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61. Citation symposium on Computer architecture toc 1993 , San Diego, California, United StatesThe chinese remainder theorem and the prime memory system Also published http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=165172&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
62. The Chinese Remainder Theorem Factorization The chinese remainder theorem. This is an application of Euclid'stheorem (although the ancient Chinese proved it differently). http://vorpal.mcs.drexel.edu/course/founds/numbertheory/node8.html | |
63. Chinese Remainder Theorem chinese remainder theorem. Dustin Davis CS 2310 SLCC 9/15/02 Pleasefill the necessary values in the form,then click OK button. http://school.davisvillage.com/cs2310/assignments/3.html | |
64. [pac] Chinese Remainder Theorem pac chinese remainder theorem. Previous message pac ANNOUNCECryptRSA 1.33; Next message pac chinese remainder theorem; http://lists.vipul.net/pipermail/pac/2001-April/000034.html | |
65. [pac] Chinese Remainder Theorem pac chinese remainder theorem. Previous message pac chinese remainder theorem;Next message pac Re Using keys not generated by your module http://lists.vipul.net/pipermail/pac/2001-April/000037.html | |
66. EECS 658 Problem Set #2 Fall 1999 30, 1999. THIS WEEK chinese remainder theorem, Euclidian algorithm. Apply thechinese remainder theorem to derive the Lagrange interpolation formula. http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~aey/eecs658/probset2.html | |
67. Math Resources From Grau-Hall Scientific Arapahulian Rope Computer Big Math Attack The chinese remainder theorem The ChineseRemainder Theorem from University of Colorado - Denver Fields Medal http://www.grauhall.com/math.htm | |
68. CHALLENGING PROOFS BY MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION 006 Two definition of Even are equivalent. 007 - All numbersare odd or even. 008 - chinese remainder theorem http://cs-www.cs.yale.edu/homes/carsten/challenges/challenges.html | |
69. Untitled Lenore Blum, B6511, mablum@cityu.edu.hk. ALGEBRA, ALGORITHMS and APPLICATIONSPrototype example The chinese remainder theorem (CRT). http://moscow.cityu.edu.hk/~maweb/history/discrete_mathematics/outline.html | |
70. URS Symposium 2001 Abstract Winners On the chinese remainder theorem andIts Applications. David Tello and Carmelo Tapia. In a book similar http://www.uic.edu/orgs/urs/abstracts/2001/10.html | |
71. Untitled The result is a problem called the chinese remainder theorem. It is because of SunTsusproposal, that this problem is called the chinese remainder theorem. http://eiffel.ps.uci.edu/cyu/p231C/Projects/outlines00/shean.html |
72. Chinese Remainder Theorem 23Oct-01 chinese remainder theorem http://www.cs.appstate.edu/~blk/cs5110/ch31/ch31_part5.htm | |
73. Error Analysis Of Approximate Chinese-Remainder-Theorem Decoding pp. 13441348 Error Analysis of Approximate chinese-remainder-theorem Decoding. http://www.computer.org/tc/tc1995/t1344abs.htm | |
74. The Chinese Remainder Problem It has given rise to such terms as chinese remaindering and chineseremainder theorem. There even is a book entirely devoted to it. http://members.tripod.com/~Probability/diophan/chinese.htm | |
75. A Possible New Quantum Algorithm: Arithmetic With Large Integers Via The Chinese computation is more likely to be of this type. Arithmetic by the Chineseremainder theorem is a highly parallel procedure The idea. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/337637.html | |
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