Lipoid Nephrosis lipoid nephrosis. A Medical General Hospital. A resource with informationon over 4000 medical topics including lipoid nephrosis.
Minimal Change Nephropathy Minimal Change Nephropathy A. Characteristics See outline NephroticSyndrome Commonly called lipoid nephrosis; Mainly occurs in
Extractions: See outline "Nephrotic Syndrome" Commonly called Lipoid Nephrosis Mainly occurs in young children, with male predominance 76% of nephrotic syndrome in children 26% of nephrotic syndrome in adults Generally selective proteinuria = albumin, suggesting charge defect involved Relapsing course Uncommon hematuria and hypertension
Kidneys - Nephrotic Syndrome A range of causes Minimal change disease (lipoid nephrosis) is themost common form of nephrotic syndrome in children. Generally
Extractions: Among the more serious KIDNEY DISEASES are glomerulonephritis, nephrosis, and pyelonephritis. Of the many observed forms of glomerulonephritis, most show evidence of deposits of antibody-antigen complexes in the glomeruli, the kidney's filtering units; thus one common form of the disease occurs two to three weeks after an infection of the throat or skin with streptococci. Most cases are temporary but a few become chronic, leading to kidney failure and UREMIA. Nephrosis, or nephrotic syndrome , is an outpouring of protein into the urine due to glomeruli damage. It is not itself a disease but a symptom observed at some time in the course of chronic glomerulonephritis, multiple myeloma, lupus erythematosus, or other serious diseases. Pyelonephritis is a serious infection of kidney tissue that can result in permanent damage if not treated promptly. It usually results from bacterial infections of the BLADDER (see CYSTITIS) or of the URETER, the tube ascending from the bladder to the kidney.
THE LIGHTNING HYPERTEXT OF DISEASE. minimal change foot process disease foot, process disease disease, foot process footprocessdisease epithelial-cell disease lipoid nephrosis lipoid, nephrosis
Extractions: (advertisement) Synonyms, Key Words, and Related Terms: MCD, idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood, lipoid nephrosis, minimal-change nephropathy, minimal-change nephrotic syndrome, MCNS, nil disease, steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome Background: Minimal-change disease (MCD), also known as lipoid nephrosis or nil disease, is the most common single form of nephrotic syndrome in children. It refers to a histopathologic lesion in the glomerulus that almost always is associated with nephrotic syndrome. It typically is a disease of childhood, but it also can occur in adults. Pathophysiology: It is postulated that MCD is a disorder of T cells, which release a cytokine that injures the glomerular epithelial foot processes. This, in turn, leads to a decreased synthesis of polyanions. The polyanions constitute the normal charge barrier to the filtration of macromolecules such as albumin. When the polyanions are damaged, leakage of albumin follows. The identity of this circulating permeability factor is uncertain, although it is postulated that it may be hemopexin. Some of the cytokines that have been studied in MCD are interleukin-12 (IL-12) and interleukin-4 (IL-4). IL-12 levels have been found to be elevated in peripheral blood monocytes during the active phase and normalized during remission. Interleukin-18 (IL-18) can synergize with IL-12 to selectively increase the production of vascular permeability factor from T cells. In addition, levels of IL-4 and CD23 (a receptor for immunoglobulin E) have been found to be elevated in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
Lipoid Nephrosis lipoid nephrosis. A Medical Arundel Hospital. A resource with informationon over 4000 medical topics including lipoid nephrosis.
Extractions: 1Up Health Minimal change disease Alternative Medicine Clinical Trials ... Health Topics A-Z Search 1Up Health Minimal change disease Information Minimal change disease Causes, Incidence, and Risk Factors Alternative names : Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood, Lipoid nephrosis, Minimal change nephrotic syndrome, Nil disease Definition : A disorder of the kidneys that affects the structures (glomeruli) which include small capillaries surrounded by membranes through which the blood is filtered to form urine. Minimal change disease is one cause of nephrotic syndrome . It is named because under a light microscope the glomeruli appear totally normal. Under an electron microscope characteristic changes in the glomeruli can be seen, including the fusion of a portion of the epithelial layer.
