Herniated Lumbar Disk - Herniated Lumbar Disc Description and the options for treatment. Dr. Humberto Trejos, Costa Rica.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Ruptured DiskHerniated Lumbar Disc. What is it, how it is produced and treatment alternatives http://www.trejos.com/trejos/herniate.htm
Low Back (Lumbar) Slipped (Herniated) Disk Homepage LOW BACK SLIPPED DISK (herniated lumbar disk) Abnormal movement of the material (disk) that helps support the bones of the lower back. Disks are found between the bones of the back (vertebrae). http://www.emedx.com/emedx/diagnosis_information/back-neck_disorders/low_back_sl
Extractions: Diagnosis LOW BACK SLIPPED DISK (Herniated Lumbar Disk) Definition Abnormal movement of the material (disk) that helps support the bones of the lower back. Details Disks are found between the bones of the back (vertebrae). They can at times push out of their normal position (herniate) and then cause symptoms. Causes A slipped disk or herniation usually results from an twisting injury to the low back or may be due to several small sprains. Diagnosis Typically, pain and spasm begin either immediately after an injury or develop within the 24 hours. The pain is made worse by activity and usually improves with rest. The pain may start in the lower back but also can radiate to the legs. This can be felt as a sharp or shooting pain down the leg into the knee, ankle or foot. It may be accompanied by either numbness or weakness. Initially x-rays may be taken to evalute the back. An MRI Scan or CT scan may also be ordered depending on the symptoms and physical examination. Model and MRI of Normal and Slipped (Herniated) Disk, Example 2 Treatment Nonoperative: Initially, icing and rest coupled with anti-inflammatory medication are important to relieve pain and spasm. Other medications may also be needed. This phase should be followed by education about proper lifting techniques and a back rehabilitation program. Stretching and strengthening of back, leg and abdominal muscles are important components of this rehabilitation program.
Herniated Lumbar Disk - Herniated Lumbar Disc Herniated Lumbar Disc. What is it, how it is produced and treatment alternatives The first steps to deal with a herniated or prolapsed lumbar disk are conservative. http://www.ampos.com/trejos/herniate.stm
Extractions: Diagnostico.com Search key words MENU By Disease By System Pediatrics Other links Dr. Trejos Dr. Humberto Trejos Lumbar Disk Herniated Lumbar Disk Surgery for Herniated Lumbar Disk ... Surgery for Parkinson Herniated Lumbar Disk Excessive weight, bad postures, undue movements, improper weight lifting and other kind of traumas may weaken the inter vertebral disks. When this occurs the pulpous nucleus (spongy center) will bulge against the annulus (outer ring), or even be squeezed through it. If this bulged, or herniated disk, presses one of the nerves, it will produce pain going down the leg, in the distribution of the nerve, and maybe in the lower back. Sciatic pain occurs when the disk presses one of the nerves that form the sciatic nerve. Other symptoms could be weakness, tingling or numbness on the areas corresponding to the affected nerve. Sometimes bladder compromise is also present, which is made evident for urine retention and this need to be taken care as an emergency. The first steps to deal with a herniated or prolapsed lumbar disk are conservative. These include rest, analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication and in some cases physical therapy. At this point it is convenient to have some plain X-rays done, in search of some indirect evidence of the disk problem, as well as of degenerative changes on the spine.
Dr. Humberto Trejos Learn about lumbar disks, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy and treatment alternatives.Category Health Medicine Neurosurgery Clinics and Practices LUMBAR DISKS Normal Lumbar Disk. herniated lumbar disk. TYPES OF LUMBAR DISKSURGERY Classic Diskectomy. Percutaneous Laser Diskectomy. ABNORMAL MOVEMENTS http://www.trejos.com/trejos/
Extractions: Diagnostico.com Search key words MENU By Disease By System Pediatrics Other links Dr. Trejos Dr. Humberto Trejos Lumbar Disk Herniated Lumbar Disk Surgery for Herniated Lumbar Disk ... Surgery for Parkinson Dr. Humberto Trejos Neurosurgeon Graduated from Medical School in Costa Rica and trained in Neurosurgery at Edinburgh University, Scotland. Appointed Consultant Neurosurgeon in Costa Rica since 1977. Main interests through the years have been the minimally invasive Neurosurgery and Pediatric Neurosurgery. Amongst these are Stereotactic Neurosurgery for Abnormal movements -including Parkinson and Cerebral Palsy-, Endoscopic Neurosurgery and LASER percutaneous procedures for herniated lumbar disks.
