ÃÈÄÐÎÑÈÐÈÍÃÎÌÈÅËÈß (ÝÒÈÎÏÀÒÎÃÅÍÅÇ, ÊËÈÍÈÊÀ hydrosyringomyelia ETIOLOGY, PATHOGENESIS, CLINIC AND NEUROSURGICALASPECTS OF TREATMENT. VV Kopanitza. Summary. Today there is still http://www.umj.kiev.ua/arhiv/20/5.asp
Extractions: HYDROSYRINGOMYELIA: ETIOLOGY, PATHOGENESIS, CLINIC AND NEUROSURGICAL ASPECTS OF TREATMENT V.V. Kopanitza Summary. Today there is still much unclear in the origin of hydrosyringomyelia. Different conceptions exist as to its etiology and pathogenesis, and a number of suggestions are under discussion. The dysontogenetic theory dominant until the mid-century, attributed the gliosis origination and the spinal cord cavities formation to the embryonal nervous tissue developmental defects. Within the last decades, however, the new research methods came into being, making it possible to detalise the symptomatology and extend the knowledge of the pathogenesis of this severe and progressive central nervous system disease. Key words: hydrosyringomyelia, etiopathogenesis, classification, clinic, surgical treatment.
Home Page Of Neurochirurgical Department Particular Aspects. Troubles of CSF Circulation (Hydrocephalus, hydrosyringomyelia,Meningoceles); Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy; http://www.md.ucl.ac.be/nech/
Äèàãíîñòèêà è äèôôåðåíöèàëüíàÿ äèàãíîñòèê� Diagnostic and differential diagnostic of hydrosyringomyelia. KopanitsaVV. From the viewpoint of the nervous system general pathology http://www.intermag.kiev.ua/uan/bulet/num9/21.html
Extractions:  ôîðìàò³ PDF Îòîíåâðîëîãè÷åñêîå èññëåäîâàíè ñ âêëþ÷åíèåì ëàðèíãîñêîïèè è ýëåêòðîíèñòàãìîãðàôèè (ïîçâîëÿåò îïðåäåëèòü óðîâåíü è ñòåïåíü ïîðàæåíèÿ ñòâîëà ãîëîâíîãî ìîçãà, âîâëå÷åíèå ÿäåð V, VIII, IX, X ïàð ÷åðåïíûõ íåðâîâ, ãèïåðòåíçèþ). Ëàìèíýêòîìèÿ ñ ÷ðåñêîæíîé è ïðÿìîé êèñòîãðàôèåé (ïîçâîëÿåò îöåíèòü ôîðìó è âåëè÷èíó ñèðèíãîìèåëèòè÷åñêîé êèñòû è åå ñîîáùåíèå ñ IV æåëóäî÷êîì). ÊÒ è ÌÐÒ, èõ ñî÷åòàíèå ñ êîíòðàñòíûìè ìåòîäàìè èññëåäîâàíèÿ (ïíåâìîìèåëîãðàôèÿ, ïîçèòèâíàÿ ìèåëîãðàôèÿ) ïîçâîëÿþò âûÿâèòü îñíîâíûå ñòðóêòóðíûå ïàòîëîãè÷åñêèå îòêëîíåíèÿ: ãèäðîöåôàëèþ, ýêòîïèþ ìèíäàëèí ìîçæå÷êà è ñòâîëà ìîçãà, îêêëþçèþ IV æåëóäî÷êà, ïîëîñòè â ìîçãå, èõ ôîðìó, ñîîáùåíèå ïîëîñòåé ñ IV æåëóäî÷êîì, óòîëùåíèå è Íà ðàííèõ ýòàïàõ áîëåçíè âûñòóïàþò ïðåæäå âñåãî ðåãèîíàðíûå èçìåíåíèÿ íà ìèêðîöèðêóëÿòîðíîì óðîâíå, ÷òî ìîæíî âûÿâèòü, èñïîëüçóÿ âåãåòàòèâíûå òåñòû, ïðîñòûå è ðåçóëüòàòèâíûå, ýëåêòðîòåðìîìåòðèþ, òåïëîâèäåíèå, èññëåäîâàíèå æèäêèìè êðèñòàëëàìè è ìåòîäû, õàðàêòåðèçóþùèå ñîñóäèñòóþ ïðîíèöàåìîñòü. Î çàèíòåðåñîâàííîñòè áîëåå âûñîêèõ îòäåëîâ ãîëîâíîãî ìîçãà, â ÷àñòíîñòè ãèïîòàëÿìóñà, áóäóò ñâèäåòåëüñòâîâàòü äàííûå èññëåäîâàíèÿ æèðîâîãî, âîäíîãî, óãëåâîäíîãî îáìåíîâ, ñîñòîÿíèÿ ñîìàòîòðîïíîé ôóíêöèè ãèïîôèçà ñ ïðîâåäåíèåì òåñòà ñ L-ÄÎÔÀ. Ïðîâåäåíèå áèîõèìè÷åñêèõ è èììóíîëîãè÷åñêèõ èññëåäîâàíèé êðîâè è öåðåáðîñïèíàëüíîé æèäêîñòè è îöåíêà ìîðôîôóíêöèîíàëüíûõ ñâîéñòâ êëåòîê êðîâè ïîçâîëÿþò ñóäèòü î ïðîãðåäèåíòíîñòè ïðîöåññà, ãëóáèíå ìåòàáîëè÷åñêèõ ñäâèãîâ è ñòåïåíè íàðóøåíèÿ èììóííûõ ñâîéñòâ îðãàíèçìà ó áîëüíûõ ãèäðîñèðèíãîìèåëèåé [4,8].
Publikationen Kinderheilkunde 1998 Woelfle J Haverkamp F, Comment on Nogues M (1999) Repeated syncopes and extendetpaediatric hydrosyringomyelia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 65 (5) 805. http://publ.meb.uni-bonn.de/KIN1998.HTM
