. 89.. . ARTICLE, Vries, Hans ludwig de Über Koeffizientenprobleme bei Eilinien und | |
23. Mitglieder_alpha Translate this page SPRANGER, EDUARD 1952. SYBEL, HEINRICH VON 1874. sylow, PETER ludwig MEJDELL 1904.SYME, SIR RONALD 1974. SZCZYPIORSKI, ANDRZEJ 1995. SCHADEWALDT, WOLFGANG 1962. http://www.orden-pourlemerite.de/mitglieder_alpha.htm | |
24. Nanobiographies Translate this page norvégien Serre, Jean-Pierre (1926) français Shafarevich, Igor Rostilavovich (1923)russe sylow, Peter ludwig Mejdell (1832-1918) norvègien Takagi, Teiji http://algo.inria.fr/banderier/Recipro/node53.html |
25. S Index Translate this page Sturm, Rudolf (668) Subbotin, Mikhail (817) Suetuna, Zyoiti (897) Suter, Heinrich(56) Suvorov, Georgii (170*) Swain, Lorna (598) sylow, ludwig (486*) Sylvester http://math.ichb.ro/History/Indexes/S.html |
26. Lampungonline.com Ludvig sylow (Denmark), Carl Anton Wilhelm Hirschmann (Belanda), Victor E. Schneider(Swiss), Andre Espir (Klub Real Madrid), dan ludwig sylow (Swedia). http://www.lampungonline.com/lposepakbola/asosiasi/indek-asosiasi.html | |
27. Apollon: Biografisk Perle inn i skoddeheimen og ut av vårt kulturelle medvit for hundre årsidan. I minnetalen ved Lies gravferd i 1899, sa ludwig sylow http://www.apollon.uio.no/2001_1/boknytt/stubhaug.shtml | |
28. S Index François (225*) Sturm, Rudolf (158) Subbotin, Mikhail (817) Suter, Heinrich (56)Suvorov, Georgii (170) Swain, Lorna (598) sylow, ludwig (486*) Sylvester http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/S.html |
29. MathLAN Workstations George Gabriel Stokes; Peter ludwig Mejdell sylow; Yutaka Taniyama;Alfred Tarski; Brook Taylor; Stanislaw Marcin Ulam; John Venn; François http://www.math.grin.edu/mathlan/workstations.xhtml | |
30. LABORATOIRE DE THEORIE DES GROUPES_URA748 : OUVRAGES Translate this page En filigrane Elie Joseph Cartan, Marius Sophus Lie, Peter ludwig Mejdell sylow,Evariste Galois, Richard Dagobert Brauer, Jules Henri Poincaré, Felix http://www.institut.math.jussieu.fr/projets/tg/biblio.html | |
31. Beezer's Academic Genealogy Peter ludwig Mejdell sylow MHM. The following quotes are from articlesin the Biographical Dictionary of Mathematicians BDM http://buzzard.ups.edu/genealogy.html | |
32. History - Page Eight 1871 ludwig sylow (18321918) puts the finishing touches on Galois'sproofs on solvability. 1873 Hermann Amandus Schwarz (1843-1921 http://www.vimagic.de/hope/1/history_eight.html |
33. A Short History modular functions. 1871 ludwig sylow (18321918) puts the finishingtouches on Galois's proofs on solvability. 1873 Hermann Amandus http://library.wolfram.com/examples/quintic/timeline.html | |
34. Quiz Access under +mod2 and Z_3={0,1,2} under +mod3. 4. Peter ludwig Mejdell sylow(sylow's First Theorem), d. Z_6={0,1,2, ,5} under +mod6 has http://www.mathsci.appstate.edu/~sjg/class/3110/mathfestalg2000/quiz5.html | |
35. Quiz Access Ie C(r)=C for all roots r. 4. Peter ludwig Mejdell sylow (sylow'sFirst Theorem), d. 2x2 matrices with determinant 1 satisfying A http://www.mathsci.appstate.edu/~sjg/class/3110/mathfestalg2000/quiz2.html | |
36. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (S) group of primepower order is, by a theorem of sylow, the group of Russell probablyhad the term from ludwig Wittgenstein, whose Tractatus logico-philosophicus http://members.aol.com/jeff570/s.html | |
37. Peter Ludwig Mejdell Sylow - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All Friends of Acapedia Peter ludwig Mejdell sylow. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.(There is currently no text in this page). Current Events. Sciences. http://acapedia.org/aca/Peter_Ludwig_Mejdell_Sylow | |
38. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page prêmio Nobel em 1901) 07/09/1910 - Morte do pintor britânico William Holman Hunt07/09/1918 - Morte do matemático norueguês Peter ludwig Mejdell sylow 07/09 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad7.php?w=2&pg=110 |
39. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page 12/12/1832 - Nascimento de Peter ludwig Mejdell sylow (matemático norueguês) 12/12/1889- Morte do matemático ucraniano Viktor Yakovlevich Bunyakovsky 12/12 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=10 |
40. I11588: ALTENBAUMBERG, Imagina (Bef 1394 - ____) Translate this page _Birgitte ALSTRUP _Margrethe HANNING (1679 - 1744) m 1708 (1649- 1714) Caroline Jacobine sylow (1794 - 1867 WITTELSBACH, ludwig III. http://genealogy.munthe.net/database/g0002196.html | |
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