Revisiting, Again (27 June 2002) arises. Henry has what appears to be a very mild version of Alagille'ssyndrome, aka arteriohepatic dysplasia. An inherited disease.
Extractions: Revisiting, Again I never really made a point in that last entry. My computer was dying and so I just posted it, unfinished. I'm not sure I really had a point, now. I think I was pissed off at the pro-induction doctors for making it sound like induction was a sure way to know what day your baby will arrive and which doctor will be able to deliver your baby; they give you these drugs and voila! A few hours pass and you have a baby. It doesn't always work that way. So, all this has got me thinking about Henry's birth and newborn days. And, it's got me wondering if I could go through it all again. I don't know. Brad doesn't know. We haven't decided anything, but neither one of us is seeming too eager for another child at this point. Before, I always thought two children would be right. Now, I don't know. I guess the genetic issues are hanging over me whenever this subject arises. Henry has what appears to be a very mild version of Alagille's syndrome , aka arteriohepatic dysplasia . An inherited disease. There's a chance any other children we have could also have it. Why don't Brad or I have any symptoms? We don't know. Maybe one of us did and no one realized it. It's all very uncertain. If there was a guarantee that any future children would be disease free or have only very mild versions...
KliMo Issue 212/1999 - 3 274). Alagille syndrome (arteriohepatic dysplasia) follow up of 23 years ofstable ocular findings Michael JM Groh, Hartmut Wenkel, Ursula M Mayer.
Extractions: A UGENHEILKUNDE I SSUE Abstracts: "Vertical tilt" after penetrating keratoplasty - Comparison between nonmechanical trephination with the excimer laser and motor trephination Achim Langenbucher, Berthold Seitz, Murat M Kus, Gottfried OH Naumann Optical coherence tomography of age-related macular degeneration. Correlation of diagnostic techniques of fluorescence angiography and OCT Christoph W. Spraul, Gabriele E. Lang, Gerhard K. Lang Early posterior capsular fibrosis after combined cataract and vitreoretinal surgery with air/SF6-gas tamponade Kerstin Scharwey, Sima Pavlovic, Karl Wilhelm Jacobi Lattice corneal dystrophy type I. Clinical and molecular genetic analysis in a large family Moritz Meins, Markus Kohlhaas, Gisbert Richard, Andreas Gal Intracanalicular trabeculostomy - A new approach in glaucoma surgery Juergen Kampmeier, Karl Stock, Raimund Hibst, Gabriele E. Lang, Rudolf Steiner, Gerhard K. Lang Eye injury during a laser show Helmut G Sachs, N Baumgathuber, Chris P Lohmann Consequent use of Aachen's therapeutic concept after severe chemical burn of both eyes Thomas Herboth, Gerd Geerling, Gernot Duncker, Gerd-Otto Bastian, Theodor Seiler
The EOPS Author Index - J 9148 Alagille's syndrome (arteriohepatic dysplasia) hepatocellularcarcinoma associated with the syndrome in a 4-year old girl;
Extractions: Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Metastatic breast "colloid" carcinoma simulating a primary ciliary epithelial tumour Anaplastic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland presenting with recurrent subconjunctival hemorrhages and displaying incipient sebaceous differentiation Adult extra-renal rhabdoid tumor of the lacrimal gland Prepartum capillary hemangioma (pseudo-Kaposi sarcoma) arising in a nevus flammeus Guest Copenhagen, Denmark Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of the retinal pigment epithelium Gliomatosis of the retina with secondary involvement of the orbit (? astrocytoma) Glomus tumour (glomangioma) of eyelid Retinal anlage tumour (progonoma melanoticum) of the maxilla Acute keratomalacia with corneal perforation, retinal protrusion and expulsive haemorrhage.
The EOPS Source Index 1991 9148 Jensen O A Alagille's syndrome (arteriohepatic dysplasia) hepatocellularcarcinoma associated with the syndrome in a 4- year old girl 91-49 Stefani FH
Extractions: Go to Home Previous Next 60's ... Notes Jakobiec F A Adult extra-renal rhabdoid tumor of the lacrimal gland Hidayat A A Congenital malignant rhabdoid tumor of the eye and orbit Garner A Lacrimal gland myoepithelioma Friedman A H Fibrous histiocytoma of the lacrimal sac Lee W R Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of orbit: infarction of optic nerve Kock E Chondroma of the orbit Font R L Recurrent well differentiated orbital liposarcoma with myxoid areas occurring in a teenager Tarkkanen A Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the orbit with spontaneous resolution Latkovic Z Orbital carcinoma of unknown origin - a case for diagnosis Prause J U Castleman's disease in one orbit Goder G J Kimura's disease of the orbit McLean I Primary histiocytoid carcinoma of the eyelid Boniuk M Unusual bluish tumors of the eyelid and conjunctiva: angioleiomyoma and glomangioma Sterkers M An atypical case of tumour of the eyebrow: melanoma or sarcoma? Mullaney J Conjunctival nodule with testicular tumour Conjunctival malignant melanoma Frayer W C Granulomatous conjunctivitis Ferry A P Teddy bear granuloma of conjunctiva (synthetic fiber granuloma) Manschot W A Not-predictable melanoma reaction on empirical radiation doses Naeser P Proton beam treated malignant melanoma Crawford J B Spindle cell tumor of eyelid in patient with lymphoma de Wolff-Rouendaal D Ciliary body and iris metastasis of cutaneous melanoma in a patient with dysplastic naevus syndrome Albert D M Hepatoblastoma metastatic to the eye
Tenet Healthcare Corporation - Library . syndrome from other liver and bile duct diseases in infants. It is alsoknown as arteriohepatic dysplasia. (Back to Top).
