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1. Famous Theorems In Plane Geometry By Cabri We knows these conics by names found in Apollonius (BC 247?205?).Ellipse Hyperbola Parabola famous theorems in Plane Geometry. http://www.atsunan.com/~takezawa/mathenglish/geometry.htm | |
2. Famous Theories From a theory of incompleteness to how to pack spheres in a box this week we feature ten of the most famous theories in modern history. A presentation of one of the most famous theorems ever solved. http://www.hypography.com/topics/famoustheories.cfm | |
3. Gödel's Theorems And Truth Gödel's Theorems and Truth Author Dan Graves Subject Mathematics Probability Famed mathematician Kurt Gödel proved two extraordinary theorems. His two famous theorems changed mathematics, logic, and even the way we look at our universe. http://www.rae.org/godel.html | |
4. Famous Theorems/Developments famous theorems/Developments. Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem http://people.uncw.edu/shotsbergerp/discover.htm | |
5. Mathematicians Mathematicians Guide picks. Everything you wanted to know about mathematicians.Biographies, information, famous theorems and women mathematicians. http://math.about.com/cs/mathematicians/ | |
6. Math Forum: Famous Problems In The History Of Mathematics A Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem One of the most famous theoremsin mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem has many proofs. Presented http://mathforum.org/isaac/mathhist.html | |
7. Math Forum - Mathematics Teacher Bibliography: Circles A Unification Of Two famous theorems From Classical Geometry Eli Maor Looks atthe product of the lengths of segments of intersecting secants of a circle. http://mathforum.org/mathed/mtbib/circles.html | |
8. Proseminar II, SS 03 Chapter 20 Buffon's needle problem. Chapter 21,6 Sperner's Lemma (and the Brouwerfixed point theorem); Chapter 22 Three famous theorems on finite sets. http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~kgb/prosem.html | |
9. GÖDEL'S INCOMPLETENESS THEOREMS AND ARTIFICIAL LIFEPHIL TECH 23-4 Spring, Summe essentially on Bland's 2 minimal index rule. The famous theorems of Farkas, Weyl and Minkowski are proved by using http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/SPT/v2_n3n4pdf/sullins.pdf |
10. PlanetMath: Three Theorems On Parabolas By any of many very famous theorems (Euclid book II theorem twentysomething, Cauchy-Schwarz-Bunyakovski (overkill), http://www.planetmath.org/encyclopedia/ThreeTheoremsOnParabolas.html | |
11. Read This: Proofs From THE BOOK The section on Combinatorics includes chapters (20) Pigeonhole and double counting,(21) Three famous theorems on finite sets, (22) Cayley's formula for the http://www.maa.org/reviews/thebook.html | |
12. Wilson Stothers' Cabri Pages Classical theorems. Here are some Cabri *.fig files written to illustratefamous theorems of geometry. In each case, the screen shows http://www.maths.gla.ac.uk/~wws/cabripages/classic0.html | |
13. Theorem - Wikipedia believed to be true but has not been proven is known as a conjecture.See mathematics for a list of famous theorems and conjectures. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theorem |
14. 1. Introduction In particularly, we generalized wellknown Classical Waring's Problem, generalizedand proved the famous theorems of Hilbert, Lagrange, Wieferich http://www.mi.sanu.ac.yu/vismath/zen/zen1.htm | |
15. Math 460 (Senior Seminar) Home Page and colorful characters who were mathematicians but most of all it's a wellwrittenpresentation of twelve interesting and famous theorems in mathematics. http://userpages.wittenberg.edu/bshelburne/Math460HomePage.htm | |
16. Brain Teaser-home new problems. The Famous Mathematician Quiz tests your knowledgeof the authors of famous theorems and formulas. There is also http://www.stanford.edu/~katyaa/home.html |
17. Introduction To Arithmetic: Number Theory; Prime Numbers, Fermat Theorem, Goldba An Infinity Of Primes Mersenne Numbers Largest Prime Numbers famous theorems DiophantineEquations Solving Diophantine Equations Fermat's Last Theorem History http://www.geocities.com/mathfair2002/school/arit/arithm3.htm | |
18. Mathematics And Statistics famous theorems, etc. Theorems are more than just something you haveto memorize in geometry class. They represent Truth in a way http://www.geocities.com/~mikemclaughlin/MS.html | |
19. Disproving Statements There are many famous conjectures and famous theorems that were conjectures formany years (The 4 color theorem and Fermat's Last Theorem, for example). http://www.math.csusb.edu/notes/proofs/pfnot/node3.html | |
20. Goedels Theorem Pseudoaxiomatic definitions. Pseudo-philosophers The set of self-appointedphilosophers who abuse famous theorems to prove hobby horses are real. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GoedelsTheorem |
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