Herniated Lumbar Disk herniated lumbar disk. (Please click on pictures for a more detailed view) http://www.buffaloneuro.com/lumdisk/hernlum.htm
Extractions: Herniated Lumbar Disk (Please click on pictures for a more detailed view) Fig. 1: Artists rendering of herniated disk Fig. 2: CT scan showing herniated disk Fig. 3: MRI showing herniated disk The lumbar intervertebral disk is made up of a fibrous outer ring called the annulus and a gelatinous inner portion called the nucleus (fig. 1). The disk acts as a cushion between the vertebral bodies. When herniation occurs, the nucleus pushes through the annulus of the disk producing pressure on the nerve root and/or cauda equina. This is demonstrated on the CT scan (fig. 2), the MRI (fig. 3) and the myelogram (fig. 4). Nearly all patients complain of leg pain (sciatica) in the distribution of one or more nerve roots. Some have back pain as well. Frequently, patients can be treated conservatively with success. However, when their ability to perform normal day to day functions is degraded for a substantial period of time (4-6 weeks), or in the presence of progressing neurological deficit (i.e. foot drop, loss of control of bowel and bladder, cauda equina syndrome), lumbar microdiskectomy is the most effective treatment. During microdiskectomy, the offending disk fragment and much of the loose nucleus are removed through a small, one to two inch incision (figs. 5-8). With success rates of around 90%, patients are able to return to work and full activity in an average of about 10 weeks. Our group has the most extensive experience in Western New York performing outpatient microdiskectomy. In the past 3 years, we have performed more than 1000 of these procedures successfully. Patients prefer this to overnight stay in the hospital.
Extractions: The lumbar intervertebral disk is located between the bodies of a lumbar vertebrae. These discs are found along the entire spine from the neck all the way down to the lower back. This is what gives your spine the flexibility to move. The disk also acts as a shock absorber and a connecting link between each vertebral body. It is made off a fibrous outer ring called the annulus and the inner region, also know as the nucleus, is more of a gelatin material. Nerves branch out from the spinal cord and pass through the openings of the vertebrae. When a disk weakens, the outer ring may not be able to contain the material in the center of the disk. This will result in a herniated disk which can cause severe pain because of the bulge thats pushing against the nerves. The correct terminology for a herniated disk is referred to as a Herniated Nucleus Polpusus.
Herniated Lumbar Disk Links From RXAddict.com All about herniated lumbar disk from RXAddict.com surgery, outpatient procedure, under local anesthesia - San Francisco bay area.. herniated lumbar disk Injury Law http://www.rxaddict.com/g/conditionpage/Herniated_Lumbar_Disk
Herniated Lumbar Disk - Herniated Lumbar Disc herniated lumbar disk. Excessive weight The first steps to deal with aherniated or prolapsed lumbar disk are conservative. These include http://www.diagnostico.com/Trejos/herniate.stm
Extractions: Diagnostico.com Search key words MENU By Disease By System Pediatrics Other links Dr. Trejos Dr. Humberto Trejos Lumbar Disk Herniated Lumbar Disk Surgery for Herniated Lumbar Disk ... Surgery for Parkinson Herniated Lumbar Disk Excessive weight, bad postures, undue movements, improper weight lifting and other kind of traumas may weaken the inter vertebral disks. When this occurs the pulpous nucleus (spongy center) will bulge against the annulus (outer ring), or even be squeezed through it. If this bulged, or herniated disk, presses one of the nerves, it will produce pain going down the leg, in the distribution of the nerve, and maybe in the lower back. Sciatic pain occurs when the disk presses one of the nerves that form the sciatic nerve. Other symptoms could be weakness, tingling or numbness on the areas corresponding to the affected nerve. Sometimes bladder compromise is also present, which is made evident for urine retention and this need to be taken care as an emergency. The first steps to deal with a herniated or prolapsed lumbar disk are conservative. These include rest, analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication and in some cases physical therapy. At this point it is convenient to have some plain X-rays done, in search of some indirect evidence of the disk problem, as well as of degenerative changes on the spine.
Classic Disquectomy - Lumbar Disc Classic diskectomy for herniated lumbar disks. Who needs it and how it works Lumbar Disk. herniated lumbar disk. Surgery for herniated lumbar disk http://www.ampos.com/Trejos/convsurg.stm
Extractions: Microdiskectomy The most used type of surgery for a herniated disk is the "classical" diskectomy. This is done under general anesthesia. An incision on the skin is performed, the muscles of the spine are separated from the vertebra and retracted laterally to allow the passage of the surgical instruments. Then a "window" in the vertebra is done, removing a variable amount of bone; through this opening the nerve root is identified and retracted aside, the annulus is incised and the nucleus is removed in fragments with forceps. Microdiskectomy is the same procedure, but done under the operating microscope, this allows the surgeon to do it through a minimal incision and that the amount of bone, if needed to be removed, be insignificant. It also allows more gentle manipulation of the tissues and nerve, giving more security to the procedure. The post operative discomfort is much less than that of the classical diskectomy.
