Extractions: See also: Sites: Adam.com: An Overview - Aicardi Syndrome: a list of alternate names, a definition with a look at the causes, incidence and risk factors. Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum - Information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (ACC) - Not all ACC in utero diagnoses are accurate nor correct. Here's a story without a tragic ending. Aicardi Syndrome - Information sheet compiled by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Aicardi Syndrome Foundation - Information about the disease, a medical survey, where to get help, publications and a chat room for support. The CaF Directory - A description of aicardi syndrome, the inheritance pattern and prenatal diagnoses. Corpal - A support group for the families and carers of those with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, and Aicardi Syndrome. Information, reports and newsletters.
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Www2p.biglobe.ne.jp/~higashi/acc/ane008.txt 'Additional Resources Pertaining to Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum' 1.SUPORTGROUPS aicardi syndrome NEWSLETTER The mission of this organization is to http://www2p.biglobe.ne.jp/~higashi/acc/ane008.txt
Extractions: 'Additional Resources Pertaining to Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum' 1.SUPORT GROUPS is a support group for families in the United Kingdom who have a child with agenesis of the corpus callosum, including children with Aicardi Syndrome. Co-ordinators: Mrs.Diane Crichton, 7 Bromley Avenue, Flixton, Manchester M313HZ, UK Telephone: 061-748 0014 Mrs.Lesley Honey-Green, Tara 4 Harcourt Rd, Dorney Reach, Maidenhead, Berks SL60DU, UK Telephone:0628 27974 Patrons: Dr.Jean Aicardi MD and Professor Colin Blakemore Medical Advisers: Dr.M A Clarke, Dr.J Dennis, Prof.B G R Neville, Dr.R W Newton, Dr.J B P Stephenson, Dr.M Super is a non-profit organization providing support, education, resources and advocacy for families and professionals. The newsletter is published quarterly. Their services are designed to educate and empower individuals to become educated advocates for themselves and their family member with hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus Association, 870 Market Street #955, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA Telephone: (415)776-4713 NORD is a non-profit voluntary agency composed of national health organizations, scientific researchers, physicians and individuals who are dedicated to the identification, control and cure of rare "orphan diseases." There are more than 5,000 of these debilitating illnesses afflicting approximately 20 million Americans today. In order to provide assistance to people who have rare disorders NORD is a clearinghouse for information and refers inquirers to support groups and other agencies having more in-depth knowledge about a particular disease. (Description from NORD letter) NORD has four pages of information about agenesis of the corpus callosum. NORD, 100 Rt. 37, PO Box 8923, New Fairfield, CT 06812-1783 Telephone: (203)746-6518 2.BOOKS
Directory :: Look.com aicardi syndrome (8) Adam.com An Overview aicardi syndrome a list of alternatenames, a definition with a look at the causes, incidence and risk factors. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=523316
Health Library - Aicardi Syndrome World class medicine. Hometown commitment. aicardi syndrome. Self Help Clearinghouse.aicardi syndrome Newsletter, Inc. International network. http://www.phoebeputney.com/library/healthguide/SelfHelp/topic.asp?hwid=shc29aic
Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome News, descriptions, contacts, and other information concerning this leukodystrophy. http://www.aicardi-goutieres.com
Extractions: Aicardi-Goutières syndrome If your Browser show this, please mail me ! here are the keywords for the search machine : aicardi goutieres goutières syndrom syndrome disease dna kinderkrankheit anfall attack hereditary chromosom erbfehler chromosomen selten rare gen myelin verkalkung interferon alpha özer oezer miller hane dorn lebon voit klepper oriano coppi tew schulz werder kremer dorn crow rodriguez petersen Østergaard Oliveira Why this side about Aicardi - Goutieres syndrom? What is Aicardi - Goutieres syndrome ? How is Aicardi - Goutieres diagnostics ? Childs with Aicardi - Goutieres syndrome !
Aicardi's Syndrome aicardi's syndrome. This article submitted by Geoff McGowan on 11/15/95. Aftermuch testing she was diagnosed with aicardi's syndrome. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/EpilepsyArticles/AicardisSyndrome
Aicardi's Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) aicardi's syndrome Characteristic malformation syndrome which appear in femalesonly (males intrauterine death), with progrediating psychomotor deterioration http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/156.html
Extractions: Characteristic malformation syndrome which appear in females only (males - intrauterine death), with progrediating psychomotor deterioration. Infantile spasms, which may become manifest between 1 day and 4 months of age, epileptic attacks; typical bowing of the head (salaam seizures), agenesis of the corpus callosum, costovertebral anomalies, mental abnormalities, and hypotonia. Ocular changes include microphthalmia, eyelid twitching, absent pupillary reflexes, and funnel-shaped disks. Etiology unknown. Current theories include congenital infection, an X-linked genetic defect, and an intrauterine environmental agent. Poor prognosis. Aicardi first described the disorder in two girls. In the years that followed he was able to accumulate more cases, all of whom were females. His senior colleague, professor Jacques Lefebre, a co-author of an earlier abstract, encouraged him to delineate the new syndrome and in 1969 a full account was published in the French literature.
