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81. I11576: Zelda __________ (____ - ____) _Lenora Ann DOUGLAS _ St Paul wilks DAVIDSON DEATHAug 1964, Clay Co AL. Father samuel Bryant INGRAM http://www.culpepper.net/chickasaw/d0009/g0000018.html | |
82. Bengal-1860to73-Whelan-to-Wittenbaker 1871, 136, 81, wilks, James M, DUNCAN, Michael E (sic). 1869, 127, 71,wilks, samuel C, COLLISTER, Fanny. 1867, 122, 197/203, WILLBOND, George,HUNT, Eliza. http://members.shaw.ca/pagetree/bengal-1860to73-Whelan-to-Wittenbaker.htm | |
83. The Testimony Of A Hundred Witnesses [Table Of Contents]. Cameo testimonies of famous Christians such as Bunyan, Luther, and the Wesley brothers.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Testimonies...... Rev. JN Maffit's Conversion. Dost Thou Break God's Holy Day? by J. wilks. TheGreat Grace of God, by George Eyster. Convinced in a Dream, by samuel Reed. http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/believers/weishampelthw/THW000.HTM | |
84. USS Samuel Gompers AD-37 Please see News page for more details. Other USS samuel Gompers Web Sites AD37Reunion Steering Committee. Carraway, Tina. McCranie (wilks) , Michele. http://www.usssamuelgompers.org/ | |
85. USS Samuel Gompers AD-37 Please see News page for more details. Other USS samuel Gompers Web Sites AD37Reunion Steering Committee. Sheppard, Michele. McCranie (wilks) , Michele. http://www.usssamuelgompers.org/index.shtml | |
86. NaftzgerGen13 BOBBI JO WEITZEL 13 (SANDRA LEE 12 HOLSINGER, samuel BLAIR 11 , ALICE MARIE 10NOFSKER, HENRY MARTIN CLEVELAND 9 , JOHN wilks 8 , JOHN JACOB 7 , HEINRICH 6 http://www.motherbedford.com/NaftzgerGen13.htm | |
87. Citizens For Irvana Keagy Wilks - Campaign '99 Topics For Mount Prospect, Illino Current Village Trustee. Irvana wilks was elected Mount Prospect VillageTrustee in 1991. .. samuel Hess, 509 S. WaPella Avenue. http://www.mtprospect.org/cfikw/ | |
88. Maury County, Tennessee, Queries December 2000 They had the following children James Monroe Burkett m Martha Frances SPAIN; MarthaBurkett; Nancy Burkett; samuel H. Burkett; Mary Burkett; Wiley E wilks. http://www.tngennet.org/maury/queries/q200012.htm | |
89. PR4U-W Elizabeth, wilks, James Harriott, 19Nov, 1837, samuel, wilks, James Harriott,24-May, 1840, Henry, wilks, Harriott, 4-Sep, 1842, Thomas B, wilks, Rhoda, 8-Apr,1844, http://www.safari.freeserve.co.uk/pr4u-w.html | |
90. Freepages.misc.rootsweb.com/~vataxlists/Bedford/1800PersonalA/IndexPers1800VaBed 26 Whisly, David 25 White, Jacob 26 White, Joseph 25 Whittaker, samuel 25 Whitton,William 25 Wigginton, George 25 Wigginton, John 25 wilks, samuel 25 Williams http://freepages.misc.rootsweb.com/~vataxlists/Bedford/1800PersonalA/IndexPers18 |
91. HAMLETT CEMETERY, CHESTER COUNTY, TENNESSEE 5, 1804 and died Sept. 21, 1859. Their son samuel wilks Farrow was born Nov. 18,1829 and died Mar. 7, 1873. He married Gillie Adaline Trice who was born Apr. http://www.henderson-lea.hc.k12tn.net/donahue/henderson/c-hamlet.htm | |
92. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Wilks, Stephen Geary To Williams, Catherin 1824 May 31. On list of convicts transported to Newcastle and not in returns (Reel6068; 4/1811 p.120). wilks, William. WILLETTS, samuel. Per Agamemnon , 1820. http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/w/F61c_wil-03.htm | |
93. Kaddish List - June/July 2002 Translate this page Harriet Nathanson, Ruth Epstein Schuler, Arthur Stein Friedman, E. Mannie Blaugrund,Harvey wilks, Alvin Slipyan, samuel Reeback, Frederick D. Simon, Rebecca http://www.congregationalbert.org/2002-06/kaddish.htm | |
94. Index For Surnames Beginning With W White, Robert Alwyn White, Robert Nelson White, Rudolph White, samuel Ava White WashingtonB. Wilkins, Elizabeth Wilkins, Jonas Wilkins, Jonas wilks, Ann Nancy http://www.hal-pc.org/~jwm/gendex/idxw.htm | |
95. Marriages 1880-1894 after Banns, Hugh Allan Rector. Alfred wilks, Rebecca Bruton. Aug 3rd, Johnsamuel, full age, Widower, Master Mariner, Cricklade St Mary, David samuel,Farmer. http://tetlow.screaming.net/marriages_1880-1894.htm | |
96. Samuel Ramsey Chapter, NSDAR, Past Regents Mrs. James D. wilks. This site maintained by Elizabeth M. Swanay, State Chairman,California Web Page Copyright © 2000, 2001 by The samuel Ramsey Chapter NSDAR http://www.californiadar.org/chapters/samuelramsey/pastregents.html | |
97. I00632: John ADAMS (1807 - 23 Nov 1858) UNK _ (1580 . m 1595 samuel GREEN , Sr. REFERENCE V6647.Father William WILBOURN Mother Mary wilks Family 1 Joseph DEADMOND http://www.verblefamily.com/d0008/g0000026.html | |
98. 1800 Virginia Tax Lists - W Index Whitt, Turner, CharlesCity, 1800Personal, 19. Whittaker, samuel, Bedford,1800PersonalA, 25. Whittam 12. Wilcox, samuel, Sussex, 1799PersonalA,17. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~ysbinns/vataxlists/1800index/1800W-index3.htm | |
99. Portraits Of Statisticians WIENER, Norbert 18941964. WILCOXON, Frank 1892-1965. wilks, SamuelStanley 1906-1964. WISHART, John 1898-1956. De WITT, Jan 1625-1672. http://www.stat.ucla.edu/history/people/ | |
100. Harold Hotelling Papers 1, Weaver, Warren. 1, Wheeler, John A. 1, Wilbur, Ray Lyman. 1, wilks, SamuelS. 1, Wilson, Edwin B. Arranged Correspondence. 2, A Miscellaneous. 2, B Miscellaneous. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/rare/guides/Hotelling/main.html | |
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