Extractions: Skip navigation Other encyclopedia topics: A-Ag Ah-Ap Aq-Az B-Bk ... Z Contents of this page: Skeletal spine Herniated nucleus pulposis Herniated disk repair Alternative names Return to top Lumbar radiculopathy; Cervical radiculopathy; Herniated intervertebral disk; Prolapsed intervertebral disk; Slipped disk; Ruptured disk Definition Return to top A condition in which part or all of the soft, gelatinous central portion of an intervertebral disk (the nucleus pulposus) is forced through a weakened part of the disk, resulting in back pain and leg pain caused by nerve root irritation. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Return to top The bones of the spinal column, or vertebrae, run down the back connecting the skull to the pelvis. These bones protect nerves as they exit the brain and travel down the back and then to the entire body. The spinal column is divided into several segments the cervical spine (the neck), the thoracic spine (the part of the back behind the chest), the lumbar spine (lower back), and sacral spine (the part connected to the pelvis that does not move). The spinal vertebrae are separated by cartilage disks filled with a gelatinous substance, that provide cushioning to the spinal column. These disks may herniate (move out of place) or rupture from trauma or
SmartEngine - SmartGuide ( DISEASE Herniated Lumbar Disk ) All about DISEASE herniated lumbar disk from SmartEngine.com herniated lumbar disk Injury Law - http//www.spinal-cord-injury-resources. com http://disease.smartengine.com/shell/smartpage/Herniated_Lumbar_Disk
The Herniated Lumbar Disk The herniated lumbar disk During a lifetime, few individuals escape back pain. http://www.mtsu.edu/~wwhitehi/atep/496/projects/lumbardisk.html
Extractions: The Herniated Lumbar Disk Jamie Leaver Rehabilitation Techniques ATHT 4960 During a lifetime, few individuals escape back pain. The most common cause of limited activity in persons 45 years of age and younger is low back pain (Andrews, 1998) Approximately 10% of injuries associated with sports are related to the spine. The importance of the mechanical and structural properties of the intravertebral disk are of considerable interest in the relationship of injury to sports activity. At the time of injury it is important to understand the role of modified and supervised activity in trying to avoid deconditioning (Hochschuler, 1990). The human spine consists of 24 vertebrae and 23 intervertebral disks. The last five vertebrae are known as the lumbar spine and contain five intervertebral disks. Each vertebrae contain a superior articular process, inferior articular process and a spinous process. The superior articular process of one vertebrae connects with the inferior articular process of the vertebrae directly above it. These processes are also called facets. Accordingly, this joint is the facet joint. The disk is responsible for the attachment of vertebral bodies to each other. The disks increase in size from the superior to the inferior spine. The lumbosacral disk is the exception. It is one third smaller than the L5 (Lumbar) disk and lies between the lumbar spine and the sacrum. The concave curving of the spine is known as lordosis. Because of this curvature, the lumbar disks are higher anteriorly than posteriorly (Kramer 1981).
Herniated Lumbar Disk herniated lumbar disk. This article submitted by Deborah I. Maldonado on 1/27/97. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/SpinalDisordersArticles/1.27.978.
Extractions: Dear Readers, My father is 50 years old and has had severe back problems for several years due to his participation in gymnastics and football during his youth. He recently found out about a herniated lumbar disk. His doctor has suggested surgical intervention but he is seeking other options. What treatments might you suggest? What are the risks? Thank you in advance for your help. Next Article
Herniated Lumbar Disk herniated lumbar disk. (Please click on pictures for a more detailed view). Fig.1 Artists rendering of herniated disk. Fig. 2 CT scan showing herniated disk. http://buffaloneuro.com/lumdisk/hernlum.htm
Extractions: Herniated Lumbar Disk (Please click on pictures for a more detailed view) Fig. 1: Artists rendering of herniated disk Fig. 2: CT scan showing herniated disk Fig. 3: MRI showing herniated disk The lumbar intervertebral disk is made up of a fibrous outer ring called the annulus and a gelatinous inner portion called the nucleus (fig. 1). The disk acts as a cushion between the vertebral bodies. When herniation occurs, the nucleus pushes through the annulus of the disk producing pressure on the nerve root and/or cauda equina. This is demonstrated on the CT scan (fig. 2), the MRI (fig. 3) and the myelogram (fig. 4). Nearly all patients complain of leg pain (sciatica) in the distribution of one or more nerve roots. Some have back pain as well. Frequently, patients can be treated conservatively with success. However, when their ability to perform normal day to day functions is degraded for a substantial period of time (4-6 weeks), or in the presence of progressing neurological deficit (i.e. foot drop, loss of control of bowel and bladder, cauda equina syndrome), lumbar microdiskectomy is the most effective treatment. During microdiskectomy, the offending disk fragment and much of the loose nucleus are removed through a small, one to two inch incision (figs. 5-8). With success rates of around 90%, patients are able to return to work and full activity in an average of about 10 weeks. Our group has the most extensive experience in Western New York performing outpatient microdiskectomy. In the past 3 years, we have performed more than 1000 of these procedures successfully. Patients prefer this to overnight stay in the hospital.
