Duane's Syndrome Boston. Medial Rectus Rerecession for Unacceptable Head-Turn andEsotropia in duanes retraction syndrome (article abstract). http://www.nhbvi.com/internet/Eye/duanes.html
Extractions: Search: What is Duane's Syndrome? Information from All About Strabismus Information from MRCOphth.com Information from Pediatric Ophthalmic Consultants Information from the Strabismus Web Book Duanes Listserv at Yahoo! Groups PubMed list of articles Duane's Syndrome Research at Engle Lab, Children's Hospital, Boston "Medial Rectus Re-recession for Unacceptable Head-Turn and Esotropia in Duanes Retraction Syndrome" (article abstract)
Duane's Syndrome duane's syndrome duane's retraction syndrome is an eye movement disorder characterizedby a failure of the 6th cranial nerve to develop normally. http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/babyland/duanesyndrome.html
Extractions: Duane's Syndrome Duane's Syndrome is a congenital abnormality involving the innervation of the eye muscles. It most commonly occurs as an isolated event. It affects girls more than boys and the left eye more often than the right eye. Most commonly the eye does not turn out well (Type I), next most common is the condition where the eye does not move in or out (Type III), and last is the condition there the eye does not move in (Type II). In my opinion, the most commonly accepted indications for surgery in individuals with Duane's Syndrome is when the eye is crossed in straight ahead gaze, or when the person has to turn the head significantly in order to fuse the two eyes and eliminate double vision. None of the standard surgical options improve the ability of the eye to turn out much....the goal is generally to eliminate the crossing in primary position or to eliminate the head turn. As you know Duane's syndrome is a condition that affects the movement of one eye. The eyelid opening may also change during certain positions of gaze. The syndrome is caused by poor development of one of the nerves that controls eye movement. Fortunately, most children do very well. Most children do not require surgery. This condition does require regular monitoring of the vision by an experienced ophthalmologist to make sure the child is not developing a lazy eye. If the child is developing a lazy eye (poor vision) than surgery to correct the position of the eye is indicated. As you mentioned, surgery may also be indicated if there is a significant head turn.
Nature Publishing Group restricted with some narrowing of the left palpebral fissure and retraction ofthe globe, giving rise to the diagnosis of left duane's retraction syndrome. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/eye/journal/v16/n1/full/6700014
Service Page - Pathologie Information duane syndrome is a congenital form of strabismus characterized by horizontal eyemovement limitation, globe retraction with palpebral fissure narrowing in http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=GB&Expert=233
11/22 Families Issue 12 May 2000 duane's retraction syndrome, small genitals, some speech delays. Pablohas been recently diagnosed with duane's retraction syndrome. http://www.geocities.com/chromosome22central/ces12.htm
Extractions: Chad was born with coloboma of the iris in his left eye, anal atresia, ear tag, extra finger digit, mild aortic insufficiency, scoliosis and has mild mental retardation. He was developmentally delayed in most areas. He has been in Special education since the age of 3. We have struggled through the years with various behaviour problems, ADHD, OCD and hypo-mania. Amy, child Mitchell, 8/13/99 MI Pablo has been recently diagnosed with Duane's Retraction Syndrome. For the past 3 yrs we thought he had a lazy eye. We even tried patching it. Now his Dr has realized it is this syndrome which basically means no peripheral vision. We don't anticipate any difficulties because of it. It's just a little detail I'll have to make sure his teacher understands. His OT believes this has contributed to his visual-spatial delays. He is still behind in fine motor development. ISSUE 12 HOME
Extractions: Patients with DRS have intermittent binocular stimulation and reduced stereoacuity. To test the possibility that Duanes patients have reduced numbers of binocular neuroens we tested their monocular and binocular contrast sensitivity in comparison with matched controls. Paradoxically, we found increased levels of summation in the Duanes patients. We believe that this was due to decreased monocular sensitivity, particularly in the deviating eye, combined with normal binocular sensitivity. Ithese findings were reported at ARVO 2000 and have been submitted for publication to IOVS. Another interesting aspect of our findings is that Duanes patients showed a specific loss of contrast sensitivity at high spatial frequencies (> 10 cpd). We wonder whether normal binocular development is needed for high-spatial frequency channels. Moorfields Eye Hospital and the Applied Vision Research Centre.
