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21. The 3n+1 Collatz Problem The 3n+1 collatz problem. This problem has a mysterious history andit is not easy to explain the attraction of mathematicians for it. http://www.ime.usp.br/~mane/collatz.html | |
22. Mathenomicon.net : Reference : Collatz Problem collatz problem. noun. The collatz problem is as follows Take any x Î %Nset(); % ; If x is odd, set x to be 3x + 1. Otherwise, set x to be x/2; http://www.cenius.net/refer/display.php?ArticleID=collatzproblem |
23. The Collatz Problem The collatz problem. This is one of the unsolved problems in Mathematics.You start with a positive integer. If it is even, you halve http://www.maths.ex.ac.uk/pumc/collatz.html | |
24. PlanetMath: Collatz Problem collatz problem, (Conjecture). We define the function so that. is an arbitraryseed value. collatz problem is owned by akrowne. (view preamble) http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/142Problem.html | |
25. Collatz Problem An Image from the collatz problem The intensity of a point denotes the time takento terminate. collatz problem - From Eric Weissten's World of Mathematics. http://numbersorg.com/NumberTheory/CollatzProblem/ | |
26. Collatz Problem Information Sites Reviewed collatz problem sites, by people who know collatz problem and work withcollatz problem. collatz problem From Eric Weissten's World of Mathematics. http://numbersorg.com/NumberTheory/OpenProblems/CollatzProblem/ | |
27. The Proof Of The Collatz Problem The proof of the collatz problem. The proof by collatz function. a n /2, if an =0 (mod 2). The third step is practiced the collatz problem. Then By My Formula. http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/collatz/Proof.htm | |
28. Bookmarks 3xp1 Problem Syracuse Collatz superLagarias.html The Collatz (3x + 1) Problem Ilan Vardi http//www.mathsource.com/Content/Applications/Mathematics/0200305 collatz problem http//www http://perso.wanadoo.fr/patrick.davalan/Liens/liens_syracuse.html | |
29. Collatz Problem collatz problem. A Conjecture. Let be an Integer. Then the collatz problemasks if iterating, (1). always returns to 1 for Positive . http://lib4web.lib.msu.edu/crcmath/math/math/c/c433.htm | |
30. AMCA: The Relation Between Collatz Conjecture And Primes Presented By Murad A. A the wellknown conjecture ,Collatz conjecture One of many conjectures still withoutproof a problem posed by L. Collatz in 1937 The collatz problem asks if http://at.yorku.ca/cgi-bin/amca/caft-16 | |
31. Science/Math/Number_Theory/Collatz_Problem The Collatz, Syracuse or 3x+1 problem / Science /Math / Number_Theory / collatz problem. The collatz problem is a special case.......Search Category http://www.science-and-research.com/Science/Math/Number_Theory/Collatz_Problem/ | |
32. Www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/irma/seminaires/autres/ACP-2001.shtml Similar pages IRMA Strasbourg Publication 2000 Belaga,Maurice Mignotte, (fichier Postscript compressé, 792 Ko) Cyclic Structureof Dynamical Systems Associated with $3x+d$ Extensions of collatz problem.. http://www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/irma/seminaires/autres/ACP-2001.shtml |
33. Introduction To Artificial Intelligence Selmer Bringsjord Hyperproof file.); A picture of the collatz problem; More on the CollatzProblem and Related Problems; Is English Compositional? (picture http://www.rpi.edu/~brings/intai.html | |
34. Www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/collatz_undec seem to recall that Conway may have established this fact.) Conway defined a familyof problems, a natural generalization of the collatz problem, and showed http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/collatz_undec | |
35. Www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/collatz_hide From Bill Daly billdaly@interport.net Newsgroups sci.math.research,sci.mathSubject Reformulation of collatz problem Date Wed, 4 Mar 1998 121004 http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/collatz_hide | |
36. Sci.math FAQ: Unsolved Problems collatz problem * Goldbach's conjecture * Twin primes conjecture _Names of large numbers http://isc.faqs.org/faqs/sci-math-faq/unsolvedproblems/ | |
37. F. Conjectures (Math 413, Number Theory) A collection of easily stated conjectures which are still open. Each conjecture is stated along with Category Science Math Number Theory Open Problems...... Conj All integers greater than 1 have occur as multiplicities. (Sierpinski) RefsUnsolved Problems in Number Theory, Guy, 1994, Sect B.37. The collatz problem. http://www.math.umbc.edu/~campbell/Math413Fall98/Conjectures.html | |
38. Numcom08 NUMBERS AND COMPUTERS (8) by Albert N. Debono THE collatz problem. Takeany positive number. If it is odd, multiply it by three and add one. http://www.eng.um.edu.mt/~andebo/numbers/numcom08.htm | |
39. Artslist Numbers and Amicable Pairs 4. The Prime Numbers 5. Aliquot Sequences 6. Abundantand Deficient Numbers 7. Kaprekar Numbers 8. The collatz problem 9. Mersenne http://www.eng.um.edu.mt/~andebo/numbers/artslist.htm | |
40. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math What's the difference between problems like Squaring the Circle andGoldbach's Conjecture or the collatz problem? Drexel dragon http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52540.html | |
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