Low Back (Lumbar) Herniated Disk--MRI And Model Model and MRI of Normal and herniated lumbar disk. Normal Lumbar Disk Model.Red = Disk Material. herniated lumbar disk Model. Red = Disk Material. http://www.emedx.com/emedx/diagnosis_information/back-neck_disorders/low_back_sl
Herniated Disc Hub Surgery in Patients with herniated lumbar disk by Group Health Northwest. Surgicaldiscectomy is cost effective for certain patients with herniated discs. http://www.knowdeep.org/herniated/
Extractions: Herniated disc, also known as ruptured disc, is when a portion of the intervertebral disc material bulges and sticks out into the neural canal. The herniated disc can press backwards onto the spinal cord or any of the nerves that come off of the spinal cord and go to your skin and muscles. On this hub page, you will find reviewed and categorized links about herniated disc. Acne Allergy Antibiotics Antioxidants ... Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Options for Herniated Lumbar Disc - by S. Craig Humphreys M.D., and Jason C. Eck, M.S., Chattanooga, Tennessee. Herniated Lumbar Disc - by North American Spine Society. Herniated nucleus pulposus (slipped disk) - by MEDLINEplus. A New Horizon for the Management of Herniated Disc of Cervical and Lumbar Spine - by S.M. Rezaian, M.D., Ph.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., California Orthopaedic Medical Clinic, Beverly Hills, California. Lumbar Disc Disease - by NYU Dept. of Neurosurgery. Herniated Cervical Disc - by North American Spine Society. Two-Level Thoracic Disc Herniation - by Niels Levi M.D. and Kjeld Dons M.D. Department of Neurosurgery, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Surgery in Patients with Herniated Lumbar Disk - by Group Health Northwest.
Bulging Disk and the options for treatment.. Healthlink Herniated Disk - Links to information on herniated disks.herniated lumbar disk - http://www.ability.org.uk/Ruptured_Disk.html
Extractions: Our Aims Services Stats ... Z Bulging Disk Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Options for Herniated Lumbar Disc - Illustrated discussion of causes of disc herniation, assessment, imaging procedures and both surgical and non-surgical treatment. - Disc disease in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine can cause neck pain, back pain, arm pain, leg pain or any combination of the above. Healthlink - Herniated Disk - Links to information on herniated disks. Herniated Lumbar Disk - Description and the options for treatment.. Ruptured Disk - Definition, symptoms, tests, treatment. Ruptured Lumbar Disk - Surgery, laminectomy, discectomy for a herniated or ruptured lumbar disk is a common procedure for low back pain that involves pain radiating into the leg. Anatomy and other forms of rupture disk surgery. SpineOnline - Especially about herniated disc, ruptured disk, slipped disk, spine, laminectomy. Webmaster . Site Design by Ability "see the ability, not the disability" Acknowledgments
Herniated Lumbar Disk-DynoMed.com herniated lumbar disk, A herniated lumbar disk is typically preceded by an episodeof low back pain or a long history of intermittent episodes of low back pain. http://www.dynomed.com/encyclopedia/encyclopedia/spine/Herniated_Lumbar_Disk.htm
Extractions: The cervical vertebrae are the seven vertebrae that form the upper part of your spine, between the skull and the chest. The thoracic vertebrae are the 12 bones between your neck and your lower back. Thoracic vertebrae have cup-shaped surfaces called facets, in which the ribs rest and connect to the spine. These joints help the ribs to move up and down during breathing. The lumbar vertebrae are the five largest and strongest of all vertebrae. They are found in your lower back between the chest and hips. The strong muscles of the back are attached to the lumbar vertebrae. Your sacrum and coccyx are the bones found at the base of your spine. The triangular sacrummade up of five vertebrae fused togethersupports the spine and connects it to the pelvis. Your coccyx, or tailbone, is formed from four fused vertebrae and has little function. The vertebral foramen is the hollow part of the vertebrae where the spinal chord (nerve tissues) attaches to your brain and sends signals all over your body.
Member Sign In successful surgical treatment is well documented in adolescents, it has been foundthat in the absence of neurologic deficit, a herniated lumbar disk can be http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/444338