Accardo A.P. duane's retraction syndrome (DRS) is a neurogenic brainstem ocular motor dysfunctionso named because of the retraction of the globe (caused by synchronous http://www.phys.uu.nl/~ecem10/Abstracts/Accardo_A.P.html
Extractions: Department of Ophthalmology, Children's Hospital of Trieste, Italy Duane's Retraction Syndrome (DRS) is a neurogenic brainstem ocular motor dysfunction so named because of the retraction of the globe (caused by synchronous contraction of the horizontal recti) and narrowing of the lid fissure that occur on attempted adduction. DRS may be bilateral (15 - 20% of cases). By using EMG examination, this syndrome can be classified into three types (Huber, 1974, Brit. J. Ophthalmol., : 293-300): I) Palsy of abduction with retraction on adduction. EMG shows absence of electrical activity in the lateral rectus muscle on abduction but paradoxical electrical activity on adduction. II) Palsy of adduction with retraction, and intact abduction. EMG reveals electrical activity with contraction of the lateral rectus muscle on both abduction and adduction. III) Palsy of adduction and abduction, with retraction on attempted adduction. The EMG demonstrates co-contraction of the horizontal recti on both adduction and abduction. Because the EMG is not easily applicable to paediatric patients, other instrumental examinations like eye movements recording have been proposed. As shown by Metz (1975
Dr. Rudolph Wagner: Publications Infantile abduction deficit duane's retraction syndrome or abducens palsy? A studyof 24 cases. duane's retraction syndrome. Surv Ophthalmol 1993; 38 25788. http://www.umdnj.edu/eyeweb/library/wagrbibl.html
Extractions: J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2002;39:67. 2. DeRespinis PA, Wagner RS . How and when to prescribe eyeglasses in preverbal children. Ophthalmology 2001; 225 (Suppl). Wagner RS , Alcorn D, Caputo AR. The diagnostic and treatment of ophthalmic cases in children. Infect Dis Child 2001; (Suppl). Wagner RS , Alcorn D, Gigliotti F, Rabinowitz R. Management of conjunctivitis, part 2: mimics and monobacterial disease. Contemp Pediatr 2001; (Suppl). Wagner RS . September 11 and ophthalmology [editorial]. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2001;38:323. Wagner RS . Pediatric ophthalmology [editorial]. Pediatr Ann 2001;30:444.
Strabismus & Paediatrics Publications Reduced binocular beat visual evoked responses and stereoacuity in binocular patientswith duane's retraction syndrome, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 42(2001)2826 http://www.site4sight.org.uk/ResAreas/Strab/General/Strabpub.htm
Extractions: You Are Here : The O.R.N. Home Research Index Search This Site Links to Medline On-line Journals Title Journal Ref Date Authors Electrophysiological and psychophysical differences between early- and late-onset strabismic amblyopia. Abstract Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003, Feb Davis AR, Sloper JJ, Neveu MM, Hogg CR, Morgan MJ, Holder GE. Update on squint and amblylopia J R Soc Med 2003, Jan Adams GG, Sloper JJ Title Journal Ref Date Authors Contact lenses in the management of high anisometropic amblyopia Abstract Eye 2002, Sep Roberts CJ, Adams GG. Binocular function in patients with refractive monovision Abstract J AAPOS 2002, Aug Sloper JJ, Adams GG. Two-incision push-pull capsulorhexis for pediatric cataract J Cataract Refrect Surg 2002, Apr
What Is Duane's Syndrome? Definition, Causes, Treatments duane's syndrome (type I) is made up of three parts an inability to move an eye fromthe nose with widening of the eyes (palpebral fissure), retraction of the http://www.strabismus.org/Duane_Syndrome.html
Extractions: Duane's syndrome (type I) is made up of three parts: an inability to move an eye laterally away from the nose with widening of the eyes (palpebral fissure), retraction of the eye when attempting to look close or towards ones nose; and retraction of the eye. In the picture above the left eye can not look left while in the picture below, the eye moves back in the socket with narrowing of the aperture of the eyes. There are two other uncommon types of Duanes: Duane II where by the eye has trouble looking toward the nose (opposite to Duane's I); and Duane III made up of a combination of I and II. A patient with Duane's is likely to have an eye turn inwards at distance. It may be confused with a paralysis of the muscle which causes the eye to turn outwards (lateral rectus) resulting in an unnecessary neurological workup. Duane's is usually congenital and may be associated with other congenital disorders. It was originally thought to be due to fibrosis of one the eye muscles, today we know it is due lack of development of the nucleus (control center in the brain) of the sixth nerve. Interestingly, most of these patients do not have diplopia (double vision) on lateral gaze. Surgery should not be performed unless there is a cosmetic problem when looking straight ahead. A simpler solution than surgery is special glasses with prism to eliminate the head turn. Some of these patients have secondary convergence problems, which are effectively treated by vision therapy.