Extractions: Index Publikationen (deutsch) Index Publications (english) Bezugsquellen Impressum Ahrens P Pabelick C Schledt U Behne M Zielen S (Safety axpects of bronchoalveolar lavage in risk patients in childhoodcontinuous end-expiratory pCO2 monitoring). Pneumologie 1998 Mar;52(3):157-60 Albers N Management of recombinant human growth hormone therapy at puberty. Hormone Research 49 (Suppl 2): 58-61 Albers N Management of recombinant human growth hormone therapy at puberty. Horm Res 49 (Suppl 2):58-61 Carbohydrates in human Nutrition. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO expert consultation. FAO food and nutrition paper 66, pp.1-127 Bettendorf M Albers N Bauer J Heinrich UE Linderkamp O Maser Gluth C Longitudinal evaluation of salivary cortisol levels in full-term and preterm neonates. Horm Res 50:303-308 Differential immune response to influenza and pneumococcal vaccination in immunosuppressed patients after heart transplantation. Transplantation, 1998 Nov 27;66(10):1340-7 Hagen v C Noeker M Haverkamp F Kongenitale Hypothyreose: Neuropsychologische und neuromotorische Risiken. Screening Journal 1, 6-13
Neurological Syndromes A cervicothoracic syndrome may occur in animals (usually dogs) with hydrosyringomyelia(See Syringomyelia and Hydromyelia), often in association with Chiari http://www.ivis.org/special_books/Braund/braund1/chapter_frm.asp?LA=1
Pediatrix Medical Group - Parent's Guide - Conditions & Diseases hydrosyringomyelia A split that can occur in the spinal cordNot visible to the eye; Requires MRI or CT Scan to diagnose. The http://www.pediatrix.com/parents/Neonatal_Medicine/Conditions/conditions-ntd.htm
Extractions: What is NTD? NTD includes a wide variety of malformations that usually involve the nervous system. They occur in the United States in about 1 of every 500 births. The spectrum of NTD includes: Meningocele A balloon-like, fluid-filled extension of the meninges Meningomyelocele Same as meningocele except it now includes spinal cord tissue Encephalocele Similar to meningomyelocele, except it involves the skull and brain Anencephaly One of the most serious malformations with lack of brain development Hydrosyringomyelia A split that can occur in the spinal cord The primary system involved is the nervous system, including the brain and the spinal cord. However, many other organs can be involved. Most common are:
Extractions: Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) Table of Contents NOROL BIL D 18: 1 , 2001 http://www.med.ege.edu.tr/norolbil/2000/NBD12000.html Clinical Report SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF SYRINGOMYELIA ASSOCIATED WITH CHIARI I MALFORMATION Efkan COLPAN, Sükrü CAGLAR, Ayse KARATAS, Zafer AYDIN, Yücel KANPOLAT, Ertekin ARASIL, Ahmet ERDOGAN, Cumhur DINCER, Nihat EGEMEN Ankara University, Medical Faculty, Department of Neurosurgery, Ankara, Turkey ABSTRACT Key-words: Chiari I malformation, Syringomyelia, Surgical management Chiari malformasyonlarý muhtemelen birbiri ile iliþkisiz dört tip arka beyin anomalisini kapsamaktadýr. Chiari I malformasyonu bilindiði gibi primer serebellar ektopi, tonsiller herniasyon ve birlikte serebellum kaudal kýsmýnýn ve/veya medulla oblangatanýn kaudale doðru yer deðiþtirmesi ve spinal kanal içerisine girmesi ile oluþmaktadýr. Spinal kordda syringomiyeli ve hidromiyeli olabilir . Bazý olgular lumboperitoneal ve lumbar ponksiyon sonrasý edinsel olarak görülebilmektedir. Chiari I malformasyonunda spinal kanalda beyin omurilik sývýsý ile dolu kavitasyonlarýn yani syringomyelinin önde gelen sebeplerindendir. Syringomyelinin oluþmasýnda deðiþik mekanizmalar öne sürülmüþtür. Serebrospinal sývýnýn akýmýnýn foramen magnumda intrakraniyal ve intraspinal subaraknoid boþluk arasýnda geçiþinin olmayýþý syringomiyeli oluþma sebepleri arasýnda sayýlmaktadýr. Chiari I malformasyonunda en sýk görülen belirtiler; suboksipital aðrý, kuvvetsizlik, duyu kusuru, ýsý duyusu kaybý, dengesizlik, diplopia v.b þeklinde sýralanabilir. Nörolojik muayenede santral kord sendromu, foramen magnum basýsý sendromu, serebellar sendroma ait bulgular gözlenir. Syringomiyelide cerrahi tedavi için çeþitli teknikler önerilmektedir.Bu çalýþmamýzda Chiari I malformasyonu ile birlikte görülen syringomiyeli olgularýnýn cerrahi tedavilerinin sonuçlarý deðerlendirilmiþtir.