Untitled Document a. lipoid nephrosis (minimal change glomerulonephritis) b. hemolytic transfusionreaction c. crush injury with myoglobinuria d. hemorrhagic shock e. bilateral
Extractions: d. hypotension and palpable abdominal masses are frequent clinical findings in symptomatic patients In consideration of the disease, chronic pyelonephritis, all of the following statements are correct except: a. This disease must be considered in the differential diagnosis of any patient with nephrotic syndrome.
Óðîâíè Èë Matsumoto K., Osakabe K., Katayama H., Hatano M. In vitro lymphocyte disfunctionin lipoid nephrosis mediated by suppressor cells. Nephron 1982; 32 270272.
Extractions: IL-10, IL-8 in Serum of Children with Different Variants of Steroid-Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome of Primary Chronic Glomerulonephritis T.V. Vashurina, T.B. Sentsova, T.V. Sergeeva g (IFN- g ) ïðîäóöèðóþòñÿ Ò-õåëïåðàìè 1 (Th 1). Èíòåðëåéêèí 4 (Èë-4) ÿâëÿåòñÿ öèòîêèíîì Òh2. Èë-10, Èë-13 ñåêðåòèðóþòñÿ â áîëüøåé ñòåïåíè Th2, â ìåíüøåé - Th0, Th1. Ñëåäîâàòåëüíî, ñîîòíîøåíèå IFN- g Ìíîãèå èññëåäîâàíèÿ ïðîäåìîíñòðèðîâàëè ïîâûøåííóþ àêòèâíîñòü êëîíà ñóïðåññîðíûõ/öèòîòîêñè÷åñêèõ êëåòîê (CD8+) è íàòóðàëüíûõ êèëëåðîâ (NK-êëåòîê) ïðè ðåöèäèâå ÍÑÌÈ [1,2,12]. Íåñêîëüêî ðàáîò ïîêàçàëè òàêæå in vitro óâåëè÷åííóþ ìèòîãåíñòèìóëèðîâàííóþ ïðîäóêöèþ Èë-2, Èë-4 è IFN- g ëèìôîöèòàìè äåòåé ñî ñòåðîèä÷óâñòâèòåëüíûì ÍÑ [11,13]. Ïîâûøåííûå óðîâíè Èë-2, IFN- g , ðàñòâîðèìîãî ðåöåïòîðà Èë-2 (SIL-2R) â êðîâè è óäàëåííàÿ ýêñïðåññèÿ IL-2R íà ëèìôîöèòàõ òàêæå íàáëþäàëèñü äðóãèìè àâòîðàìè ïðè ðåöèäèâå ýòîãî çàáîëåâàíèÿ [1,4,5,12]. Ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûå ðåçóëüòàòû áûëè ïîëó÷åíû Hui-Kim Yap et al. (1999). Ýòè èññëåäîâàòåëè íå íàøëè ïîâûøåíèÿ ýêñïðåññèè ìÐÍÊ Èë-2, IFN- g in vitro èíãèáèöèþ ñåêðåöèè VPF â êîíêàíàâàëèí À-ñòèìóëèðîâàííûõ ÏÌÊ ïîñëå ââåäåíèÿ ðåêîìáèíàíòíîãî ÷åëîâå÷åñêîãî Èë-10 [7]. Êîìáèíàöèÿ äâóõ öèòîêèíîâ (Èë-10 è Èë-13, Èë-10 è Èë-4) ñïîñîáñòâîâàëà ïîòåíöèàëüíîé ñèíåðãè÷åñêîé ñóïðåññèè ýòîãî ôàêòîðà [8,9].
Ãëîìåðóëÿðíîå âîñïàëåíèå è èíòåðëåéêèí Interleukin10 inhibits vascular permeability factor release by perypheral bloodmononuclear cells in patients with lipoid nephrosis. Nephron 1997; 75154-159.
