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Wantzel Pierre: more detail |
21. Four Problems Of Antiquity The problem had been settled in 1837 by pierre Laurant wantzel (18141848) whohad proven that there was no way to trisect a 60 o angle in the classical http://www.cut-the-knot.com/arithmetic/antiquity.shtml | |
22. Lwf0 This problem remained unsolved until 1837, when pierre wantzel provedthat such a rulerand-compass construction is impossible. http://geowords.com/e_/01b_plumb&edge/JohnDBarrow211.htm | |
23. Johns Hopkins Magazine February 1999 after generations of mathematicians had attempted in vain to solve it, that a Frenchbridge and highway engineer named pierre Louis wantzel finally cracked the http://www.jhu.edu/~jhumag/0299web/degree.html | |
24. The Quadratrix During the 19th century the French mathematician pierre wantzel proved that underthese circumstances the first two of those constructions are impossible and http://cage.rug.ac.be/~hs/quadratrix/quadratrix.html | |
25. (ROBBAR - ANGULAR UNITY) most surprising implication of the missing theorem is that it contradicts many factsestablished by Carl Frederich Gauss and pierre Laurent wantzel about two http://www.travelannex.com/davesafe/kafou/book/theorem.html |
26. The Hundred Greatest Theorems Karl Frederich Gauss. 1801. 8. The Impossibility of Trisecting the Angle and Doublingthe Cube. pierre wantzel. 1837. 9. The Area of a Circle. Archimedes. 225 BC. 10. http://attila.stevens-tech.edu/~nkahl/Top100Theorems.html | |
27. ICT-lesvoorbeeld: Trisectie Van De Hoek Opmerking, pierre Laurent wantzel (18141848) bewees in de 19 e eeuw dat een oplossingvan de trisectie van de hoek met passer en liniaal onmogelijk was. http://www.aps.nl/wiskunde/Content/Lesvoorbeelden/Meetkunde/Trisectie/opdracht.h | |
28. Il Teorema Di Morley Translate this page Fu comunque solo nel 1837 che pierre wantzel (1814-1848) riuscì a dimostrare lanecessità della condizione di Gauss sui poligoni regolari e quindi anche l http://www.lorenzoroi.net/geometria/Morley.html |
29. Faq.maths : Le Fascinant Nombre Pi Translate this page par LINDERMAN en 1882) et la règle et le compas ne perment ne tracer que des nombresalgébriques, comme l'a montré le mathématcien pierre wantzel en 1837. http://faq.maths.free.fr/html-old/faq09.php3 | |
30. Encyclopædia Britannica pierre Laurent wantzel University of St Andrews Biographical sketch of thisFrench mathematician who solved algebraic equations by radicals. http://www.britannica.com/search?query=pierre-simon&ct=igv&fuzzy=N&show=10&start |
31. Encyclopædia Britannica pierre Laurent wantzel University of St.Andrews Biographical sketch of this 19thcentury French mathematician known for solving equations by radicals. http://www.britannica.com/search?query=roots solving&ct=igv&fuzzy=N&start=0&show |
32. Niemo¿no¶æ Konstrukcyjnej Trysekcji Dowolnego K±ta Te uwagi Gaussa zamienil na scisly dowód pierre L. wantzel (18141848) w 1837r. wantzel byl repetytorem w École Polytechnique w Paryzu, tej samej, w http://ux1.math.us.edu.pl/~szyjewski/FAQ/konstruk/trysekcj.htm | |
33. MathsNet: Geometric Construction Course - Classic Problems Of Geometry In 1837 pierre Laurent wantzel (born 1814 in Paris, France; died 1848 in Paris)published proofs on the means of deciding if a geometric problem can be http://www.mathsnet.net/campus/construction/classic2.html | |
34. Trisection De L'angle Translate this page Il n'est pas possible diviser un angle par construction. Démonstration en1837 par pierre Laurent wantzel (1814-1848). règle et au compas. Sites. http://membres.lycos.fr/villemingerard/Histoire/Trisangl.htm | |
35. Constructions Géométriques - Constructible Translate this page pierre Laurent wantzel (1814 - 1848) Il démontre que seuls ces polygonessont constructibles. Tout nombre constructible est algébrique. http://www.multimania.com/villemingerard/Geometri/Construc.htm | |
36. Duplication Du Cube Translate this page Abordé par Descartes en 1637*. Puis par Gauss (1777 - 1855)*. C'est wantzel (1814- 1848). Panoplie du constructible pierre Delezoïde - Lycée Buffon - Paris XV. http://www.multimania.com/villemingerard/Histoire/Duplcube.htm | |
37. The Classical Greek Problems In 1837 pierre wantzel proved that the classical Greek problem of a squaring a cubecould not be solved with the restriction of using only straight lines and http://www.math.rutgers.edu/courses/436/Honors02/classical.html |
38. The Problem Of Angle Trisection In Antiquity The first person to prove its impossibility results was pierre Laurent wantzel, whopublished his proofs in a paper called Research on the Means of Knowing If http://www.math.rutgers.edu/courses/436/436-s00/Papers2000/jackter.html | |
39. Trisectie Van Een Hoek eerste echte bewijs van de onoplosbaarheid van de eerste twee problemen werd gegevendoor de weing bekende Franse wiskundige pierre Laurent wantzel (18141848 http://www.pandd.demon.nl/trisect.htm | |
40. Geometriske Konstruktioner Med Passer Og Lineal Først i 1837 blev det af pierre Laurent wantzel (1814 1848) bevist, at det erumuligt at tredele en generel vinkel og fordoble en terning med passer og http://www.matematiksider.dk/klassisk.html | |
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