EMedicine - Spina Bifida : Article By Mark R Foster, MD, PhD Syringomyelia or hydrosyringomyelia is the presence of cavities in the spinalcord, which may be due to the breakdown of gliomatous new formations. http://www.emedicine.com/orthoped/topic557.htm
Extractions: (advertisement) Home Specialties CME PDA ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Orthopedic Surgery Spine Last Updated: March 13, 2002 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: spina bifida cystica, spina bifida occulta, SBO, myelomeningocele, myelodysplasia, syringomeningocele, rachischisis posterior, syringomyelocele, diastematomyelia, dysraphia, Arnold-Chiari deformity, craniorachischisis, spondyloschisis AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 10 Author Information Introduction Indications Relevant Anatomy And Contraindications ... Bibliography Author: Mark R Foster, MD, PhD , Clinical Instructor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Mark R Foster, MD, PhD, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons American Association for the Advancement of Science American College of Surgeons Eastern Orthopaedic Association ... Orthopaedic Research Society , and Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Association Editor(s): Lee H Riley III, MD
EMedicine - Myelomeningocele : Article By Kat Kolaski, MD hydrosyringomyelia is caused by hydrocephalus that results in entry of CSF intothe central canal of the spinal cord, causing dilatation and pressure. http://www.emedicine.com/pmr/topic83.htm
Extractions: (advertisement) Home Specialties CME PDA ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medical Diseases Last Updated: May 30, 2002 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: open spinal dysraphism, neural tube defect, myelodysplasia, spina bifida, spina bifida cystica, spina bifida aperta, open spina bifida AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 10 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography Author: Kat Kolaski, MD , Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of North Carolina; Director, Pediatric and Adolescent Rehabilitation, Charlotte Institute of Rehabilitation Kat Kolaski, MD, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine American Academy of Pediatrics American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , and North Carolina Medical Society Editor(s): Teresa L Massagli, MD
Developmental CNS Abnormalities 2. Symptomatic Chiari. 3. hydrosyringomyelia. Spinal cord. Compression ofupper segements and associated with hydrosyringomyelia (8090%). http://www.ucch.org/sections/neurosurg/NeuroReview/11-Pediatrics/SpinalDysraphis
Extractions: Definitions Spinal dysraphism . A generic term describing pathologic conditions related to improper closure of the caudal neuropore. Encompasses all conditions associated with spina bifida. Craniorachischisis . Total failure of neurulation. It is the most severe form of spinal dysraphism. There is no dorsal axial skeleton or dermal covering. Myeloschisis . Midline clefting of the spinal cord, partial or complete. Spina bifida cystica . Refers to a meningocele or meningomyelocele. Spina bifida aperta . A defect open to the environment. Neural plaque (or placode ). The dorsal neural tissue contained within the meningomyelocele.
