DINO - Language: Englisch - Health - Conditions And Diseases - B Translate this page Disorder Dieser Link verweist auf eine Haupt-Kategorie Botulism Dieser Link verweistauf eine Haupt-Kategorie bourneville-pringle syndrome Dieser Link verweist http://www.dino-online.de/dino_page_667027588912ada25ce1e7a5a6be25f2.html
VADA GEZONDHEID En ZIEKTE - HEALTH And DISEASEA SYNDROOM van BOURNEVILLEPRINGLE bourneville-pringle syndrome. Multiple CongenitalAnomaly/Mental Retardation Database bourneville-pringle syndrome; http://www.vada.nl/medisch/medbnq.htm
Extractions: BN - BQ Ouderhulpgroep Vereniging de Cirkel, tel: 0546 - 579750 De Cirkel, Oudervereniging van Bodemloze Kinderen Body-Chi, tel: 026 - 3705060 Body-Mind Integration Innerned: Body Stress Release Body Stress Release Body Stress Release UK Body Stress Release Innerned: BodyTalk Body Talk See also: MAAG STOMACH Boeren en oprispen Uw maag komt in opstand! BOEZEMFIBRILLATIE BOEZEM FIBRILLEREN BOEZEMFLUTTER ATRIUMFIBRILLEREN ATRIUM FIBRILLATIE VOORKAMER FIBRILLATIE VKF IDIOPATHISCHE VOORKAMER FIBRILLATIE VOORKAMERFLUTTER LONE ATRIAL FIBRILLATION ATRIAL FIBRILLATION ATRIAL DEFIBRILLATION BOEZEMFLUTTER ATRIAL FLUTTER See also: CARDIOVERSIE CARDIOVERSION
Extractions: Cases in the PEDIATRIC section: 306 PEDIATRIC 1: Newborn Chest PD101 Normal chest PD102 Normal newborn chest - prominent thymus and skin folds PD103 Lordotic and rotational distortion in the newborn chest PD104 Effects of inspiration and expiration in newborn chest PD105 Pneumomediastinum PD106 Ebstein's anomaly PD107 Hemolytic disease of the newborn - hydrops fetalis PD108 Hyaline membrane disease PD109 Anteromedial pneumothorax PD110 Hyaline membrane disease - effects of intermittent positive pressure ventilation PD111 Pulmonary interstitial emphysema PD112 Neonatal pneumonia (Group B streptococcus) PD113 Cystic adenomatoid malformation (CAM) PD114 Tension pneumothorax PD115 Wet lung syndrome (transient tachypnea of the newborn) PD116 Pneumomediastinum - loculated in the inferior pulmonary ligament PD117 Cystic hygroma PD118 Meconium aspiration syndrome PD119 Therapeutic neuromuscular paralysis: aspiration syndrome and persistent fetal circulation PD120 Pneumopericardium and retroperitoneal air leak PD121 Congenital pneumonia (Listeria monocytogenes) PD122 Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation PD123 Systemic air embolism PD124 Patent ductus arteriosus complicating hyaline membrane disease PD125 Pulmonary hypoplasia (fetal anuria syndrome) PD126 Chylothorax PD127 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia PD128 Conjoined twins PD129 Meconium pneumonitis PD130 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia PD131 Aspiration pneumonia PD132 Congenital lobar emphysema PD133 Left phrenic nerve paralysis PD134 Pulmonary lymphangiectasia PD135 Cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung
Vindex, De Vindplaats Van Het Nederlandse Web Syndrome@ Blood Disorders@ Body Dysmorphic Disorder@, Bone Disorders@ BorderlinePersonality Disorder@ Botulism@ bournevillepringle syndrome@ Bovine Spongiform http://www.vindex.nl/dir/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/B
Extractions: Pick A Degree AA in General Studies BS in Business *Accounting *Administration *Information Systems *Management *Marketing *Project Management *E-Business (NEW!) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (For RN's Only) BS Info Technology *Database Management *Networks and Telecommunications *Programming and Operating Systems *Systems Analysis *Web Management GRADUATE DEGREES MA Ed/ Curriculum and Tech. MA Org. Mgmt. MBA *Accounting *Global Management *Technology Management MS Computer Information MS Nursing DOCTORAL DEGREES Doctor of Mgmt. in Org. Leadership
Bourneville-Pringle Disease (www.whonamedit.com) bournevillepringle disease. Also known as Bourneville's disease. Bourneville's syndrome. Pringle's disease http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/2808.html
Extractions: A syndrome of epilepsy, severe mental retardation associated with adenoma sebaceum (overgrowth of the sebaceous glands) of the face, cerebral cortical tubers (hence the name "tuberous sclerosis") and hamartomatous tumours of the heart and kidney. It is heredofamilial and usually manifests itself early in life. Females are more often affected. Incomplete forms of the syndrome occur. Transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with variable expressivity.
