Choroby Koze A Spojivoveho Tkaniva Insulin injections and Lipodystrophy Hauner et al MediConsult.adiposis dolorosa adiposis dolorosa/Dercum Disease - OMIM, NCBI
Extractions: Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed The Art Who can tell of the uncertainties of medicine as an art? And from the standpoint of medicine as an art for the prevention and cure of disease, the man who translates the hieroglyphics of science into the plain language of healing is certainly the more useful. The practice of medicine is an art, based on science. The greatest art is in the concealment of art, and I may say that we of the medical profession excel in this respect. Errors in judgment must occur in the practice of an art which consists largely in balancing probabilities. Look at the cases not from the standpoint of textbooks and monographs, but as so many stepping-stones in the progress of your individual development in the art. The artistic sense of perfection in work is another much-to-be-desired quality to be cultivated. No matter how trifling the matter on hand, do it with a feeling that it demands the best that is in you, and when done look it over with a critical eye, not sparing a strict judgment of yourself.
Dercum's Disease Danish language site describing Dercum's Disease - use Microsoft IE or Netscape 6.x to view.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Dercum DiseaseDERCUM'S DISEASE, Skriv i min gæstebog, alias Lipomatosis dolorosa - alias Adiposisdolorosa - alias Morbus Dercum - alias Fedtvævsreumatisme, English version.
Alphabetic List Of Specific Diseases/Disorders Adenomyosis ( Endometriosis); Adie Syndrome; Adhesions, Pelvic; AdiposisDolorosa; Adnexitis ( Pelvic Inflammatory Disease); Adrenal
Gram's Syndrome ( Gram's syndrome A syndrome occurring after menopause, characterized by adiposisdolorosa, arthritis deformans of the knee joints, and arterial hypertension.
Extractions: A B C D ... Z Oplysninger om sjældne handicap: I den alfabetiske liste nedenfor findes de syndrombetegnelser, synonymer og undertyper, der er nævnt i vores beskrivelser. Du kan gå ind i beskrivelserne direkte fra listen eller skyde genvej ved hjælp af alfabetet ovenfor. Kan du ikke umiddelbart finde, hvad du søger, kan du også benytte vores søgefunktion ved at klikke på 'søgning' i menuen til venstre på siden, eller her Oplysningerne om de enkelte syndromer er af meget forskellig karakter. Nogle af beskrivelserne er forholdsvis korte og tager udgangspunkt i en definition af syndromet. Andre beskrivelser (betegnet med ) er udarbejdet på grundlag af litteraturgennemgang, kontakt med fagpersoner samt familier berørt af syndromet. Fælles for alle beskrivelser er, at de indeholder links til yderligere information samt adresser på undersøgelses- og vejledningssteder. Disse adresser er ikke udtømmende, da også andre kan være involverede i undersøgelse og behandling af den pågældende sygdom. Ønsker du mere information eller har forslag til rettelser og tilføjelser, er du velkommen til at kontakte CSH på
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