ICP Monitors Neurosurg 28353357, 1991. Hoffman HJ. hydrosyringomyelia and its managementin childhood. Neurosurg 21347-351, 1987. Muhonen MG, et al. http://www.ucch.org/sections/neurosurg/NeuroReview/11-Pediatrics/ChiariMalformat
Extractions: Chiari Malformations Definition Historical Arnold-Chiari malformation Classification of Chiari Malformations Type I Caudal displacement of cerebellar tonsils below foramen magnum. Type II Caudal displacement of the cerebellar vermis, IVth ventricle, and lower brainstem below foramen magnum, associated with myelodysplasia. Type III Caudal displacement of the cerebellum and brainstem into a high cervical meningocele. Type IV Cerebellar hypoplasia. Of questionable relation to the others. Embryology day 24 while the posterior neuropore closes 2-5 days later. As the neural tube closes, three flexures form shaping the cephalic end of the tube. First is the cephalic flexure, placing the forebrain at a right angle to the hindbrain. Then the cervical flexure forms. The pontine flexure forms last (about day 29) and is probably caused by increased growth within the rhombencephalon. Because of the pontine flexure formation, the thin roof of the rhombencephalon becomes creased transversely, and this fold is known as the plica chorioidea. It contains the choroid plexus that will come in direct contact with the ependymal lining, and ultimately correlate with the foramina of Luschka. All of the cerebellum will develop rostral to this line and come to overlie the posterior portion of the ventricular roof as a result of later explosive growth. rhombic lip . The paired cerebellar primordia are pushed upward and medially, meeting in the midline and starting their
Chiari I Malformation Can cause symptoms such as headache, balance problems, incontinence and memoryproblems. hydrosyringomyelia a fluid cavity in the spinal cord. http://tribble.missouri.edu/ns/chiari/chiariglossary.htm
Extractions: The Chiari Clinic Mission Who We Are Location ... Glossary Apnea: to stop breathing intermittently, often due to compression on the brainstem or lower cranial nerves Arachnoid: the closest membrane covering the brain, appears to resemble a spider web. There are 3 layers of covering of the brain and spinal cord- the dura, arachnoid and pia. Arachnoiditis: inflammation of the arachnoid Aspirate: inhaling fluids into the lungs. Inability to swallow properly, thereby allowing fluid into the lungs. Asymptomatic: without symptoms. Someone who has no symptoms that can be attributed to a disorder. Ataxia: inability to coordinate movement. Stumbling when walking, or inability to maintain a fluid gait when asked to walk a straight line. Atrophy: wasting away of the muscle, often due to lack of use or inability to exercise a muscle. Atrophic: changes in the muscle that create an appearance of being wasted away Basilar Invagination: the base of the skull and the first cervical vertebra dent inward, causing pressure on the brainstem or upper cervical spinal cord. Catheter: small, soft plastic tube used to drain fluid. A foley catheter is often inserted into the bladder for surgey. A shunt catheter can be inserted into a syrinx or the ventricles.
