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1. Collatz Problem -- From MathWorld From Eric Weissten's World of Mathematics. Article with references and links.Category Science Math Number Theory Open Problems collatz problem......collatz problem, conjecture. Let be an integer. Then the collatz problemasks if iterating, (1). always returns to 1 for positive . http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CollatzProblem.html | |
2. Collatz Problem Image By Andrew Shapira. The intensity of a point denotes the time taken to terminate.Category Science Math Number Theory Open Problems collatz problem......An Image From the collatz problem. By Andrew Shapira. February 15, 1998.(Minor We can do the same thing for the collatz problem. Given http://www.onezero.org/collatz.html | |
3. Ken Conrow Home Page The collatz problem (3x+1) I was introduced to the collatz problem back in 1990 by Dr. Ashok T. Amin here in the Computer Science Department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~kconrow | |
4. The 3x+1 Problem And Its Generalizations The 3x+1 problem, also known as the collatz problem, the Syracuse problem, Kakutani's problem, Hasse's algorithm, and http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/lagarias | |
5. The Collatz Problem, Data And Models The collatz problem, related functions, data and models http://site.voila.fr/Collatz_Problem |
6. On The 3x + 1 ProblemEric Roosendaal Presents This Eight Part Document On The 3x Jeffrey C. Lagarias writes this document on the 3x+1 problem also known as collatz problem and the Syracuse problem. Read an introduction and generalizations. Introduction. The 3x+1 problem. A heuristic argument. Do divergent trajectories exist? Connections of the problem to ergodic theory. http://personal.computrain.nl/eric/wondrous |
7. Z-Number -- From MathWorld any Znumbers exist. The Z-numbers arise in the analysis of the Collatzproblem. collatz problem. References. Flatto, L. Z-Numbers http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Z-Number.html | |
8. AlDamen Chemistry student at Jerash University with interests in number theory and the collatz problem. http://www.angelfire.com/de2/abbas |
9. Andrew Shapira's Home Page Andrew Shapira. Articles and Software. An Image from the collatz problem (the ``3x+1Problem''). An Introduction to Thanking after Ridiculously Fast Chess Games. http://www.onezero.org/ | |
10. International Conference On The Collatz Problem Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Germany; 56 August 1999. On-line proceedings and group photo.Category Science Math Number Theory Open Problems collatz problem......International Conference on the collatz problem and Related TopicsAugust 56, 1999 Katholische Universität Eichstätt, GERMANY. http://www.math.grin.edu/~chamberl/conf.html | |
11. Superset Homepage The limited halting problem finding machines that solve the halting problem for limited classes of inputs without reporting erroneous results. The collatz problem is a special case. Software, papers and graphics. http://www8.pair.com/mnajtiv/halt/halt.html | |
12. Proceedings Of 3x+1 Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on the collatz problemand Related Topics. Some of the participants of the conference http://www.math.grin.edu/~chamberl/conference/proceedings.html | |
13. Collatz Problem exist a. collatz problem. Take any natural number m 0. n=m; repeatif (n is odd) then n=3*n+1; else n=n/2; until (n1). The conjecture http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/node61.html | |
14. Famous Problems In Mathematics that is perfect and odd? collatz problem; Goldbach's conjecture; Twinprimes conjecture. Alex LopezOrtiz Mon Feb 23 162648 EST 1998. http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/node55.html | |
15. The Collatz Problem (3x+1) The collatz problem (3x+1). I was introduced to the collatz problemback in 1990 by Dr. Ashok T. Amin here in the Computer Science http://home.hiwaay.net/~criswell/math/collatz.html | |
16. The 3x + 1 Problem And Its Generalizations A survey article by Jeff Lagarias.Category Science Math Number Theory Open Problems collatz problem...... http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/lagarias/paper/html/paper.html | |
17. Editing And Debugging M-Files (Development Environment) Debugging ExampleThe collatz problem. The collatz problem is to prove thatthe Collatz function will resolve to 1 for all positive integers. http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/matlab_env/edit_d21.shtml | |
18. Editing And Debugging M-Files (Development Environment) functions using an example. Closing MFiles, Debugging ExampleThecollatz problem, The MathWorks, Inc. Trademarks Privacy Policy. http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/matlab_env/edit_d20.shtml | |
19. The Complexity Of The Collatz Problem The Complexity of the collatz problem The collatz problem is a verysimple, wellknown and unresolved problem of number theory. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/4430/collatz.html | |
20. A Heuristic Argument For The Collatz Problem A Heuristic Argument for the collatz problem. By. Joseph L. Pe. iDEN SystemEngineering Tools and Statistics. Motorola. 21440 West Lake Cook Road. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/8033/collatz/collatz.htm | |
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