Extractions: Glomerular inflammation and interleukin-10 Ò. V. Vashurina, T.V. Sergeeva g (IFN- g intercellular adhesion molecul ICAM-1, ICAM-2) íà ýíäîòåëèè ñîñóäîâ è íà ìåìáðàíàõ ëèìôîöèòîâ, ìîíîöèòîâ/ìàêðîôàãîâ (LFA-1 - lymphocyte function-related antigen-1 ; MAC-1 - macrohage-1 -receptor ). Óñèëåíèå ýêñïðåññèè è âçàèìîäåéñòâèÿ ìåæäó ICAM-1, ICAM-2 è LFA-1, ÌÀÑ-1 ñòèìóëèðóåòñÿ ïðîâîñïàëèòåëüíûìè Èë-1, ôàêòîðîì íåêðîçà îïóõîëè- a (TNF- a) , IFN- g. Äàííûå ïðîöåññû ïîâûøàþò ïðèëèïàíèå ìîíîöèòîâ, ëèìôîöèòîâ ê ýíäîòåëèþ è èõ ïðîíèêíîâåíèå â êëóáî÷åê è èíòåðñòèöèé. Íîâûå âîñïàëèòåëüíûå êëåòêè ïðèâëåêàþòñÿ â èíôèëüòðàò çà ñ÷åò íàêîïëåíèÿ â íåì ìîíîöèòàðíûõ õåìîàòòðàêòàíòíûõ ïðîòåèíîâ, òàêæå ïîâûøàþùèõ ýêñïðåññèþ ICAM-1. Àêòèâèðîâàííûå ìîíîöèòû/ìàêðîôàãè è, â ìåíüøåé ñòåïåíè, ìåçàíãèàëüíûå êëåòêè ñòàíîâÿòñÿ îñíîâíûìè èñòî÷íèêàìè ëîêàëüíîé ãèïåðïðîäóêöèè è ëîêàëüíîãî àóòîêðèííîãî/ïàðàêðèííîãî äåéñòâèÿ ïðîâîñïàëèòåëüíûõ öèòîêèíîâ (Èë-1, TNF- a b - TGF- b , òðîìáîöèòàðíîãî ôàêòîðà ðîñòà - PDGF è äð.), ïîääåðæèâàþùèõ ãëîìåðóëÿðíîå âîñïàëåíèå.  äàëüíåéøåì ôîðìèðîâàíèå ðàçíîîáðàçíûõ ìîðôîëîãè÷åñêèõ âàðèàíòîâ Í â îñíîâíîì îïðåäåëÿåòñÿ âûðàæåííîñòüþ ïðîëîíãèðîâàííûõ íåêîíòðîëèðóåìûõ ïðîöåññîâ ñâîáîäíîðàäèêàëüíîãî áèîëîãè÷åñêîãî îêèñëåíèÿ ñ íàêîïëåíèåì òîêñè÷íûõ ìåòàáîëèòîâ àðàõèäîíîâîé êèñëîòû, à òàêæå ñîîòíîøåíèåì ñòåïåíè ïðîëèôåðàöèè ìåçàíãèàëüíûõ, ýíäîòåëèàëüíûõ êëåòîê è íàêîïëåíèÿ ýêñòðàöåëëþëÿðíîãî ìàòðèêñà (ÝÖÌ). in vivo in vitro ñ îïðåäåëåííûìè êëåòî÷íûìè êóëüòóðàìè, à òàêæå â ðåçóëüòàòå íåïîñðåäñòâåííûõ èññëåäîâàíèé ó áîëüíûõ ñ ïðîëèôåðàòèâíûìè ãëîìåðóëîíåôðèòàìè, IgA-íåôðîïàòèåé, ÔÑÑ, ïîäîñòðûì ãëîìåðóëîíåôðèòîì, âîë÷àíî÷íûì íåôðèòîì óäàëîñü óñòàíîâèòü ñòèìóëèðóþùåå âëèÿíèå Èë-1, Èë-6, TNF-
Untitled C. lipoid nephrosis. l. Etiology and Pathogenesis. l. Pathogenesis. a. Know the relationshipbetween lipoid nephrosis and focal. segmental glomerulosclerosis.