Thieme Medical Publishers : Table Of Contents:DeWald, Spinal Deformities Developmental Spinal Cord Abnormalities; The Spine in Friedrich's Ataxia, CharcotMarie-ToothDisease; Cerebral Palsy, Myelodysplasia, hydrosyringomyelia, Rett http://www.thieme.com/SID2088980784223/productsubpages/toc/pubid-326769985.html
Extractions: VI. Pathology: Pathophysiology of Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease; Spinal Inflammatory Arthritides; Spinal Neuroarthropathy (Charcot's Spine); Pyogenic Vertebral Infection; Coagulation Disorders in Spine Surgery; Blood Conservation Strategies in Spine Surgery; Management of Metastatic Disease to the Spine.
Extractions: Adenauerallee 119, D-53113 Bonn, Tel 49-228-2873213, Fax 49-228-2873314 Publikationen 1993 - 1997 Albani M, Gumermuth G, Doose H, Elger C, Fichsel H, Hanefeld F, Heyer R, Jacobi G, Kruse R, Lipinski C, Nolte R, Palm D, Penin H. Rating D, Ritz A, Scollo-Lavizzari G, Speckmann E, Scheffner D, Weinmann HM (1991) Standardtherapien der Epilepsien im Kindes- und Jugendalter. I. Fieberkrämpfe, Epilepsie-Blätter 4, 17-18 Albani M, Gumermuth G, Doose H, Elger C, Fichsel H, Hanefeld F, Heyer R, Jacobi G, Kruse R, Lipinski C, Nolte R, Palm D, Penin H. Rating D, Ritz A, Scollo-Lavizzari G, Speckmann E, Scheffner D, Weinmann HM (1991) Standardtherapien der Epilepsien im Kindes- und Jugendalter. II. West-Syndrom (BNS-Krämpfe, infantile spasms), Epilepsie-Blätter 4, 19-20 Albani M, Gumermuth G, Doose H, Elger C, Fichsel H, Hanefeld F, Heyer R, Jacobi G, Kruse R, Lipinski C, Nolte R, Palm D, Penin H. Rating D, Ritz A, Scollo-Lavizzari G, Speckmann E, Scheffner D, Weinmann HM (1991) Standardtherapien der Epilepsien im Kindes- und Jugendalter. III. Juvenile Epilepsie mit generalisierten tonisch-klonischen Anfällen (Aufwach-Epilepsie), Epilepsie-Blätter 4, 20-21
Division Of Neurosurgery developed. One is Chiari malformation and hydrosyringomyelia. Patientsoften present in the pediatric age group with scoliosis. http://www.childrenshospitalla.org/neurosurgery2.html
Extractions: Every year, Division surgeons perform approximately 100 operations for tumors on the brain or spine. All of the latest technical equipment is available to provide the most advanced approach to surgical resection of tumors of the central nervous system. An excellent ICU staff is available to help with management of the immediate post-operative care of these patients. Physicians at CHLA are active and leading participants in the Childrens Cancer Group wherein new modes of therapy are continually being evaluated to improve outcomes for our patients with these devastating diseases. Our outcome statistics exceed or match any other program within the United States and beyond.
Instability Of The Cervical Spine And Neurological Involvement the neck is extended. There is no evidence of Chiari malformation,diastematomyelia, or hydrosyringomyelia. Active extension of http://www.simmonsortho.com/literature/Instability_of_the_Cervical_Sp/instabilit
Extractions: From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston The clinical and pathological findings in patients who Klippel-Feil syndrome have been well documented . The original classic triad of features was described by Klippel and Feil as a short neck, a low hairline posteriorly, and a restricted range of motion of the neck. Since then, other musculoskeletal defects, as well as genitourinary, auditory, cardiopulmonary, and neurological anomalies, have been found to be frequently associated with Kipple-Feil syndrome . The various anomalies of cervical spine have been further characterized and defined . Most patients who have this syndrome are first seen with restricted motion of the neck, torticollis, webbing of the neck, or Sprengel deformity
MUMS List Of Disorders - H central spinal cord) (2); Hydronephrosis (44) *; hydrosyringomyelia ArnoldChiari (1); Hyper IGA Syndrome (2); Hyper IGE Syndrome http://www.netnet.net/mums/mum_h.htm