Phobia List Heaven Ouranophobia or Uranophobia. Heights- Acrophobia, altophobia, Batophobia,Hypsiphobia or Hyposophobia. Hell- Hadephobia, Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia.
Opinions And Views On Everything That Starts With K ... But it could still be altophobia, alychiphobia, amathophobia, amaxophobia,ambiguphobia . I am afraid you arent apprehending
Extractions: People develop phobias about many things like darkness, social situations, spiders, or blood. Agoraphobia, one of the most common phobias, involves the fear of open places. A person with agoraphobia feels anxious in places where it would be hard to escape, like being in a crowd, standing in line, being on a bridge or traveling in a car. In extreme cases, they are so immobilized by fear that they become a prisoner in their own home. Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders, which affect people of all ages, at all income levels and in all geographic locations, according to a study by American the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), between 5.1 and 21.5 percent of Americans suffer form Phobias. Broken down by age and gender, the NIMH study found phobias were the most common psychiatric illness among women in all age groups and the second most common illness among men older than 25. In some people, the response to a phobia can be fairly mild. For example, a person who has a phobia about flying might simply avoid airplanes. In other people, the phobia causes, or arises from, full-blown panic attacks with symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, irregular heartbeats and the shakes. Just why a person develops a particular phobia is not always clear. There appear to be both biological and psychological reasons. Psychologists classify phobias with other anxiety-caused problems and theorize they are a response to separation or loss. Heredity appears to play a role, and so does brain chemistry.
Welcome To * *. Some common phobias o Claustrophobia, the fear of tight, closedin spaceso Agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces o altophobia, the fear of heights o
Extractions: Staff Writer A specific phobia is an intense fear of something that poses little or no danger. Such phobias do not produce just extreme fear, but an irrational mistrust that can produce panic attacks or severe anxiety. While adults with phobias realize that these fears are irrational, they often find that facing, or even thinking about facing, the feared object or situation will induce symptoms such as pounding heart, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, dry mouth or feelings of unreality or impending death. What makes a phobia different from a simple aversion towards something are the resulting adverse effects. Those suffering from a phobia will take elaborate and excessive steps to avoid what is feared; these actions, in turn, interfere with the ability to function at home or work. Important career and personal decisions are based upon the avoidance of a phobic situation. When carried to excessive lengths it can be disabling. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, can treat specific phobias. The cognitive component helps patients change their thinking patterns, to realize that the tendency to imagine the worst possible interpretation can be avoided. The behavioral component helps patients change their reactions to anxiety-provoking situations or objects. A key element to success is exposure, in which patients actually confront their fears head on.
Extractions: Sites: Advice and Tips on Phobia - Offers advice and tips on different types of phobias and related helpful links. Can't Fly - Helping you overcome your fear of flying - Coping with fear of flying and the panic it induces. emetophobia - Support site for people suffering from fear of vomiting. Fear of Flying Clinic - Afraid to fly? Through empathy, education, and experience, the Fear of Flying Clinic offers fearful flyers the tools to cope with their phobia and their fear and to fly comfortably. Seattle, Washington. International Paruresis Association - Avoidant paruresis is a psychological condition that prevents people from urinating, usually in public facilities, but sometimes even at home when others are present-even when the other person is in portions of the home distant from the bathroom. A list of Phobias - Over 200 different phobias with short definitions. Alliumphobia Fear of garlic Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions altophobia Fearof heights. Amathophobia Fear of dust Amaxophobia
Characters visions. He does, however, appear to have a considerable problem withbullies, and suffers from altophobia (fear of heights). Glenn
Extractions: Iole, currently going by the name of Isle Mere, is a naiad (or water nymph) gifted with unusual intelligence. She is attempting to distance herself from the lifestyle of a fertility spirit and currently makes her living as a writer, assisted by the muse Calliope. She's also "dating" the Greek god Apollo, even though she'd rather not be. Isle has somehow attracted the attention of the Sibyl, but they have only a vague idea of what the ensuing prophecies could mean. Isle is frightened of what arousing Apollo's ire might entail, but has been encouraged by Gil and Calliope to assert herself rather than roll over when confronted by him. Unfortunatly for her, Apollo has a temper . . . Hair: White-blonde Eyes: Green Age: Over 3000. (Looks pretty good for her age, huh?) First Appearance: Calliope is one of the nine muses, specifically the muse of epic poetry. She was assigned to watch over Isle, and delights in teasing her about it. Still, she harbors a kind of affection for the nymph, and is quite fond of her even when Isle is at odds with her own brother. Calliope revealed not only the technicalities of Apollo's bet with with Aphrodite, but that Apollo had once killed her lover.
