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Russell's Paradox: more books (57) | ||
81. The Paradigms And Paradoxes Of Intelligence, Part 1: Russell's Paradox KurzweilAI.net, The Paradigms and Paradoxes of Intelligence, Part 1 russell's paradox Theabove is my version of what has become known as russell's paradox. http://www.kurzweilai.net/articles/art0257.html?printable=1 |
82. The Paradigms And Paradoxes Of Intelligence, Part 1: Russell's Paradox Origin Kurzweil Archives The Paradigms and Paradoxes of Intelligence, Part 1russell's paradox Permanent link to this article http//www.kurzweilai.net http://www.kurzweilai.net/articles/art0257.html?m=10 |
83. Real Paradoxes russell's paradox. russell's paradox is an example of a genuine selfreferringstatement, therefore it becomes particularly interesting in my investigation. http://www.algonet.se/~jen-tale/para_rea.html |
85. Www-webont-wg@w3.org From January 2002: Patel-Schneider Paradox = But .. russell's paradox (in English) The Russell setis the set of all things that do not belong to themselves. This http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Jan/0096.html | |
86. Department Of Mathematics And Statistics Bertrand russell's paradox. Dr Bertrand russell's paradox discoveredin 1901 surfaces at the very beginning of set theory. Several http://www.math.uregina.ca/seminars/j-20020212.html | |
87. LinuxGuruz Foldoc Page Try this search on OneLook / Google. Nearby terms Russell, Bertrand « Russell'sAttic « russell's paradox « rusty iron » rusty memory » RUTH » rw http://foldoc.linuxguruz.org/foldoc.php?Russell's Paradox |
88. Kevin C. Klement: CV russell's paradox in Appendix B of the Principles of Mathematics Was Frege'sResponse Adequate? History and Philosophy of Logic 22 (2001) 1328. http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~klement/cv.html | |
89. Owen Massey - Libraries - Maths For Librarians induction. 3. russell's paradox. The Library. See Francis Moorcroft,'russell's paradox' in The philosopher's magazine 3, 1998. AD http://owen.massey.net/libraries/maths.html | |
90. Web Links For Chapter 1 Page 45. The online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy contains anexcellent discussion of russell's paradox. (russell's paradox). http://www.mhhe.com/math/advmath/rosen/student/webres/ch1links.mhtml | |
91. An Intuitivistic Solution Of The Continuum Hypothesis For Definable Sets And Res First we consider russell's paradox. 12. russell's paradox This is the simplestof the logical paradoxes. It can be described as follows previous. http://www.farazgodrejjoshi.com/page14.htm | |
92. Russel's Paradox essay . russell's paradox Philosophical Ponderings of a Confused DiscreteStudent. How does this tie in with russell's paradox? Okay http://jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu/~blee27/essays/russels_paradox.htm | |
93. Maths Thesaurus: Russell's Paradox Home russell's paradox The paradox which prompted Bertrand Russell andothers to rethink the theory of sets, early in the 20th century http://thesaurus.maths.org/dictionary/map/word/1371 | |
94. Math Lair - Paradoxes Zeno's Paradox russell's paradox One can classify sets into one of two categories. Greeling'sParadox A version of russell's paradox using words. http://www.stormloader.com/ajy/paradoxes.html | |
95. Russell's Antinomy -- From MathWorld russell's Antinomy, Bertrand Russell discovered this paradox and sent it in aletter to G. Frege just as Frege was completing Grundlagen der Arithmetik. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RussellsAntinomy.html | |
96. Russell's Real Paradox: The Wise Man Is A Fool russell's Real paradox The Wise Man Is a Fool. Philip J. Davis. SIAMNews, Volume 26, Number 6, July 1994. Bertrand Russell A Life http://www.siam.org/siamnews/bookrevs/davis794.htm | |
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