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61. On Wisconsin Described as the father of algebra. Influenced alKhwarizmi in his work. 320 ADPappus of Alexandria (Greek) Summarizes knowledge of greek mathematicians. http://www.uwalumni.com/onwisconsin/summer02/laska.html | |
62. Harmony Harmony and Dissonance Many of the greek mathematicians also used Harmonyand Dissonance in their studies of mathematics. One Greek http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/southeast/pprojects/harmony.html | |
63. Science Maths Computing Hall of Great Mathematicians. A Chronology of Mathematicians. Ancient greek mathematicians.The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive. Famous Scientists, http://www.smc.qld.edu.au/scimathcomp.htm | |
64. Scottish Thought And Letters In The Eighteenth Century Halley. It was the latter's influence that tended to confirm Simson'sinterest in the writings of the greek mathematicians. In 1712 http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/exhibns/scottish/sci-med.html | |
65. Greek Mathematics greek mathematicians. The ancient Greeks were very interested in scientificthought. They were not satisfied with just knowing the http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/sirrobhitch.suffolk/Portland State University Greek | |
66. T-shirts - The Natural Philosopher Certainly the greek mathematicians Eudoxus and Archimedes were very close. Theancient greek mathematicians represented numbers as patterns of dots. http://www.naturalphilosopher.com/Products/T-shirts.htm | |
67. UCLA Distinguished Lecturers give a brief and listenerfriendly sketch of some popular topics in Mesopotamianmathematics that were taken up and further developed by greek mathematicians. http://www.math.ucla.edu/dls/2001/friberg.html | |
68. History Of Greek Mathematics: From Thales To Euclid Academically great This is not a terribly exciting book to read, butit is a superior reference for looking up greek mathematicians. http://www.wkonline.com/a/History_of_Greek_Mathematics_From_Thales_to_Euclid_048 | |
69. CSU Maths Fun Page : Links themselves Ancient Mathematics Introduce your students to the greek mathematicians(and others) at the US Library of Congress Vatican Exhibit MacTutor History http://golum.riv.csu.edu.au/~sbuckley/maths/funpage/funlinks1.htm | |
70. Alphabet theorem Fundamental theorem of algebra General relativity Golden ratio Greek AstronomyGreek number systems greek mathematicians sources Greek mathematics http://www.chaffey.cc.ca.us/MathWeb/html/alpha.html | |
71. Eden Prairie High School:MathandMusic.html Although Pythagoras is noted as the founder of this idea, many greek mathematicians(including Claudius Ptolemy) believed in the universe as being bound http://www.edenpr.k12.mn.us/ephs/ArcadiaWeb/Math/mathandmusic.html | |
72. Introductory Essay It seems that greek mathematicians had a set of theorems and techniques,repeatedly used for their investigations. This set may http://wwwhs.cias.osakafu-u.ac.jp/~ksaito/Pidx_0.html | |
73. Ralph's Manual Of Style - Punctuation s greatest mathematician, Hestrodostrophes, in the third century bc, during the agethat historians call the Golden Age of greek mathematicians; it was invented http://www.geocities.com/ralphstyle/s-pun.html | |
74. Intro To HTML what is true we ought to follow what is most probable. /blockquote ltp lth3 Theseare my favorite greek mathematicians (unordered list) /h3 ltul ltli http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/pres/sc98/ezhtml.html | |
75. Mathematical Printed Collection All the eminent greek mathematicians are represented in early or significant editionsPythagoras, with two editions of Hierocles commentary on his Carmina http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/maths/ | |
76. Geometry History Books Archimedes is considered the greatest of greek mathematicians. Archimedes isregarded as the greatest of the greek mathematicians and physicists. http://www.geometryalgorithms.com/books_history.htm | |
77. Perseus Update In Progress The circle is one of the enigma's of mathematics. It is defined as the set of points in a given plane at a given distance from a center point. From a practical position, a compass is an excellent tool for describing such a circle. Egyptian's, though, are considered practical mathematicians and probably never confronted the The problem gained importance as greek mathematics evolved, and it eventually became http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/GreekScience/Students/Tim/SquaringCircle.html | |
78. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries Who was Ptolemy? Claudius (Ptolemaues) Ptolemy, born in Egypt in about 85 A.D., one of the most infuential greek astronomers, geographers and mathematicians. http://library.advanced.org/19029/history200.html | |
79. Biography Of Pappus Of Alexandria Wrote treatise, the Mathematical Collection, as a guide to greek geometry, discusses theorems and constructions of more than thirty different mathematicians of antiquity. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/science/parshall/pappus.html | |
80. The Hellenic Cultural Society Of San Diego, California The Hellenic Cultural Society is a notfor-profit corporation dedicated to researching, preserving and promoting the great work of the philosophers, historians, mathematicians, scientists, writers, artists and other minds of greek origin. http://www.hellenic-culture.org/ | |
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