Extractions: Peer reviewed article CO -Laser-Therapie stigmatisierender Hautveränderungen bei tuberöser Sklerose (Bourneville-Pringle) und bei Neurofibromatose Typ I (von Recklinghausen) CO -laser therapy of stigmatising cutaneous lesions in tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville-Pringle) and type I neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen) Die tuberöse Sklerose (Bourneville-Pringle) und die Neurofibromatose Typ I (von Recklinghausen) sind beides familiäre Syndrome mit der Entwicklung multipler Tumoren. Beiden Erkrankungen ist gemeinsam, dass die Hautmanifestationen ein stigmatisierendes Ausmass annehmen können und damit die Lebensqualität der Patienten massgebend einschränken. Die Abtragung (Vaporisation) mit dem CO -Laser führt beim Adenoma sebaceum im Rahmen der tuberösen Sklerose reproduzierbar zu ästhetisch guten bis sehr guten Resultaten. Die Behandlungsresultate bei der Neurofibromatose sind weniger eindrücklich, aber dennoch begrüssen diejenigen Patienten mit mehreren hundert Neurofibromen in der Regel eine numerische Reduktion der Läsionen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden anhand von 8 Patienten mit tuberöser Sklerose und 8 Patienten mit Neurofibromatose Typ I die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der ästhetisch-korrektiven CO
Désiré-Magloire Bourneville (www.whonamedit.com) bournevillepringle disease A syndrome of epilepsy, severe mental retardationassociated with adenoma sebaceum of the face, cerebral cortical tubers and http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/2408.html
Extractions: Désiré-Magloire Bourneville was the son of a small Normandy landowner in the little village of Garaecières. He studied in Paris and became interne des hôpitaux at the Bicêtre, the Salpêtrière, the Hôpital St. Louis and the Pitié. During a severe cholera epidemic in Amiens in 1866 he volunteered his services and worked so tirelessly that at the end of the siege he was presented with a gold watch which bore an inscription expressing the city's gratitude. During the Franco-Prussian War he was surgeon to the 160th Battalion of the Garde Nationale. Later he became assistant medical officer at the field hospital of the Jardin des Plantes. Finally, even though he was a well-established physician, he resumed his internship at the Pitié, which was then covered by fire from German artillery. During the Paris Commune in 1871, when the violent revolutionaries wanted to execute their wounded political enemies, Bourneville personally intervened and saved several of his patients.
Bourneville's Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) Bourneville's syndrome. Associated persons DésiréMagloire Bourneville deficiency, and convulsions, without the subungual and periungual warty fibromas of bourneville-pringle. http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/2810.html
õømBn ? BoderSedgwick syndrome Louis-Bar arising from right ventricle ? ? bourneville-pringle disease http://www.so-net.ne.jp/medipro/hypref/hyper/index/b.html
Medical Literature Translate this page Das Zwischenhirn. syndrome, Lokalisationen, Funktionen. Bijdrage tot de kennis vanden Morbus bourneville-pringle. Amsterdam, v.Campen 1935. Or. wr. 200 pp. http://www.friedeschemolen.nl/medisch_h.html
Extractions: ID Book info ()Price Order HAAS, E.B.H. DE. HAAS, HENDRIK KAREL de (1873-1953). Lichtprikkels en retinastroomen in hun quantitatief verband. Leiden, Ydo 1903. Or.cl. 108 p. Thesis. HAGA, JAN. De behandeling van habitueel braken bij zuigelingen met melkspuitingen. Leiden, Groen 1920. Or.wr. 53 pp. Thesis. HAMMER, ERNST (1893-1937). Levercirrhose in Nederland. Amsterdam, 1934. Or.wr. 112 pp. Thesis. Lindeboom 777. HANLO, AEMILIUS ANTONIUS MARIA. Over aneurysmatische uitzetting der oogslagader. Leiden, Van Leeuwen 1859. Or.cl. 61 pp. 1Folded plate w. 2 figures. Thesis. HARTMANN, HENRI. HEIDENHAIN, MARTIN. Synthetische Morphologie der Niere des Menschen. Bau und Entwickelung dargestellt auf neuer Grundlage. Mit 5 farbigen und 85 schwarzen Abb. Leiden, Brill 1937. Or.cl. XVI, 270 pp. HEINIGKE, CARL. HEMKER, C.W. De ontdekking van het prothrombine. Amsterdam, Ronald Meesters 1981. Or.omsl. XI, 236 p. Thesis. Flicker proceedings of the symposium on the physiology of Flicker and proceedings of the 2nd symposium of the International Society for Clinical Electroretinography (Iscery) on Flicker Electroretinography. September 1963. Den Haag, Junk Publ. 1964.Or.cl. VIII, 540 pp. HERMANN, CORNELIA.
Ultrasch.htm Ultraschall295 Translate this page Beim M. bourneville-pringle, einer dominant-erblichen Störung aus dem Formenkreisder neurokutanen syndrome, kommt es neben der Hauptmanifestation von Adenoma http://www.thieme.de/ultraschall/abstracts97/ultra295.htm
Schwarze Reihe: Gegenstandskatalog 3 - Via Medici Online Translate this page 1.4 Phakomatosen. Neurofibromatose (von Recklinghausen), Morbus bourneville-pringle,Angiophakomatosen Klinische Bilder. 10.4 Paraneoplastische syndrome. http://www.thieme.de/viamedici/schwarzereihe/infos/gk3/gk3-04.html