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41. John H. Wilkins City of London Theatre john H. wilkins. It news. Mr. wilkins. john wilkinswas a playwright associated with the City of London Theatre. http://www.artsci.washington.edu/drama-phd/irwilkin.html | |
42. Dolezal: The Canon Of The English Dictionary DOLEZAL, Fredric (1985). Forgotten but Important Lexicographers john wilkinsand William Lloyd. Tübingen Max Niemeyer Verlag. wilkins, john (1668). http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/epc/chwp/dolezal/dol_bib.htm | |
43. John Wilkins Library Modern Documents john wilkins. john wilkins. Annotated bibliographyof Darwin and Darwinism (Off Site). Evolution and Chance FAQ (1997) (Off Site). http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/john_wilkins/ |
44. John Wilkins Delaware Valley. They have one son and two grandchildren. Their son,john Scott wilkins, is Delaware Valley's Director of Operations. http://www.wffsa.org/BoardMembers/wilkins.htm |
45. §6. John Wilkins As A Link With The Later Generation. XII. Divines Of The Churc 6. john wilkins as a Link with the Later Generation. The earlier period ofthe reign of Charles II was closely linked to the days before the war. http://www.bartleby.com/218/1206.html | |
46. The Seattle Times: Obituaries: John Wilkins' World Was Ballet john wilkins' world was ballet. Even when he lost his balance and chemotherapyhad robbed him of his hair, john wilkins kept dancing. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/obituaries/134627855_wilkinsobit04m.html | |
47. John Wilkins Translate this page wilkins, john, (1614-1672), lord cientista e bispo de Chester, umdos fundadores da Royal Society. Publicou, entre outras, em 1638 http://www.cobra.pages.nom.br/fm-wilkins.html | |
48. Prof John Wilkins At The Department Of Classics And Ancient History, Exeter Univ Prof john wilkins. Head of School. JM.wilkins@exeter.ac.uk. I am a specialistin the history of food in GrecoRoman culture, with current http://www.ex.ac.uk/classics/staff/j_wilkins.htm | |
49. Prof John Wilkins Publication List Teaching Staff. Prof john wilkins Publications. Books. Sophocles Antigoneand Oedipus the King, ed john wilkins M. Macleod (BCP 1987) 1972. http://www.ex.ac.uk/classics/staff/j_wilkins_pubs.htm | |
50. Author-Index Dawn M.*; wilkins, JW; wilkins, Janie L. Hassard; wilkins, john D.wilkins, Linda; wilkins, MF; wilkins, Mark L. wilkins, Miles; wilkins http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/A1832.html | |
51. The Analytical Language Of John Wilkins Translate this page El idioma analítico de john wilkins. The Analytical Language of john wilkins.Jorge Luis Borges. john wilkins, hacia 1664, acometió esa empresa. http://www.crockford.com/wrrrld/wilkins.html | |
52. John Muir: Apostle Of Nature, By Thurman Wilkins (1995) - John Muir Exhibit (Joh 'john Muir Apostle of Nature' by Thurman wilkins (1995), the publisher's pressrelease. A part of the john Muir Exhibit, by Harold Wood and Harvey Chinn. http://www.sierraclub.org/john_muir_exhibit/bibliographic_resources/press_releas | |
53. John Wilkins On Brownstone Recordings john wilkins STROLLIN' john wilkins, Guitar. Bronek Suchanek, Bass. JerryWilfong, Bass. Kenny Hadley, Drums. BRCD 20004, When a jazz musician http://www.brownstonerecordings.com/Musicians/wilkins/strollin.html | |
54. John Wilkins (Index) - Suite101.com A list of articles at Science Fiction and Society about john Wilkinsand/or his works. Suite101.com, 490 25,376 19,789, Topics Articles http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/sf_and_society/64818 | |
55. KLI Theory Lab - Authors - John S. Wilkins back start page author index keyword index areas full text search. john S. wilkins . homepage email. wilkins, JS 1995. http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/AuthPage/W/WilkinsJS.html | |
56. John Wilkins (1614-1672) human ecology home author list john wilkins (16141672) Bibliography The AnalyticalLanguage of john wilkins. Created 26/4/00 Last modified 18/10/01. http://homepages.which.net/~gk.sherman/eaaaaacn.htm | |
57. The New Zealand Edge : Heroes : Scientists : Maurice Wilkins : Www.nzedge.com In Stockholm for their Nobel Prizes, December 1962 Maurice wilkins, johnSteinbeck, john Kendrew, Max Perutz, Francis Crick, and James D Watson. http://www.nzedge.com/heroes/wilkins.html | |
58. Major General John Wilkins, Jr. - Quartermaster General 1796-1802 Major General john wilkins, Jr. 7th Quartermaster General June 1796June1802. john wilkins, Jr. was born in Donegal township http://www.qmfound.com/MG_John_Wilkins_Jr.htm | |
59. Selected Early Works: W np 1684. wilkins, john, bp. of Chester, 16141672. wilkins, john, bp.of Chester, 1614-1672. Mercury or The secret and swift messenger. http://www.thebakken.org/library/books/early_w.htm | |
60. JOHN WILKINS WHITFIELD, CSA GENERAL john wilkins WHITFIELD, CSA. VITAL STATISTICS. BIOGRAPHY. johnwilkins Whitfield was born in Franklin, Tennessee, on March 11, 1818. http://www.multied.com/Bio/CWcGENS/CSAWhitfield.html | |
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