Q A I agree with the opinion given to him by several of my colleagues, thathis condition, duane's retraction syndrome, is not treatable. http://www.doctorinternet.co.uk/qa.html
Extractions: Home Medical News Medical Info. Contact Us ... About Us new Marriage among relatives Haematology Infetility Baby food ... Allergy Baby Food From H A My sister had a baby. He is 6 months of age, we do not know what is the correct type of food that it is recommended to give him. Will doctorinternet give us advise. Paediatric specialist of doctorinternet answer to your query is as follows: " Baby waining starts at 6 months of age. In addition to his milk, you should give some orange juice and smashed vegetables well kooked. Also some mashed soup. There are many baby food available in the market at this age. Babies after 9 months must start to take regular meals 3 or 4 times a day. Meals must include carbohydrates like potatoes, smashed grains, bread, pasta and vitamins in the form of vegetables, fruits and fresh juices. One meal must contain some type of proteins like fish or meat, eggs and dairy products. Again, all these must be taken in addition to milk." All the best and enjoy good health. Doctorinternet. Take care Mouth Problem From Mr.A A
Duane's Retraction Syndrome In Siriraj Hospital duane's retraction syndrome in Siriraj Hospital Thammanoon Thirtyone cases(0.75%) of duane's retraction syndrome were diagnosed. duane's http://www.rcopt.org/journal/vol12/vol12.1.15.htm
Extractions: *Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study is to determine the incidence, type, indication and result of surgery of Duane's retraction syndrome in Siriraj Hospital. The authors retrospectively analyzed the records of patients in muscle clinic between March 1, 1985 to March 31, 1998. Thirty-one cases of Duane's retraction syndrome were diagnosed. Duane's retraction syndrome type I is the most common (80%). Cases are more common in females (1.2 : 1). Majority of cases are unilateral. Amblyopia is detected in 16.13% of all cases. Most of indications for corrective surgery is the angle of deviation exceeds 20 A (prism diopters) or there is abnormal head position. The satisfactory outcome is found in Even though Duane's retraction syndrome is a rare con dition but the precision of the diagnosis is essentially important in order to detect amblyopia and correct abnormal head position.
Electrophysiology, Abstracts inferior oblique. It is suggested that this unique ocular motor abnormalityrepresents a new type of duane's retraction syndrome. http://www.ukl.uni-freiburg.de/aug/edg/abstracts.html
Extractions: Augenklinik Allg. Neuroo. Mitarbeiter ... Electrophysiology Lab : Abstracts A 30-fold multielectrode for extracellular recording of neuronal spikes is described. Single neuronal spikes were isolated simultaneously by about half of the electrodes. The technique has been applied to demonstrate that spatial distribution of ocular dominance and orientation preference in striate cortex. Fischer B, Boch R, Bach M (1981) Stimulus versus eye movements: Comparison of neural activity in the striate and prelunate visual cortex (A17 and A19) of trained rhesus monkey. Exp Brain Res 43:69-77 Using a multi-microelectrode, in 5 animals, orientation tuning was measured simultaneously in 30 closely spaced parallel penetrations perpendicular to the surface of the striate cortex. Actual penetration angles were determined by three-dimensional track reconstruction. Above and below layer IVc, two columnar systems were found whose orientation angles were independent. Bach M, Bouis D, Fischer B (1983) An accurate and linear infrared oculometer. J Neurosci Meth 9:9-14
Eye Conditions > Duane’s Syndrome -- EyeMDLink.com Also referred to as Crossed Eyes duane's syndrome is a congenital disorder Classically,on attempted adduction there is retraction of the eye into the socket http://www.eyemdlink.com/Condition.asp?ConditionID=168
File Not Found On AAP Web Site Eye Hospital, includes concise chapters on congenital esotropia, convergence insufficiency,cranial nerve palsies, duane's retraction syndrome, Brown's syndrome http://www.aap.org/bpi/Ophthalmology.html
The EOPS Source Index 1981 anomalies 8153 Weber F Buphthalmos due to an unusual malformation of the anteriorsegment 81-54 Green WR Bilateral duane's retraction syndrome 81-55 Tso MOM http://www.helsinki.fi/laak/silk/perus/EOPS1981.html
Extractions: No protocol Jensen O A Juxta-papillary retinal haemangioblastoma (angiomatosis retinae) in an infant Manschot W A (Pre)retinal neovascularization originating in hyalinized arterioles Hamburg A Retinoblastoma sanata ? Yanoff M Fundus flavimaculatus (Stargardt's disease) Litricin O Orbital schwannoma Ferry A P Enigmatic osseous orbital tumor Dhermy P Muco-epidermoid tumor of the lacrimal gland Arnesen K Malignant, amelanotic, spindle cell melanoma with mainly extrabulbar extension. Balestrazzi E An orbital tumour for discussion Morgan G A large cell centrocytic lymphoma of the orbit Kock E Giant cell tumor in the orbit Garner A Granular cell myoblastoma of the orbit Quintana M Orbital tumor: liposarcoma v/s histiocytoma Bec P Orbital tumor of undetermined nature Zimmerman L E Haemorrhagic infarction of retina and neovascular glaucoma in an infant due to juvenile xanthogranuloma of optic nerve, disc, and choroid
HON - List Of Rare Diseases DiGeorge syndrome, Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder. duane Retractionsyndrome, Dupuytren's Contracture. Dysautonomia, Familial. http://www.hon.ch/HONselect/RareDiseases/