References On The Intra-Arterial Administration Of Agents Using P4004 Garin EH, Laflam P, Chandler L. Antiinterleukin 8 antibody abolishes effectsof lipoid nephrosis cytokine. Pediatric Nephrology 1998; 12381-385.
Extractions: Home Page References on the Intra-Arterial Administration of Agents Using ALZET Osmotic Pumps (IA-Q1-2003) 1007D; Controls received mp w/ vehicle; peptides. Yang HT, Yan Z, Abraham JA, Terjung RL. VEGF 2002; 14 days; Controls received mp w/ vehicle; cardiovascular; peptides; vehicle was PBS w/ 10% sodium citrate and 1.6% glycerol; sodium citrate used to prevent coagulation; glycerol used to enhance protein stability. 2002; 14 days; controls received mp w/ vehicle; dose response; peptides, cardiovascular; recomb. human FGF used; sodium citrate used to maintain catheter patency; glycerol used to stabilize protein. 2002; 2 weeks; controls received mp w/vehicle; functionality of mp verified by residual volume; peptides; human. recomb fibroblast growth factor used. 2ML4; 28 days; pump diagram (p. 888); 22 g intravenous catheter was inserted into tygon tubing; "implantable osmotic pumps offer an alternative simple delivery method, providing a constant release of soluble agents in a steady-state fashion." (p. 892); controls received mp w/vehicle; good methods (pp. 887-888); cardiovascular; peptides. 2ML1; 5 days; controls received mp w/vehicle; functionality of mp verified by residual volume; heat-stretched PE-10 tubing used; immunology.
Lipoid Nephrosis lipoid nephrosis. A Medical Encyclopedia Maryland Medical System. A resourcewith information on over 4000 medical topics including lipoid nephrosis.
Renal Pathology Renal Pathology. 1. All of the following statements are true with regards tolipoid nephrosis Except 34. Minimal change disease (lipoid nephrosis). 35.
Respuesta A Los Esteroides En El Síndrome Nefrótico Idiopático Translate this page P, Lee JC, Rosenan W. lipoid nephrosis in 31 adult patients renal biopsy studyby ligth, electron and fluorescence microscopy with experience in treatment.
Extractions: SUMMARY Subject headings: NEPHROTIC SYNDROME/drug therapy; PREDNISONE/therapeutic use El síndrome nefrótico idiopático (SNI) es una entidad clínica que se caracteriza por proteinuria masiva, hipoalbuminemia, hiperlipidemia y edema. Hísticamente tiene alteraciones no específicas del glomérulo, con inclusion de la lesión mínima (LM), la glomeruloesclerosis focal segmentaria (GFS) y la proliferación mesangial difusa (PMD). Estos hallazgos están asociados con la fusión de los procesos basales podocitarios en la microscopia electrónica y ausencia de depósitos significativos de inmunoglobulinas y complemento. La prednisona se considera la droga de elección para el tratamiento del niño con SNI.
ICD-9-CM From Code 580 glomerulonephritis. 581.3 With lesion of minimal change glomerulonephritisFoot process disease; lipoid nephrosis; Minimal change glomerular
Extractions: 580 Acute glomerulonephritis 580.4 With lesion of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis 580.8 With other specified pathological lesion in kidney 580.89 Other 580.9 Acute glomerulonephritis with unspecified pathological lesion in kidney Nephritis specified as acute Nephropathy specified as acute 581 Nephrotic syndrome 581.0 With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis
Lipoid Nephrosis lipoid nephrosis. A Medical Encyclopedia Article provided by Kernan Hospital. A resourcewith information on over 4000 medical topics including lipoid nephrosis.