WebMD - Del Castillo Syndrome Arhinencephaly Armenian Syndrome Arnold Chiari Syndrome ArnoldChiariMalformation ARSA arteriohepatic dysplasia Arteriosclerosis, Retina
Malattie Rare E Genetiche Lettera "W" Miller SindromeWatson syndromeAlagille syndrome (AGS)/AlagilleWatson syndrome(AWS)/Watson-Miller syndrome/ arteriohepatic dysplasia (AHD)/cardiovertebral
Extractions: Dal 22 Marzo 2003 il server Lycos, che ospita le pagine FMFPC, subirà un *fermo tecnico*. Le pagine resteranno accessibili ma non verranno aggiornate per circa una settimana. - Tutti i servizi di FMFPC continueranno a funzionare. - È ora possibile accedere al sito anche attraverso l'indirizzo alternativo di FMFPC (sito mirror) all'URL
Extractions: 4 February 2003 Disease characteristics. Alagille syndrome is characterized by potentially life-threatening involvement of the liver and heart and by skeletal, ophthalmological, and facial changes that may not be medically significant but can be useful in diagnosis. Hepatic involvement typically presents in the first three months of life as cholestasis, jaundice, and pruritis with a paucity of bile ducts observed histologically; some patients develop liver failure. The most common cardiac manifestations are peripheral and branch pulmonic stenosis (67% of patients) and tetralogy of Fallot (7-16%). Posterior embryotoxon (prominent Schwalbe's ring) of the eye and butterfly vertebrae do not cause symptoms. Diagnosis/testing. The diagnosis of Alagille syndrome is primarily based on clinical findings. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) detects a microdeletion of 20p12, including the entire
NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. To purchase fulltext report ($7.50) View Cart/Checkout. Copyright 1987, 1990,1996, 1998, 1999 Synonyms of Alagille Syndrome AHD; arteriohepatic dysplasia; Synd
Extractions: (advertisement) Home Specialties CME PDA ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Dermatology Benign Neoplasms Last Updated: November 15, 2001 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: comedo nevus, nevus actiniformis unilateralis, nevus follicularis keratosus, nevus unilateralis comedonicus, nevus actiniformis, zoniform nevus AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 9 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography Author: Joseph J Shaffer, MBBS , Fellow, Dermatologic Surgery, Department of Cutaneous Surgery, Fairview University Medical Center Coauthor(s): Vincent De Leo, MD , Chair, Program Director, Department of Dermatology, St Luke's and Roosevelt Hospital Center Joseph J Shaffer, MBBS, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Dermatology Editor(s): Barbara Reed, MD , Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center; Michael J Wells, MD
Tissue Type Total Alagille's (Arteriohepatic Dysplasia) Tissue Type. Total. Alagille's (arteriohepatic dysplasia). 15 (2483g). A1AT. 53 (3729g).Alc cirrhosis. 23 (3194g). Alcoholic Liver disease (unspec). 2 (360g). ALD/Hep C.
Brooklyn Birthing Center - Medical Terms Arterial blood gas, Arterial tension. Arteriogram, arteriohepatic dysplasia.Arteriosclerosis, Arteriosclerotic aneurysm. Artery, Arthritis.
Extractions: Sometimes doctors use words only they understand. It's difficult enough to understand health information without struggling with unfamiliar words. In order to help you better understand your health and improve your communication with your healthcare provider, we have provided an extensive list of medical terms defined using clear, understandable language. Term Search Type in a Term:
Untitled Paucity of Interlobular Bile Ducts. 116. Adams PC Hepatocellular carcinoma associatedwith arteriohepatic dysplasia. Dig Dis Sci 31 438442, 1986. 117.
Answer: Six Month Old With Cholestasis Answer for Case 1 a six month old with cholestasis. The most likely diagnosisis Alagille's Syndrome which is also called arteriohepatic dysplasia.
Extractions: The most likely diagnosis is Alagille's Syndrome which is also called arteriohepatic dysplasia Alagille's Syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. The syndrome is characterized by The prognosis and natural history of the disease largely depend on the severity of the liver disease. Between one third and one half of affected children will develop chronic liver disease ultimately necessitating liver transplantation. Return to the Case Return to Children's Medical Center Home Page 11/94
Indications For Liver Transplantation In Children Extrahepatic biliary atresia arteriohepatic dysplasia (Alagille syndrome) Neonatalhepatitis Primary sclerosing cholangitis Caroli's disease Lanerhan's cell
Pediatric Cardiology Alagille Syndrome. This is also known as arteriohepatic dysplasia.It is a disease mainly of the liver which results in a decreased
Extractions: [Return to main] Alagille Syndrome This is also known as arteriohepatic dysplasia. It is a disease mainly of the liver which results in a decreased number of tubes (ducts) which usually allow the liver to get rid of a substance known as bile. There is also progressive destruction of the bile ducts. The end result is that bile accumulates within the liver and yellowness of the skin (jaundice) results since the liver cannot get rid of a substance called bilirubin which is one of the components in bile. There are a number of features common to people with Allagile syndrome. They may have a broad forehead with deep set and widely spaced eyes. They may have an underdeveloped mandible, eye abnormalities, abnormalities of the spine, kidney abnormalities, and cardiac abnormalities. The cardiac abnormalities are usually narrowing of the pulmonary arteries (peripheral pulmonary stenosis) which may require a cardiac intervention (such as stenting and dilation). Occasionally, another defect known as
Alagille by. Malcolm Cheng, MD, FAAP, FRCPC. A. Classification. 1. Syndromic(Alagille Syndrome or arteriohepatic dysplasia). Autosomal Dominant.