Untitled Agraphobia Fear of sexual abuse altophobia Fear of heights GerascophobiaFear of growing old Pyrophobia Fear of fire Tomophobia Fear of surgical
AnsMe Directory - Health > Conditions And Diseases > A Alport Syndrome. Alstrom Syndrome. Alternating Hemiplegia. Altitude Sickkness.altophobia. Alzheimer's. Amblyopia. Amputee. Amyloidosis. Amyoplasia Congenita.
SNaFk0maN¥a! Phobias Guide Phengophobia Depth Bathophobia Enclosed Spaces- Claustrophobia Going to Bed-Clinophobia Gravity- Barophobia Heights- Acrophobia, altophobia High Places
List Of Phobias acousticophobiasound, agoraphobia-open places, anthophobia-flowers. aerophobia-drafts,altophobia-high places, aulophobia-flutes. ancraophobia
Extractions: List of Phobias Fear of Actions Fear of Animals/Insects Fear of Events agyrophobia-crossing the street acarophobia-mites acerbophobia-sourness batophobia-passing high buildings ailurophobia-cats acerophobia-sourness clinophobia-going to bed apiphobia-bees acrophobia-sharpness coitophobia-coitus arachnephobia-spiders algophobia-pain ergophobia-work bacillophobia-microbes anginophobia-narrowness erythrophobia-blushing bacteriophobia-bacteria apeirophobia-infinity gephyrophobia-crossing a bridge batrachophobia-reptiles asthenophobia-weakness geumatophobia-taste cynophobia-dogs atephobia-ruin glossophobia-speech entomophobia-insects atelophobia-imperfection graphophobia-writing helminthophobia-worms autophobia-being alone hamartophobia-sin herpetophobia-reptiles bathophobia-depth haphophobia-touch hippophobia-horses hygrophobia-dampness haptophobia-touch ichthyophobia-fish chromophobia-color hodophobia-travel microbiophobia-microbes chronophobia-duration hypnophobia-sleep musophobia-mice dikephobia-justice katagelophobia-ridicule ophiciophobia-snakes dromophobia-motion kleptophobia-stealing ophiophobia-snakes eleutherophobia-freedom laliophobia-speech ornithophobia-birds ermitophobia-being alone lalophobia-speech pediculophobia-lice erotophobia-sex mastigophobia-beating snakephobia-snakes gametophobia-marriage musicophobia-music spermatophobia-sperm genophobia-sex olfactophobia-smell spermophobia-sperm gymnophobia-nudity ophresiophobia-smell taurophobia-bulls hedonophobia-pleasure osmophobia-smell teratophobia-monsters hypegiaphobia-responsibility
EvesIndia: Women@work:Health Hazards At Work As he turns to make conversation, your protoplasm does an instant somersault.Hypertension takes you to such heights that you begin to feel altophobia.
Extractions: Being a woman is tough, if you know what I mean. The mind signals the body to become lean and the stomach's adulterous cravings just add more flesh to the cadaver. Now, isn't this a weighty problem? Survival, I tell you, is the eternal conflict between the mind and the body (will I only receive posthumous applause for my wisdom?) and seeped into the quagmire of this conflict, is the story of my Life. So hear ye... For those who have no clue to the life of a journo (I'd rather call myself a writer), let me explain as simply as possible. Have ye ever had sugarcane juice? Seen what happens to the cane? Well, there you are. Next time watch closely, you'll be able to see a face on the cane too (in the good old days, they printed mug-shots of you), only it will not have a by-line 'cause the sub-editor thinks you don't deserve one. Having chased numerous stories, I know the truth of all professions by now. Work, is the disease that is afflicting millions of our brethren, cutting across professions, class, sex, salary and intelligence. And I speak from experience. The very first week at work, made me realise the intricacies of the body that the Almighty has so carefully made from the ribs of Man (any wonder why the female body suffers so many problems?).
