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61. FoIKS - Intro International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems. Burg (Spreewald), Germany; 1417 February 2000. List of open problems. http://www.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/~foiks/ | |
62. Open Problems Presented At SCG'98 open problems Presented at SCG'98. Problems presented at the openproblem sessionof the 14th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry are listed. http://www.cs.duke.edu/~pankaj/scg98-openprobs/open-probs.html | |
63. Open Problems open problems. The field of Grammatical Inference enjoys the uncanny distinctionof being faced with a variety of open problems that remain to be solved. http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/gi/open.html | |
64. Open Problems Column open problems Column. The open problems Column is run by Samir Khuller UMIACS3153 AV Williams Bldg. University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742. http://sigact.acm.org/sigactnews/volunteers/problems.html | |
65. FoIKS - Open Problems open problems. General overview 56 open problems, 23 solved by 16 MFDBSparticipants Modeling of reality in databases and knowledge bases. http://www.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/~foiks/open_prob/ | |
66. Open Problems In Computer Virus Research Skip to main content open problems in Computer Virus Research. Conclusion.We have examined a few open problems in computer virus research. http://www.research.ibm.com/antivirus/SciPapers/White/Problems/Problems.html | |
67. Patrice Ossona De Mendez - Open Problems Complexity of computing indegree bounded orientations for planargraphs. Is there a linear time algorithm to solve the following http://www.ehess.fr/centres/cams/person/pom/openpb.html | |
68. Identifying Open Problems In Distributed Systems (ResearchIndex) Identifying open problems in Distributed Systems (Make Corrections) AndrewWarfield, Yvonne Coady, Norm Hutchinson Home/Search Context Related, http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/442270.html | |
69. Open Problems In Number Theoretic Complexity, II - Adleman, McCurley (ResearchIn This paper contains a list of open problems in numbertheoretic complexity.We There are many open problems in this area. Adleman http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/168265.html | |
70. Algorithmic Information Theory open problems and links to software. http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/CDMTCS/docs/ait.html | |
71. REMARKS AND OPEN PROBLEMS REMARKS AND open problems. The formalism presented in part 3 is, we think, anadvance on previous attempts, but it is far from epistemological adequacy. http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/mcchay69/node14.html | |
72. 8 Main Open Problems And Main Current Lines Of Investigation 8 Main open problems and Main Current Lines of Investigation. Hamiltonian constraint. Seethe original papers for suggestions and open problems. Black holes. http://www.livingreviews.org/Articles/Volume1/1998-1rovelli/node27.html | |
73. Open Problems With Piccola3 open problems with Piccola3. This page collects open questions and problemswith Piccola3 Syntax. Void argument only possible for uncurried services http://scgwiki.iam.unibe.ch:8080/SCG/352 | |
74. Perfect Graphs Conjectures and open problems, maintained at the AIM. http://www.aimath.org/WWN/perfectgraph/ | |
75. Versions Of This Page (Open Problems With Piccola3) Versions of this Page (open problems with Piccola3). Version, Name, User, Date, Time.current, open problems with Piccola3, miraculix.unibe.ch, 19 June 2001, 34017 pm. http://scgwiki.iam.unibe.ch:8080/SCG/352.history | |
76. 6.876 Open Problems 6.876/18.426 open problems, Observations, and Solved Problems. In papers.LaTeX Templates for writing up open problems or observations. http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~miccianc/6876/open.html | |
77. Open Problems With Signatures Nonstandard uses of signatures open problems with signatures. Thereare several open problems with signatures. Some we know that http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/gonnet/CAII/HeuristicAlgorithms/node23.html | |
78. Open Problems Some open questions in algebraic logic. Problems of TS Ahmed Is there an uncountableatomic algebra A in Nr 3 CA \omega which has no complete representation? http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~imh/common_files/problems.html | |
79. Computability Theory Directory of researchers working in computability theory, and list of open problems. http://www.nd.edu/~cholak/computability/computability.html | |
80. Final Remarks And Open Problems Final Remarks and open problems. Venkatesan and Rajagopalan VR92showed that the distributional matrix representability problem http://www.uncg.edu/mat/avg/avgnp/node34.html | |
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