Aicardi's Syndrome Medical Information On aicardi's syndrome. For whom is this information intended? Website www.viscotland.org.uk. Medical Information On aicardi's syndrome. http://www.ssc.mhie.ac.uk/eyeconds/Aicard.htm
Aicardi's Syndrome aicardi's syndrome,, Print this article, aicardi's syndrome, Fig. 1 Agenesisof the corpus callosum, midline cyst and cortical heterotopias. http://www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/Volume VI 1/AICARDIS SYNDROME.asp
Extractions: *For Medical Professionals only, registration required Aicardi's syndrome, (J Aicardi, 20th century, French neurologist), X-linked dominant disorder consisting of infantile spasms, callosal agenesis or hypogenesis, chorioretinopathy, and an abnormal EEG. The syndrome occurs almost exclusively in females with no family history of ophthalmological or neurological disease. Affected patients must have two X chromosomes, so that patients with Kleinfelter's syndrome (47 XXY) can also have it. Intracranial anomalies include callosal hypogenesis ( Fig.1 ) (typically associated with interhemispheric cysts), grey matter heterotopia cortical dysplasia , posterior fossa cysts, cerebellar hypoplasia, choroid plexus papillomas , and microphthalmia. Ophthalmologic examination reveals characteristic chorioretinal lacunae, resulting from retinal dysplasia, and ocular colobomata.
Aicardi's Syndrome aicardi's syndrome,, Print this article, (Jean aicardi, born 1926,French paediatric neurologist). Clinically the child presents with http://www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/Volume VII/AICARDIS SYNDROME.asp
Extractions: *For Medical Professionals only, registration required Aicardi's syndrome, (Jean Aicardi, born 1926, French paediatric neurologist). Clinically the child presents with infantile spasms, mental retardation and progressive neuropathy. Radiologically, partial or complete absence of the corpus callosum is present on brain MRI. This may be associated with asymmetry of the ventricles, cerebellar hypoplasia and delayed myelination. For further description, see Aicardis syndrome
Aicardi (syndrome D') Translate this page aicardi (syndrome d') syndrome très rare, qui touche essentiellement le sexe féminin,et associant une agénésie calleuse (absence totale ou partielle de la http://www.vulgaris-medical.com/texta/aicardi.html
Extractions: Syndrome très rare, qui touche essentiellement le sexe féminin, et associant une agénésie calleuse (absence totale ou partielle de la partie réunissant les deux hémisphères cérébraux constituant le cerveau, et constituée de substance blanche) avec un retard mental et une microcéphalie (taille du crâne inférieure à la normale) qui s'accuse avec le temps. L'échographie faite pendante la grossesse permet de détecter les modifications du volume du crâne qui accompagnent parfois l'agénésie du corps calleux. Elle montre d'autre part l'écartement des ventricules cérébraux, tout particulièrement dans la région occipitale c'est-à-dire vers l'arrière du crâne. Après la naissance, l'échographie visualise l'orientation particulière des sillons de la face interne des hémisphères cérébraux. Ces sillons ont une disposition qualifiée de radiaire.
Aicardi (syndrome D) Translate this page cérébral (enveloppe extérieure du cerveau), ce qui entraîne un pronostic plussévère de cette maladie (notamment dans le syndrome daicardi, qui touche http://www.vulgaris-medical.com/texta/agenecal.htm
Extractions: Agénésie du corps calleux L'agénésie est l'absence totale ou partielle dun tissu, dun organe ou dune structure, depuis la vie embryonnaire, et secondaire à une cause héréditaire. Le corps calleux est la partie réunissant les deux hémisphères cérébraux constituant le cerveau. Il est constitué de substance blanche et peut être totalement ou partiellement malformé. L'agénésie du corps calleux entraîne essentiellement : Elle peut être isolée ou associée à dautres malformations : L'origine de la plupart des agénésies du corps calleux reste encore inconnue.