Printout Abort Status This powerful affliction is also know for playing a part in welldocumented casesof Acrophobia, altophobia, and Hypsphobia causing severe anxiety, panic, dread
Extractions: Everyday 6.2 billion people in the world are afflicted by a well know but little understood handicap. This affliction effects people from every corner of the globe and of every conceivable demographic. It effects men AND women of every age, race, color, creed and religion. This powerful affliction is also know for playing a part in well-documented cases of Acrophobia, Altophobia, and Hypsphobia causing severe anxiety, panic, dread, vertigo, horror, and terror. This affliction is gravity. The Antigravity Society's goal is to promote research into the only know cure. Now you don't have to be a slave to gravity either. The Antigravity Society has created a variety of programs to deal with the specific gravity problems you are facing.We can help you. * Reverse Ascension Certification (Rappelling)
SongBook / On Air The theme is stretched in all directions, from the legend of Icarus to skydivingto altophobia to an instrumental, reminiscent of the Project's sound circa 1985
Extractions: There's nothing quite like an Alan Parsons project, whether it's called that or not. After the sometimes morbid theme of 1993's Try Anything Once this album's focus on flight is a welcome change of pace. The theme is stretched in all directions, from the legend of Icarus to skydiving to altophobia to an instrumental, reminiscent of the Project's sound circa 1985, constructed around John F. Kennedy's 1961 speech that initiated the Apollo program. There's also a song sung by Christopher Cross which could be interpreted as a tribute to astronauts, both fallen and otherwise, everywhere. For many years, I've heard numerous critics accuse Parsons of imitating the sound of Pink Floyd (a sound Parsons himself helped establish when he produced and engineered Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, which doesn't lend the PF imitation criticism much credibility), but for once I have to admit that Parsons has turned out an album which is exceedingly Floydian - or, more accurately, very much like the sound Parsons bestowed upon PF all those years ago. The sound of On Air is driven by guitars, well-harmonized vocals and dreamy sound effects, and not quite so many of the symphonic textures of Parsons projects past. Suffice it to say you should enjoy
For Kids And Teens Articles on dealing with a depressed parent, having a chronic illness, the role of the school nurse, Category Kids and Teens Health heights or being close to high buildings. Batophobia. heights. Acrophobia. heights.altophobia. hell. Hadephobia. hell. Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia. heredity.
Extractions: Articles games and book reviews for children and adolescents interested in understanding mental health issues. When I Worry About Mom or Dad S ometimes kids and teenagers get depressed, or anxious, but sometimes parents do too. It is confusing when your mother or father starts acting differently. They still love you, but how should you act? Can you help? Here are some books that may help. Please Don't Cry, Mom by DenBoer (1994) This is an illustrated book, appropriate for elementary school children and younger adolescents. It describes a girl whose father loses his job and becomes depressed (or starts drinking). Although he does not seek treatment or improve, she is able to talk to other adults and learn that she is worthwhile. This book is useful for the child who must learn to cope with ongoing parental denial of a mental illness or drug problem. Daddy Doesn't Have to be a Giant Anymore by J R Thomas (1996) Clarion Books This illustrated book is told from the elementary school aged daughter's point of view. It describes her reactions to her alcoholic father's mood swings and erratic behavior. She is present when family and friends arrange a supportive confrontation to break down the father's denial and get him into residential treatment. When he returns from the treatment, he is on the road to sobriety and is able to talk to his daughter about his past behavior.
The Fruit Of Knowledge Alliumphobia Fear of garlic; Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions; altophobiaFear of heights; Amathophobia Fear of dust; Amaxophobia Fear of
Extractions: New-ish stuff, relatively speaking. Pigeons and hummingbirds have tiny magnetic particles in their heads that respond to the Earth's magnetic fields and are used for navigation. A group of unicorns is called a blessing. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. A group of whales is called a pod. A group of geese is called a gaggle.
Without Further Ado: A List Of Phobias of kidney disease alektorophobia fear of chickens algophobia fear of pain alliumphobiafear of garlic allodoxaphobia fear of opinions altophobia fear of
Extractions: I found a list of phobias in the Hilton Head telephone book yellow pages. This struck me as a curious inclusion. There were other trivial items included as well. I suppose the purpose of these additions is to give the caller something to ponder while she dials and waits for the business to answer. Who would just randomly read through the yellow pages though? The list I saw was very short, it did include Bibiophobia, and honestly I never thought something like that existed. It's inconceivable! Instead of making a link to a page that I found, I copied some of the content here. It was an annoying page. Bad aesthetic, i.e. choice of colors, and one of those nasty script? things that makes your mouse do weird traily things. But, The Phobia List is pretty cool, for future reference.